Ramy Sabry - ba7ebek & alf mashalah 3aleik

Thread: Ramy Sabry - ba7ebek & alf mashalah 3aleik

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  1. amar's Avatar

    amar said:

    Red face amo amar

    wow u met him personally! I envy you. He is really great, funny, humble, nice, what i like from him , its his personality, his videos are so creative, his songs are the best, and his voice is so lovely... I know he is marry :-( hehehe.. some1 like him cant be single..buah buah buah.
    It seems that Egypt is the mother of lot of amazing man! mama mia.

    I upload the files MP3 where u told me... merci, shukran, merci

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    bye--Allah hafiz

    إذ كان حبيبك عسل، ما تلحشوس كله*
  2. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Fadl Shaker - M2assar Feye ♪

    M2assar Feye
    You've Affected Me

    m2assar feye w b3eenaye, shwaye shwaye 3alaye / you've affected me and my eyes, go easy on me
    saken feye w 7walaye, be alby w broo7y / you live in me and all around me, in my heart and my life
    la ma baddy mennak wardeh, baddy bel-7enneyeh / no I don't want a rose from you, I want you kindly
    dallak 7addy tdafy bardy, tnasseeny jroo7y / to stay next to me and warm up my coldness and make me forget my wounds

    fer7an jinn w 7ibbah 7ob jnoon / I'm happy that I'll go crazy and love you crazily
    fez3an seer khyalak wein ma tkoon / I'm afraid I'd become your shadow wherever you go (I'm afraid I'll stalk you)
    fer7an ensa 3youny, w enta te2sha3 be 3youny / I'm happy to forget my eyes when you look into them
    fez3an t2elly koun w ma tkoun / I'm scared you might tell me to be somewhere but you won't be there

    bte7ky 3anny bte3ref enny kelmatak ra7 ghanny / when you talk about me you know that I'm gonna sing these words you say
    nazra mennak betjanneny, bet7ally 7ayaty / a look from you makes me go crazy and makes my life sweeter
    ana ya 3eedy ekhtartak 3eedy, baddy orbak menny / my joy I choose you to be my fest, I want you to be close to me
    denye jdeede khod eedy, dmo3y w basmaty / take my hand, my tears and my smiles to a new world

    fer7an jinn w 7ibbah 7ob jnoon / I'm happy that I'll go crazy and love you crazily
    fez3an seer khyalak wein ma tkoon / I'm afraid I'd become your shadow wherever you go (I'm afraid I'll stalk you)
    fer7an ensa 3youny, w enta te2sha3 be 3youny / I'm happy to forget my eyes when you look into them
    fez3an t2elly koun w ma tkoun / I'm scared you might tell me to be somewhere but you won't be there

    m2assar feye w b3eenaye, shwaye shwaye 3alaye / you've affected me and my eyes, go easy on me
    saken feye w 7walaye, be alby w broo7y / you live in me and all around me, in my heart and my life
    la ma baddy mennak wardeh, baddy bel-7enneyeh / no I don't want a rose from you, I want you kindly
    dallak 7addy tdafy bardy, tnasseeny jroo7y / to stay next to me and warm up my coldness and make me forget my wounds
    m2assar feye... / you've affected me...
  3. bisma said:


    can you please translate nancy ajrams song mo3gaba?
  4. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Amr Diab - Wala 3ala Balo ♪

    Wala 3ala Balo
    Doesn't Care (Literally "It's Not On His Mind")

    7abiby wala 3ala balo sho2y eleeh / my baby doesn't care how much I miss her
    wala shaghel balo anady 3aleeh / and she doesn't care when I call her
    w layaly kteer afakar feeh / and many nights I think about her
    w a7en eleeh wala dary / and I long to her but she doesn't know

    kefaya enno ba2alo leila w youm / it's enough that it's been a whole night and a whole day
    3ala tool fe khayaly w mafeesh noom / while I was thinking about her and I couldn't sleep
    w layaly kteer afakar feeh / and many nights I think about her
    w a7en eleeh wala dary / and I long to her but she doesn't know

    7abiby wala 3ala balo sho2y eleeh / my baby doesn't care how much I miss her
    wala shaghel balo anady 3aleeh / and she doesn't care when I call her
    w layaly kteer afakar feeh / and many nights I think about her
    w a7en eleeh wala dary / and I long to her but she doesn't know

    3oyouno feeha kalam fe leil khalah / her eyes have many night talks that made her
    mala alby gharam fe a7la 3azab / fill my heart with love in the sweetest torture
    w layaly kteer afakar feeh / and many nights I think about her
    w a7en eleeh wala dary / and I long to her but she doesn't know


    7abiby wala 3ala balo sho2y eleeh / my baby doesn't care how much I miss her
    wala shaghel balo anady 3aleeh / and she doesn't care when I call her
    w layaly kteer afakar feeh / and many nights I think about her
    w a7en eleeh wala dary / and I long to her but she doesn't know


    ولا على باله

    حبيبي ولا على باله شوقي إليه و لا شاغل باله أنادي عليه

    و ليالي كتيره افكر فيه و أحن إليه و لا داري

    كفايه انو بقاله ليله و يوم علطول في خيالي و مافيش نوم

    و ليالي كتيره افكر فيه و أحن إليه و لا داري

    عيونه فيها كلام في ليل خجلان مانا قلبي غرام في أحلى عذاب

    و ليالي كتيره افكر فيه و أحن إليه و لا داري
    Last edited by RoCk-StAr; 03-18-2007 at 01:23 PM.
  5. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Nancy Ajram - Mo3gaba ♪

    I Like You (literally "I'm An Admirer")

    mo3gaba, moghrama, ana ba2a mesh 3ayza ella howa / I like him, I'm in love with him, I don't want anyone but him
    mashyeto, hamseto, nazreto bet7arak alby gowa / his walk, his whisper, his look, they move my heart inside me

    7ad ye2olo, 7ad ye2olo, enny ba7ebo el 7ob dah kollo / someone should tell him, someone should tell him, that I love him that much
    7ad ye7annen albo 3alaya, ana maksoofa aroo7lo w a2oulo / someone should make him go easy on me, I'm too shy to go to him and tell him

    mo3gaba, moghrama, ana ba2a mesh 3ayza ella howa / I like him, I'm in love with him, I don't want anyone but him
    mashyeto, hamseto, nazreto bet7arak alby gowa / his walk, his whisper, his look, they move my heart inside me

    aywa khatafny bse7r gamalo, sho2y bayenlo w 3einy aylalo / yes he snatched me with the charm of his beauty, my loning is apparent to him and my eyes told him
    khayfa makoonsh ana elly fe balo ba3d da kollo / I'm afraid I won't not the one on his mind after all of that

    7ad ye2olo, 7ad ye2olo, enny ba7ebo el 7ob dah kollo / someone should tell him, someone should tell him, that I love him that much
    7ad ye7annen albo 3alaya, ana maksoofa aroo7lo w a2oulo / someone should make him go easy on me, I'm too shy to go to him and tell him

    mo3gaba, moghrama, ana ba2a mesh 3ayza ella howa / I like him, I'm in love with him, I don't want anyone but him
    mashyeto, hamseto, nazreto bet7arak alby gowa / his walk, his whisper, his look, they move my heart inside me

    roo7o oloulo ba7ebo w malo? mo3gaba beeh w dayba w maylalo / go and tell him I love him, so what? I really like him
    wa7da khalas 3ash2a w 3ayshalo 3omraha kollo / I'm someone who's in love and that's gonna live all her life for him

    7ad ye2olo, 7ad ye2olo, enny ba7ebo el 7ob dah kollo / someone should tell him, someone should tell him, that I love him that much
    7ad ye7annen albo 3alaya, ana maksoofa aroo7lo w a2oulo / someone should make him go easy on me, I'm too shy to go to him and tell him

    mo3gaba, moghrama, ana ba2a mesh 3ayza ella howa / I like him, I'm in love with him, I don't want anyone but him
    mashyeto, hamseto, nazreto bet7arak alby gowa / his walk, his whisper, his look, they move my heart inside me
  6. LenOosh's Avatar

    LenOosh said:


    i think my request is lost between all these can ı request again ?

    Ma fiyi 3eesh illa ma3ak
    Ma fiyi koon illa ilak
    Lown 3younak gharami,
    Dakhlak sadi2 kalami
    Albi w rouhi ma3ak
    Law 3annak ba3adouny bteb2a wahdak bi 3youni
    Tehkili w esma3ak
    Lown 3younak gharami,
    Dakhlak sadi2 kalami
    Albi w rouhi ma3ak
    Law mahma sar ma beb2a la hali
    Rmini benar ahwanli kermali
    T3awadt 3aleyk w 3ataytak hanani
    Roohi bi 2ideyk w hayati w kayani
    Lawn 3younak gharami,
    Dakhlak sadi2 kalami
    Albi w rouhi ma3ak
  7. monaa said:


    thanx rockstar. ohh my god , such strong words lol
  8. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Mustafa Amar - Wana Leih ♪

    Wana Leih
    And Why Am I?

    wana leih mabteshghelneesh ella 3eneeh? / and why am I only thnking about her eyes?
    ba7lam be 3oyouno w banadeeh? / dreaming about her her eyes and calling her?
    maba2etsh bafakar gheer feeh? / and I only think about her?

    wallah wallah wallah, ghayarly 7aly / I swear, she changed me
    wallah wallah wallah, ma3rafsh emta w leih / I swear, I don't know when or how
    khadetny 3eneeh, shaghalny 3aleeh / her eyes took me away, and she made me think about her

    wana leih mabteshghelneesh ella 3eneeh? / and why am I only thnking about her eyes?
    ba7lam be 3oyouno w banadeeh? / dreaming about her her eyes and calling her?
    maba2etsh bafakar gheer feeh? / and I only think about her?

    ba7ebo men alby, elly khad alby / I love her from the bottom of my heart, the one the took my heart
    lamma shoft 3eneeh / when I saw her eyes
    w nefsy ool 3omry, law yekoon ganby / and I wish all my life, she'd be next to me
    wab3a koll ma leeh / and I'd be her everything

    wallah wallah wallah, ghayarly 7aly / I swear, she changed me
    wallah wallah wallah, ma3rafsh emta w leih / I swear, I don't know when or how
    khadetny 3eneeh, shaghalny 3aleeh / her eyes took me away, and she made me think about her

    wana leih mabteshghelneesh ella 3eneeh? / and why am I only thnking about her eyes?
    ba7lam be 3oyouno w banadeeh? / dreaming about her her eyes and calling her?
    maba2etsh bafakar gheer feeh? / and I only think about her?

    3eshe2to men hamsa, dobt men lamsa / I loved her from a whisper, I melted from a touch
    toht waya hawah / I was lost with her love
    ha3eeshlo ayamy, koll a7lamy / I'll live my days for her, and all my dreams
    habtedeeha ma3ah / I'll start them with her

    wallah wallah wallah, ghayarly 7aly / I swear, she changed me
    wallah wallah wallah, ma3rafsh emta w leih / I swear, I don't know when or how
    khadetny 3eneeh, shaghalny 3aleeh / her eyes took me away, and she made me think about her
  9. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:


    @ amar : lol, you know he and his wife were together in college but she didn't notice him at all, that's when he started to bring his guitar with him to college and kept playing on campus among his friends till he made her fall for him.
    and all I know is that Egypt is the mother of great arts, Nicknamed "Hollywood of the East", but great men, you'd have to come here and experience it yourself.

    @ monaa : you're welcome, that's one of his very few songs that I like, and most of the Arabic songs have such strong words, Arabs were famous with the strength of their poetry.

    @ LenOosh : Oops, sorry, coming right away.
  10. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Nancy Ajram - Lawn 3younak ♪

    Lawn 3younak
    The Color of Your Eyes

    Ma fiyi 3eesh illa ma3ak / I cannot live anywhere but with you
    Ma fiyi koon illa ilak / I cannot be anything but yours

    Lown 3younak gharami, / the color of your eyes is my love
    Dakhlak sadi2 kalami / please believe my words
    Albi w rouhi ma3ak / my heart and soul are with you
    Law 3annak ba3adouny / if they took me away from you
    bteb2a wahdak bi 3youni / you'd be the only one in my eyes
    Tehkini w esma3ak / you'd talk to me and I'd hear you

    Ma fiyi 3eesh illa ma3ak / I cannot live anywhere but with you
    Ma fiyi koon illa ilak / I cannot be anything but yours

    Law mahma sar ma beb2a la hali / whatever happens, don't you ever leave me alone
    Rmini benar ahwanli kermali / please throw me in the fire, that would be easier on me

    Lown 3younak gharami, / the color of your eyes is my love
    Dakhlak sadi2 kalami / please believe my words
    Albi w rouhi ma3ak / my heart and soul are with you
    Law 3annak ba3adouny / if they took me away from you
    bteb2a wahdak bi 3youni / you'd be the only one in my eyes
    Tehkini w esma3ak / you'd talk to me and I'd hear you

    Ma fiyi 3eesh illa ma3ak / I cannot live anywhere but with you
    Ma fiyi koon illa ilak / I cannot be anything but yours

    T3awadt 3aleyk w 3ataytak hanani / I got used to you and I gave you my kindness
    Roohi bi 2ideyk w hayati w kayani / my soul, my life and my existence are in your hands

    Lown 3younak gharami, / the color of your eyes is my love
    Dakhlak sadi2 kalami / please believe my words
    Albi w rouhi ma3ak / my heart and soul are with you
    Law 3annak ba3adouny / if they took me away from you
    bteb2a wahdak bi 3youni / you'd be the only one in my eyes
    Tehkini w esma3ak / you'd talk to me and I'd hear you

    Ma fiyi 3eesh illa ma3ak / I cannot live anywhere but with you
    Ma fiyi koon illa ilak / I cannot be anything but yours

    Lown 3younak gharami, / the color of your eyes is my love
    Dakhlak sadi2 kalami / please believe my words
    Albi w rouhi ma3ak / my heart and soul are with you
    Law 3annak ba3adouny / if they took me away from you
    bteb2a wahdak bi 3youni / you'd be the only one in my eyes
    Tehkini w esma3ak / you'd talk to me and I'd hear you

    Ma fiyi 3eesh illa ma3ak / I cannot live anywhere but with you
  11. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Mustafa Amar - 7abib 7ayaty ♪

    7abib 7ayaty
    Love of My Life

    la2 la2 la2 la2 la2 / no no no no no
    7abib 7ayat ma3ak 7ayaty ma3ak / oh love of my life, my life is with you
    ana ana ana bas-har w badary / I, I, I am sleepless and I hide it
    ana ana ana bet2eed nary / I, I, I am on fire
    7abib 7ayat ma3ak 7ayaty ma3ak / oh love of my life, my life is with you
    keda keda lama enta btehwany / if you love me like that
    keda keda teshghelny w tensany? / then how come you make me think about you and then you foget me?

    ya sa2eeny el-weil fe hawak / you who make me live torture in your love
    w mdaweb alby ma3ak / and who melted my heart with you
    ya 7abiby ana mosh hansak / my love I won't forget you
    mosh hansak, mosh hansak / I won't forget you, I won't forget you

    a2 la2 la2 la2 la2 / no no no no no
    7abib 7ayat ma3ak 7ayaty ma3ak / oh love of my life, my life is with you
    ana ana ana bas-har w badary / I, I, I am sleepless and I hide it
    ana ana ana bet2eed nary / I, I, I am on fire
    7abib 7ayat ma3ak 7ayaty ma3ak / oh love of my life, my life is with you
    keda keda lama enta btehwany / if you love me like that
    keda keda teshghelny w tensany? / then how come you make me think about you and then you foget me?

    leih wala marra 7odnak beydomeny? / why have you never huged me, not even once?
    ya fayetny kol marra w 2al eih bet7ebeny / you who leave me each time and yet you say you love me
    2al eih bet7ebeny, 2al eih bet7ebeny / and yet you say you love me, and yet you say you love me

    ya sa2eeny el-weil fe hawak / you who make me live torture in your love
    w mdaweb alby ma3ak / and who melted my heart with you
    ya 7abiby ana mosh hansak / my love I won't forget you
    mosh hansak, mosh hansak / I won't forget you, I won't forget you

    a2 la2 la2 la2 la2 / no no no no no
    7abib 7ayat ma3ak 7ayaty ma3ak / oh love of my life, my life is with you
    ana ana ana bas-har w badary / I, I, I am sleepless and I hide it
    ana ana ana bet2eed nary / I, I, I am on fire
    7abib 7ayat ma3ak 7ayaty ma3ak / oh love of my life, my life is with you
    keda keda lama enta btehwany / if you love me like that
    keda keda teshghelny w tensany? / then how come you make me think about you and then you foget me?

    leih ya naseeny 7obak besh-shakl dah? / why, you who forgot me, your love is like that?
    tegra7ny wetwaseeny w maybansh 3aleek keda / you hurt me then you comfort me but it doesn't show on you
    maybansh 3aleek keda, maybansh 3aleek keda / but it doesn't show on you, but it doesn't show on you

    ya sa2eeny el-weil fe hawak / you who make me live torture in your love
    w mdaweb alby ma3ak / and who melted my heart with you
    ya 7abiby ana mosh hansak / my love I won't forget you
    mosh hansak, mosh hansak / I won't forget you, I won't forget you

    a2 la2 la2 la2 la2 / no no no no no
    7abib 7ayat ma3ak 7ayaty ma3ak / oh love of my life, my life is with you
    ana ana ana bas-har w badary / I, I, I am sleepless and I hide it
    ana ana ana bet2eed nary / I, I, I am on fire
    7abib 7ayat ma3ak 7ayaty ma3ak / oh love of my life, my life is with you
    keda keda lama enta btehwany / if you love me like that
    keda keda teshghelny w tensany? / then how come you make me think about you and then you foget me?

    ya sa2eeny el-weil fe hawak / you who make me live torture in your love
    w mdaweb alby ma3ak / and who melted my heart with you
    ya 7abiby ana mosh hansak / my love I won't forget you
    mosh hansak, mosh hansak / I won't forget you, I won't forget you

    7abib 7ayat ma3ak 7ayaty ma3ak / oh love of my life, my life is with you
  12. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Amr Diab - Kan Tayeb ♪

    Kan Tayeb
    She Was Good

    khalas ba2a beyetkallem / so now she's talking
    yer7am zaman es-sokoot / and the times of silence are over
    keber awam wet3allem / she grew up and learned (experienced)
    w khalas tele3lo sot / and now she has a voice

    kan tayeb, kan 7enayen / she was good, she was kind
    atareeh kaddab kebeer / but turns out she's a big liar
    mosh zay ma kan mebayen / unlike what she was showing
    da khada3na sneen keteer / she's been deciving us for many year

    khada3na wa7da wa7da, / she decived us bit by bit
    w gara7na marra wa7da / and then hurt us suddenly
    wet3allem fo2 yeteer / and learned to fly high

    khalas ba2a beyetkallem / so now she's talking
    yer7am zaman es-sokoot / and the times of silence are over
    keber awam wet3allem / she grew up and learned (experienced)
    w khalas tele3lo sot / and now she has a voice

    law yefteker zaman / if she remembers the old times
    ah zaman, ah kan howa eih / oh the old time, and what she was then
    kan 3yesh been edeena / she was living in our hands
    w 7nayeyneen 3aleeh / and we were kind to her

    kan tayeb, kan 7enayen / she was good, she was kind
    atareeh kaddab kebeer / but turns out she's a big liar
    mosh zay ma kan mebayen / unlike what she was showing
    da khada3na sneen keteer / she's been deciving us for many year

    ghalta w 3addet khalas / a mistake that's gone and passed
    ah khalas, hane3mel eih? / yes it passed, what could we do?
    mosh koll en-nas baree2a / not all the people are innocent
    fed-dony fe w fe / there are all sorts of people in the world

    kan tayeb, kan 7enayen / she was good, she was kind
    atareeh kaddab kebeer / but turns out she's a big liar
    mosh zay ma kan mebayen / unlike what she was showing
    da khada3na sneen keteer / she's been deciving us for many year

    khada3na wa7da wa7da, / she decived us bit by bit
    w gara7na marra wa7da / and then hurt us suddenly
    wet3allem fo2 yeteer / and learned to fly high

    khalas ba2a beyetkallem / so now she's talking
    yer7am zaman es-sokoot / and the times of silence are over
    keber awam wet3allem / she grew up and learned (experienced)
    w khalas tele3lo sot / and now she has a voice

    kan tayeb, kan 7enayen / she was good, she was kind
    atareeh kaddab kebeer / but turns out she's a big liar
    mosh zay ma kan mebayen / unlike what she was showing
    da khada3na sneen keteer / she's been deciving us for many year
  13. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Amr Diab - Ba3ed El-Layaly ♪

    Ba3ed El-Layaly
    I'm Counting The Nights

    aah, ba3ed el-layaly, wel-ayam men sho2y eleik / ooh, I'm counting the nights, and the days because of my longing to you
    wallah, ezzay yehoun 3aleek koll shee2 fel-bo3d? / by god, how could everything be easy for you in the awayness?
    ah bashta2lak ya ghaly, enta feen? bandah 3aleek / yes I miss you my precious, where are you? I'm calling you
    wallah wa7ashoony kteer 3eneek, ma32oul neseet el-wa3d? / I swear I missed your eyes a lot, is it possible that you forgot the promis?

    ban 7obby leek, fe sneen be3ad w gheyab / my love to you appeared, in years of awayness and absence
    w han alby 3aleek termeeh bein nar w 3azab / and it was easy for you to throw my heart in fire and torture

    erga3 leya khalas mosh 2ader, 7abiby / come back to me I can't take it anymore, my love
    rod be ay kalam law 2ader, 7abiby / answer with any words if you can, my love
    wallah ba7ebo w hafdal a7ebo, 7abiby / I swear I love her and I'll keep loving her, my love
    arrab khally le bo3dak akher, 7abiby / come close and make a closure to your awayness, my love

    aah, ba3ed el-layaly, wel-ayam men sho2y eleik / ooh, I'm counting the nights, and the days because of my longing to you
    wallah, ezzay yehoun 3aleek koll shee2 fel-bo3d? / by god, how could everything be easy for you in the awayness?

    aah, ba3ed el-layaly... / ooh, I'm counting the night...

    fat ad eih? wala youm edert ansak / how long has it been? yet I couldn't forget you for even a day
    w leih ed-donya leih ya 7abiby le b3eed wakhdak? / and why does the world take you away?

    ana mosh 2ader 3ala nesyanak, 7abiby / I can't stand forgetting you, my love
    meen fed-donya hayemla makanak, 7abiby? / who in the world could fill your place, my love?
    wallah ba7ebo w hafdal a7ebo, 7abiby / I swear I love her and I'll keep loving her, my love
    nefsy arta7 ana bein a7danak, 7abiby / I wish I could res in your arms, my love

    aah, ba3ed el-layaly, wel-ayam men sho2y eleik / ooh, I'm counting the nights, and the days because of my longing to you
    wallah, ezzay yehoun 3aleek koll shee2 fel-bo3d? / by god, how could everything be easy for you in the awayness?
  14. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Amr Diab - Olt Eih ♪

    Olt Eih
    What Do You Think? (Literally "What Do You Say To That?")

    abl el-wada3 arrab hena / before the goodbye come here
    arrab ta3ala dommeny / come closer and hug me
    khaleek shwaya fe 7odny 7awel tefteker / stay in my arms for a while and try to remember
    men kam sana wenta w ana / for how many years you and me
    ma3a ba3dena w bet7ebeny? / have been together and you loved me?
    khaleek ma3aya fe 7odny 7awel tefteker / stay with me in my arms and try to remember

    meen elly 2allak enny be3tak? / who told you that I no longer want you?
    wenta leih sadda2to leih? / and why did you believe him, why?
    wallahy 7obbak koll 3omry, olt eih? / I swear, your love is all my life, what do you think?

    estanna matseebneesh keda / wait, don't leave me like that
    el-wa2t leih mesta3gelo? / why are you rushing the time?
    yemken te7en le2ay zekra fe 7obena / you might remember any memory from our love
    ezzay hatensa el-7odn dah? / how would you forget this hug?
    wenta elly yama eshta2telo / when you've longed for it a lot before
    arrab kaman 3omrak w a7lamak hena / come closer, your life and dreams are here (with me)

    meen elly 2allak enny be3tak? / who told you that I no longer want you?
    wenta leih sadda2to leih? / and why did you believe him, why?
    wallahy 7obbak koll 3omry, olt eih? / I swear, your love is all my life, what do you think?

    meen elly 2allak enny be3tak? / who told you that I no longer want you?
    wenta leih sadda2to leih? / and why did you believe him, why?
    wallahy 7obbak koll 3omry, olt eih? / I swear, your love is all my life, what do you think?

    abl el-wada3 arrab hena / before the goodbye come here
    arrab ta3ala dommeny / come closer and hug me
    khaleek shwaya fe 7odny 7awel tefteker / stay in my arms for a while and try to remember
    men kam sana wenta w ana / for how many years you and me
    ma3a ba3dena w bet7ebeny? / have been together and you loved me?
    khaleek ma3aya fe 7odny 7awel tefteker / stay with me in my arms and try to remember
  15. monaa said:


    hii, its me again, could someone translate song called Bahebek Wahashtiny by
    Hussien El Jassmy . thanx
  16. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Amr Daib - Wala Leila ♪

    Wala Leila
    No Night

    wala leila, wala agmal men de leila / no night is more beautiful than this night
    bein edaya 7abiby ba3d sneen taweela / my love is between my hands after long years

    da 7abiby wala aghla men 7abiby / that's my love and there's no one more precious than my love
    men enaharda ma3a el-amar ba2a maly 7eela / from today on I have no will with the moon*

    wala leila, wala agmal men de leila / no night is more beautiful than this night
    bein edaya 7abiby ba3d sneen taweela / my love is between my hands after long years

    kelma wa7da sme3taha nawwar seneeny / I only heard one word from her that lit up my years
    a3mel eih? fe kalamo se7r beynadeeny / what could I do? in her words there's a spell that calls me
    el-gamal da a7lam a7la soora / this beauty is the dream of the most beautiful picture (each picture dreams that you be in it)
    3omry wallah ma shoft zayo fe youm be 3einy / I swear I've never seen anything like it with my eyes

    wala leila, wala agmal men de leila / no night is more beautiful than this night
    bein edaya 7abiby ba3d sneen taweela / my love is between my hands after long years

    heya de nafs el-3oyoun elly fe khayaly / these are the same eyes that are in my fantasies
    esh-shafayef a7la melly kan fe baly / but the lips are ever better than what was on my mind
    ebtesamto, de7keto, soto w sokooto / her smile, her laugh, her voice and her silence
    kol 7aga fe 7abibty w maktobaly / everything is in my love and it's written for me (fated for me)

    wala leila, wala agmal men de leila / no night is more beautiful than this night
    bein edaya 7abiby ba3d sneen taweela / my love is between my hands after long years

    wala leila, wala agmal men de leila / no night is more beautiful than this night
    bein edaya 7abiby ba3d sneen taweela / my love is between my hands after long years

    da 7abiby wala aghla men 7abiby / that's my love and there's no one more precious than my love
    men enaharda ma3a el-amar ba2a maly 7eela / from today on I have no will with the moon*

    wala leila, wala agmal men de leila / no night is more beautiful than this night
    bein edaya 7abiby ba3d sneen taweela / my love is between my hands after long years

    * Comparing a girl's beauty to the full moon is very common is Arabic poetry and daily life
  17. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:


    Quote Originally Posted by monaa View Post
    hii, its me again, could someone translate song called Bahebek Wahashtiny by
    Hussien El Jassmy . thanx
    Tadaaaaa http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/260427-post221.html
  18. LenOosh's Avatar

    LenOosh said:


    thx a lot again&again !!!
  19. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Amr Diab - Adeeny Rege3telek ♪

    Bir şey değil.


    Adeeny Rege3telek
    Here, I Came Back For You

    nadeety bsho2 nadeet, olteely ta3ala geet / you called with longing, I called, you told me to come, I came
    la ha3atbek 3ally fat, wala 7atta haloom 3aleeky / I won't blame you for the past, or even put the blame on you

    adeeny rege3telek, adeeny bein edeeky / here, I came back to you, here, I'm between your hands
    kefaya dmoo3 ba2a, mosh 3aref ashouf 3eneeky / enough with the tears, I can't see your eyes

    nadeety bsho2 nadeet, olteely ta3ala geet / you called with longing, I called, you told me to come, I came
    la ha3atbek 3ally fat, wala 7atta haloom 3aleeky / I won't blame you for the past, or even put the blame on you

    w oulilhom mosh nadhany, howa elly wa7ashto w gany / and tell them that you didn't call me, that I missed you and came by myself
    dana mahma haye7sal beinna, mosh hab3ed 3annek tany / whatever will happen between us, I'll never go away from you

    nadeety bsho2 nadeet, olteely ta3ala geet / you called with longing, I called, you told me to come, I came
    la ha3atbek 3ally fat, wala 7atta haloom 3aleeky / I won't blame you for the past, or even put the blame on you

    ouly le albek yesma3ny, mosh dam3o elly meraga3ny / tell your heart to lesten to me, it's not its teas that brought me back
    men gheer ma tnady w tebky, esh-shou2 kan hayraga3ny / without your calling and crying, the longing would've brought me back

    nadeety bsho2 nadeet, olteely ta3ala geet / you called with longing, I called, you told me to come, I came
    la ha3atbek 3ally fat, wala 7atta haloom 3aleeky / I won't blame you for the past, or even put the blame on you

    moshta2 le de7ketek, ya agmal zekrayaty / I miss your laugh, my most beautiful memory
    khodeeny le gannetek, ya aghla men 7ayaty / take me to your heaven, you most precious person in my life

    adeeny rege3telek, adeeny bein edeeky / here, I came back to you, here, I'm between your hands
    kefaya dmoo3 ba2a, mosh 3aref ashouf 3eneeky / enough with the tears, I can't see your eyes
  20. monaa said:


    !! thanx !!!