Mohammed Abdo - Ta3al 2010 محمد عبده تعال

Thread: Mohammed Abdo - Ta3al 2010 محمد عبده تعال

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  1. Nur AhmadF said:

    Default Mohammed Abdo - Ta3al 2010 محمد عبده تعال

    تعال وانظر في خفوقي وسارع
    الصبر طال وخايف يتلفه ياس
    عجزت وانا مع خفوقي اصارع
    حبك ولذة شوفتك واجمل احساس
    شديت احساسي بأسلوب بارع
    وخليتني في الناس ماني من الناس
    ودقات قلبي من غلاك تقارع
    قرع الطبول إلى احتمى الدم في الراس

    ياعين حر في سما المجد فارع
    يأغلى من الدانات وأغلى من الماس
    معك الهوى دون لفه وشارع
    من دون بوابه ومن دون حرّاس

    أرضٍ وسيعه وامتلت بالمدارع
    زرعت فيها صادق الحب بإحساس
    وحصدت عكس اللي انا كنت زارع
    غرسة هجر حصدتها دون غرّاس

    can someone translate please ?
  2. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    here you go ...i did my best

    تعال وانظر في خفوقي وسارع
    come and look at my heart quickly

    الصبر طال وخايف يتلفه ياس
    my patience took so long and i am afraid that hopelessness ruin it

    عجزت وانا مع خفوقي اصارع
    I failed to struggle with my heart

    حبك ولذة شوفتك واجمل احساس
    your love and the deliciousness of your meeting and the most beautiful feeling

    شديت احساسي بأسلوب بارع
    you have grabbed my feelings in creative way

    وخليتني في الناس ماني من الناس
    and you let me when with people like am not with people / or like am not one of the people

    ودقات قلبي من غلاك تقارع
    my heart beats is knocking hard from your love

    قرع الطبول إلى احتمى الدم في الراس
    the drum striking while my blood settle in my head

    ياعين حر في سما المجد فارع
    you are the free eye that rays in the sky of glory

    يأغلى من الدانات وأغلى من الماس
    you are more precious than pearls and more valuable than diamonds

    معك الهوى دون لفه وشارع
    with you ..the love has no turns or streets / means its too straight

    من دون بوابه ومن دون حرّاس
    without a gate and without a guards

    أرضٍ وسيعه وامتلت بالمدارع
    a wide land that filled with armors

    زرعت فيها صادق الحب بإحساس
    where i have planted in it with my feelings the true honest love

    وحصدت عكس اللي انا كنت زارع
    but i have harvest from it the opposite/contrary of what i have planted

    غرسة هجر حصدتها دون غرّاس
    a plant of surrender that i have harvest without a planter
  3. Nur AhmadF said:


    thank you so much Mavii but can you explain the last two sentences of the song for me? i didnt quite understand what the song wants to show at the end.
  4. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    he means that the love he got for her is like a wide land which is planted with feelings and passion
    like as he was the one who planted in that land all these feelings but after all when the plants grown up (his feelings in loving her )
    grown up ..he harvest Un-wanted results

    means instead of having similar love from her he found opposite feelings .

    hope i cleared it up for you
  5. Nur AhmadF said:


    ohh i understand now , thanks