Tamer Hosny - Wala Teswa

Thread: Tamer Hosny - Wala Teswa

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  1. beckham2 said:

    Post Tamer Hosny - Wala Teswa

    i need Translation This Song English plzzzzz

    Tamer Hosny - Wala Teswa

    Last edited by beckham2; 04-26-2011 at 04:43 AM.
  2. aila's Avatar

    aila said:


    arabic lyric:

    من يوم ما قابلتيك قلت خلاص مش عايز ناس
    حواليا كفاية عليا تكونى قدامى برتاح
    وعرفت يوميها ان انا حبيت وبجد ياريت
    مالعمر يمر كفاية عليا كتير اوى راح

    عيشت احلم بيكى شوفي يجي من قد اية
    وانا مستنيكى تيجي قلبى تعيشى فيه
    عيشت احلم بيكى شوفي يجي من قد اية
    وانا مستنيكى تيجي قلبى تعيشى فيه

    ولا تسوى الدنيا من غيرك ولا حاجة
    انتى فرحة عمرى وانتى ليا كل حاجة
    ولا تسوى الدنيا من غيرك ولا حاجة
    انتى فرحة عمرى وانتى ليا كل حاجة

    وحياتك عندى لاعيشلك عمرى واخلصلك ومسلم امرى
    هوا انا كنت احلم ولا اطول تكونيلى يا قمرى
    انا ايوة حلمت ان انا حبيت بس انا بيكى انا كدة عديت
    وبجد انا ربنا ادانى فوق ماتمنيت

    عيشت احلم بيكى شوفي يجي من قد اية
    وانا مستنيكى تيجي قلبى تعيشى فيه
    عيشت احلم بيكى شوفي يجي من قد اية
    وانا مستنيكى تيجي قلبى تعيشى فيه

    ولا تسوى الدنيا من غيرك ولا حاجة
    انتى فرحة عمرى وانتى ليا كل حاجة
    ولا تسوى الدنيا من غيرك ولا حاجة
    انتى فرحة عمرى وانتى ليا كل حاجة
  3. beckham2 said:


    i need Translation This Song English
  4. stefimarsa said:


    pls can someone translate it to english???
  5. stefimarsa said:


    Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee nobody knows how to translate it? It looks simple!
  6. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    من يوم ما قابلتك قولت خلاص مش عايز ناس حواليا
    men yoam ma abeltak 2olt 5alas mush 3ayes nas 7awalaya
    since the day I met you I said "enough ! I don't need people around me"

    كفايه عليا تكوني قدامي برتاح
    kifaya 3alayya tkouny 2odamy barta7
    you being in front of me is enough for me, I feel good

    و عرفت يوميها ان أنا حبيت وبجد يا ريت
    we3reft yomeeha en ana 7abait w bgad ya rait ...
    since that day I knew that I loved and really wish ...

    ما العمر يمر كفايه عليا كتير أوي راح
    ma el 3omr ymor kfaya 3allaya kteer awe ra7
    that life never passes, enough for me ... too much have left

    عشت بحلم بيكي شوفي ييجي من قد إيه
    3esh ba7lam beeki shofy byege men ad eah
    I've lived dreaming about you, look since when ...

    و أنا مستنيكي تيجي قلبي تعيشي فيه
    wana mistaneeky tegy 2alby t3eeshy fe
    I've been waiting for you to come to my heart and live in it

    ولا تسوى الدنيا من غيرك ولا حاجه
    wala teswa el dunia men '3airek wala 7aga
    without you life doesn't worth nothing

    ده انتي فرحة عمري و انتي ليا كل حاجه
    da enty far7et 3omry wenty leya kol 7aga
    you are the happiness of my life, to me you are everything

    وحياتك عندي لأعيشلك عمري بخلصلك
    we7yatik 3indy la2a3eesh el 3omr ba5leslik
    for the sake of your life I swear I will live the life time for you

    و مسلم أمري هو أنا كنت أحلم ولا أطول تكونيلي يا قمري
    w msalem amry howa ana kont a7lam wala atool tkonely ya amary
    and I surrender myself, have I dreamt or imagined that you will be mine my moon !

    أنا أيوه حلمت ان أنا حبيت بس أنا بيكي أنا كده عديت
    ana aywa 7ilmt en ana 7abait bas ana beki kida 3adait
    yes I've dreamt that I loved but with you ! I passed*
    *he passed the dream and it became true

    و بجد أنا ربنا اداني فوق ما اتمنيت
    w bgad ana rabena edany fo2 ma etmanait
    and really god gave me more than what I've wished
    Last edited by Hazar-rox; 07-18-2011 at 02:14 PM.
  7. stefimarsa said:


    Thanks soooo much!!!
  8. randa434 said:


    ما العمر يمر كفايه عليا كتير أوي راح
    ma el 3omr ymor kfaya 3allaya kteer awe ra7
    the life have never pass, enough for me ... too much have left

    awal shi badde betshakkark ekteeer tani shi badde bes2alak soal 7abibi Hazar,ma befham ay kilme ya3ni the life have never pass?
    ma el 3omr ymor doesn't mean the life have passed?
    ma is related to fe3l yomer?walla shou?
    momken explain it more for me?
    thx in advanced....
  9. randa434 said:


    sorry hazar again i have another question

    عشت بحلم بيكي شوفي ييجي من قد إيه
    3esh ba7lam beeki shofy byege men ad eah
    I've lived dreaming about you, look since when ...

    i couldnt find the meaning of yiji and mn adde eih here?
    yiji = he comes?
    mn 2adde eih = yama?
    but i couldn't translate the wholewould you plz help me ?
    Last edited by randa434; 07-18-2011 at 12:47 PM.
  10. mvnr1 said:


    @ randa434

    يجى (yeegi) literally means he comes, but it's also an expression which means nearly or approximately, for example:
    Ana aret el ketab da yeegi marreten. (I've read this book like twice)
    انا قريت الكتاب ده يجى مرتين

    من قد إيه (men add eh) literally means from how much/many, but it figuratively means since when

    يجى من قد إيه means approximately since when, but this expression when said in Arabic it implies that something has happened for a long time, so in the song he means that he's been living dreaming about her for a long time
  11. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    Quote Originally Posted by randa434 View Post
    ما العمر يمر كفايه عليا كتير أوي راح
    ma el 3omr ymor kfaya 3allaya kteer awe ra7
    the life have never pass, enough for me ... too much have left

    awal shi badde betshakkark ekteeer tani shi badde bes2alak soal 7abibi Hazar,ma befham ay kilme ya3ni the life have never pass?
    ma el 3omr ymor doesn't mean the life have passed?
    ma is related to fe3l yomer?walla shou?
    momken explain it more for me?
    thx in advanced....
    ohh sorry "typo" :P
    well it is "never passes" and the sentence is bgad ya rait<< from the previous line, and ma el 3omr ymor so its I really wish that life never passes

    hope I made that clear
  12. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    mvnr1 answered your second question
  13. randa434 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Hazar-rox View Post
    ohh sorry "typo" :P
    well it is "never passes" and the sentence is bgad ya rait<< from the previous line, and ma el 3omr ymor so its I really wish that life never passes

    hope I made that clear
    thank you so much Hazar 3 tafasilak bs 5alini bes2alak heik: ana ma befham leish hay fe3l ma3nah salbi ,ma el 3omr ymor bzen ,ymor elo ma3na ijabi mesh salbi.sa7?
    or if it has got negative meaning so where is the symbol for this?
    eda sama7t sa3edni
    thx in advanced
  14. Hazar-rox's Avatar

    Hazar-rox said:


    in this sentence ma is what made it negative ... look :
    el 3omr = life
    ymor = passes