Mohamed Abdo - Asrar el 3ayoun

Thread: Mohamed Abdo - Asrar el 3ayoun

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  1. deelyb said:

    Default Mohamed Abdo - Asrar el 3ayoun

    Hi all - I really like the Mohamed Abdo song Asrar el 3ayoun, and I wondered if someone could help me by translating the lyrics into English? A friend helped me to find the lyrics in Arabic script (below) and a version of the song online ( An english transliteration would be nice too, but maybe that's a bit too cheeky!

    Thanks in advance

    الله اكبر يوم ضحكـت بالعيـون نادت محمد وأنا فيهـا سرحـت

    لو تنادي ع البشر كلهـم يجـون الا انا من لهفتي ماجيـت رحـت

    شفتها ونسيت نفسي مـن اكـون مااقدراوصف ماجرالي لو شرحت

    شعرة مابيـن عقلـي والجنـون لواقطعتها كان من الحب استرحت

    ناظرتني واخطفت قلبـي بهـون بعد ماأنا من نواظرها انجرحـت

    جيت ابسأل وين قلبـي يافتـون قاطعتني لا لا تسأل لو سمحـت

    راحت وقلبي تبعها فـي سكـون وأنا ودعتـه وبوداعـه فرحـت

    ادري انه في وسط قلـبٍ حنـون وادري اني غارق ٍ مهما سبحـت

    فجأة نادتني وصحّت بي ظنـون فقت من حلم ٍ معه لبعيـد رحـت

    اثرني سرحان في ذيـك العيـون يوم أنا بعيونها لحظـة سرحـت
  2. deelyb said:


    Does no one else like this song, or did I ask all wrong?
  3. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:


    you just have to wait til someone translated it . it can take some time but it will happen (:
  4. deelyb said:


    Thanks moldoveanu - I'll be more patient...
  5. Gole Yas said:


    i loved this song ..

    الله اكبر يوم ضحكـت بالعيـون نادت محمد وأنا فيهـا سرحـت
    Oh God, when she laughed, with her eyes she called out “Mohammed”, and in her I day dreamed
    لو تنادي ع البشر كلهـم يجـون الا انا من لهفتي ماجيـت رحـت
    If she calls out to all the people they would come, except for me from me yearning I wouldn’t come, I would go
    شفتها ونسيت نفسي مـن اكـون مااقدراوصف ماجرالي لو شرحت
    I saw her, and I forgot who I am, no matter how I explain it I cant describe what happened to me
    شعرة مابيـن عقلـي والجنـون لواقطعتها كان من الحب استرحت
    A thin hair exists between sanity and insanity, if I cut it I would be eased away from love
    ناظرتني واخطفت قلبـي بهـون بعد ماأنا من نواظرها انجرحـت
    She looked at me, and kidnapped me heart easily, after I was wounded from her glances
    جيت ابسأل وين قلبـي يافتـون قاطعتني لا لا تسأل لو سمحـت
    I came to ask where is my heart oh pretty one, she interrupted me and said “no no please don’t ask”
    راحت وقلبي تبعها فـي سكـون وأنا ودعتـه وبوداعـه فرحـت
    She left, and my heart followed her in silence, I said goodbye to my heart, and with this goodbye I felt happiness
    ادري انه في وسط قلـبٍ حنـون وادري اني غارق ٍ مهما سبحـت
    I know that it will be in the middle of a kind heart, and I know that im drowning no matter how much I swim
    فجأة نادتني وصحّت بي ظنـون فقت من حلم ٍ معه لبعيـد رحـت
    Suddenly she called out for me, and woke up my doubts, I woke up from a dream with him, I went far away
    اثرني سرحان في ذيـك العيـون يوم أنا بعيونها لحظـة سرحـت
    It turned out that I was day dreaming in those eyes, when for a moment I day dreamed in them

    enjoy sweetz .. if there's anything you dont get lemi know =D
  6. deelyb said:


    Gole Yas - Shukran!

    I love the sound of the song, now I understand the lyrics it is *more* beautiful!

    I have just one more question: does the mention of Allah and Mohamed make this a religious song? From the lyrics it seems like a love song to me, but I just wanted to clarify.
  7. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by deelyb View Post
    An english transliteration would be nice too, but maybe that's a bit too cheeky!
    Of course! Ask away Its not cheeky at all

    الله اكبر يوم ضحكـت بالعيـون نادت محمد وأنا فيهـا سرحـت
    allahu akbar youm di7kat bil3yoon, nadat mohamad wana fiha sir7t
    لو تنادي ع البشر كلهـم يجـون الا انا من لهفتي ماجيـت رحـت
    law tinadi 3al bashar kolohom yijoon ila ana min lahfiti ma jeet ro7t
    شفتها ونسيت نفسي مـن اكـون مااقدراوصف ماجرالي لو شرحت
    shoftaha winseet nafsi men akoon maqdar awsef ma jarali law shara7t
    شعرة مابيـن عقلـي والجنـون لواقطعتها كان من الحب استرحت
    sha3ret ma bayn 3aqli wiljonoon law aqta3ha kan min el7ob istara7t
    ناظرتني واخطفت قلبـي بهـون بعد ماأنا من نواظرها انجرحـت
    nathartni w khtefat qalbi bhoon ba3d ma2ini min nwatherha injara7t
    جيت ابسأل وين قلبـي يافتـون قاطعتني لا لا تسأل لو سمحـت
    jeet abas2al wayna galbi ya fotoon qata3tni la la tis2al law sama7t
    راحت وقلبي تبعها فـي سكـون وأنا ودعتـه وبوداعـه فرحـت
    ra7at w qalbi tiba3ha fi sokoon wana wada3taho w fara7t
    ادري انه في وسط قلـبٍ حنـون وادري اني غارق ٍ مهما سبحـت
    adri ino fi wast qalb 7anoon wadri ini 3'areq mahma saba7t
    فجأة نادتني وصحّت بي ظنـون فقت من حلم ٍ معه لبعيـد رحـت
    faj2a nadatni w sa7at biy thonon fiqt min 7elm ma3oh lab3eed ro7t
    اثرني سرحان في ذيـك العيـون يوم أنا بعيونها لحظـة سرحـت
    atharni sar7an fi theek el3yoon youm ana b3yonha la7tha sara7t

  8. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by deelyb View Post
    I have just one more question: does the mention of Allah and Mohamed make this a religious song? From the lyrics it seems like a love song to me, but I just wanted to clarify.
    I'm not great with khaliji dialect, but I think you're right in thinking its a love song The mention of 'allah' is just like saying 'God!' in english, and normally instead of cheering, you'll find many arabs saying 'allah allah' like wow

    As to the mention of Muhammad and Futoon, I think they're just names

    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post

    جيت ابسأل وين قلبـي يافتـون قاطعتني لا لا تسأل لو سمحـت
    I came to ask where is my heart oh pretty one, she interrupted me and said “no no please don’t ask”
    Aaah hone ana fakart 3am y2ol futoon as the name

    Quote Originally Posted by Hayati
    راحت وقلبي تبعها فـي سكـون وأنا ودعتـه وبوداعـه فرحـت
    She left, and my heart followed her in silence, I said goodbye to my heart, and with this goodbye I felt happiness
    I think hay sokoon habibti mish sokoot, in contentment instead of in silence?
  9. deelyb said:


    Thanks so much for clarifying VivaPalestina
  10. Gole Yas said:


    Hehe .. as viva mentioned.. mentioning Allah just means somthing in the lines of "God!" "Oh My!" or "Wow"

    as for mohammed, it states out that she was calling out his name =P nothin to do with the prophet peace be upon him

    as for futoon my beloved wife viva .. it miiiight mean a name, bout i doubt it, because futoon is usually used as "pretty one", and if it was the name of the girl then most probably the song will have the title of her name too..

    emm.. transliteration done by viva already =D..

    and.. what else.. skoon might mean silence, contentment, even peace.. so i used one of the words in mind ..

    hehe =D anything else ?