Ramy Sabry - ba7ebek & alf mashalah 3aleik

Thread: Ramy Sabry - ba7ebek & alf mashalah 3aleik

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  1. PaulGeorge's Avatar

    PaulGeorge said:


    Ok, I think we should begin...

    First, I'm interested in some old arabic songs performed by lebanese Nancy Ajram...

    ...and also in Amr Diab, but I see here that this job has been already finnished.

    Alf Layle Wi Layle

    Ya Wadd Ya T2eel

    Aal Eyh

    Can someone provide some information about the first singers, please?
    And also please specify the dialect, please...

    شكرا لكَ
    Last edited by PaulGeorge; 03-19-2007 at 12:44 AM.
  2. jannaheaven's Avatar

    jannaheaven said:

    Smile Information about Nancy Ajram

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulGeorge View Post
    Ok, I think we should begin...

    First, I'm interested in some arabic old songs played by lebanese Nancy Ajram...

    ...and also in Amr Diab, but I see here that this job has been already finnished.

    Alf Layle Wi Layle

    Ya Wadd Ya T2eel

    Aal Eyh

    Can someone provide some informations about the first singers, please?

    شكرا لكَ
    if u want some info about lebanese singer nancy ajram(im big fan of her ^_^ ) go to her official website Nancy Ajram Official Website u can also download all her songs from all her album there and u can go to MSN group fan site nancy http://groups.msn.com/nancy-ajram/nancyslyrices.msnw
  3. miha's Avatar

    miha said:


    Salam jannaheaven

    about Fadl Shaker - Allah A3lam

    see at page 19
  4. melica said:


    Hey, it was really fun to read the translation. Thank you so much for such wonderful thread.
  5. PaulGeorge's Avatar

    PaulGeorge said:


    Oh, thank you, jannaheaven, I know those sites, but I think that some others singers sang these songs before...

    These songs are not on Nancy's albums, and I can not find the lyrics nowhere, that's why I came to RoCk-StAr... Sahib el-Kelem
    Last edited by PaulGeorge; 03-19-2007 at 12:28 AM.
  6. miha's Avatar

    miha said:


    Hi RoCk StAr

    i see u have a lot of requests

    when u have time: Tamer Hosny - Habibi Wenta Baaed, Yuri Mrakadi - Ansak

    Shokran jazeelan
  7. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:


    Hi Paul, Welcome.

    About the Nancy songs,

    the 1st one is by Um Kulthum, the most famous and well regarded Arab singer, she was nicknamed "Kawkab Esh-sharq" (The Planet of the East), it is much better than that, her songs are Tarab wich means they are for heavy listeners, they are considered the best Arabic music ever composed.

    The 2nd is a song from one of Egypt's most successful movies back in 1972 originally performed by the multitalanted actress "Sou3ad Hosny", the movie was called "Khally Balak Men Zozo" (Take Care of Zozo)

    The dialect of course is Egyptian, the most spoken and most widely understood dialect of Arabic thanks to the Egyptian media and film industry (Egypt is nicknamed "Hollywood of the East")

    I'll get to all the translations in a bit.
    خليك معايا يا حبيبي مهما كان
    خليك معايا يا حلم عمري اللي في خيالي من زمان
  8. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Hisham Abbas - 7abiby Dah ♪

    7abiby Dah
    This Is My Love

    nary narein / my fire is two (I'm so on fire)

    nary narein, nary men gamalo / I'm on fire because of her beauty
    nary narein, alby eih garalo? / I'm on fire, what happened to my heart?

    men nazra khadny fe la7za / from a look she took me in a moment
    dobna e7na sawa, 7abiby dah / we fell for each other, this is my love
    agaml kalam be 3oyouno / the most beautiful words she said with her eyes
    2alo 3an el-hawa, 7abiby Dah / about love, this is my love

    7abbeito w a3mel eih? / I loved her and what should I do?
    nary men elly ana feeh / I'm on fire because of what I feel
    nary narein / my fire is two

    nary narein, nary men gamalo / I'm on fire because of her beauty
    nary narein, alby eih garalo? / I'm on fire, what happened to my heart?

    ah men khododo w soto w 3odo w de7keteo / oh my from her cheeks and voice and body and laugh
    7abiby dah / this is my love
    arrabt menno 3eshe2t naro w re2eto / I got close to her, I loved her fire and delicacy
    7abiby dah / this is my love

    nary narein / my fire is two

    nary narein, nary men gamalo / I'm on fire because of her beauty
    nary narein, alby eih garalo? / I'm on fire, what happened to my heart?

    sallemto alby 7atta abl ma akallemo / I surrendered my heart to her even before I spoke to her
    7abiby dah / this is my love
    maho kan fe baly w fe khayaly barsemo / she was in my fantasies and I drew her in my imagination
    7abiby dah / this is my love

    nary narein / my fire is two

    nary narein, nary men gamalo / I'm on fire because of her beauty
    nary narein, alby eih garalo? / I'm on fire, what happened to my heart?

    7abiby dah / this is my love

    men nazra khadny fe la7za / from a look she took me in a moment
    dobna e7na sawa, 7abiby dah / we fell for each other, this is my love
    agaml kalam be 3oyouno / the most beautiful words she said with her eyes
    2alo 3an el-hawa, 7abiby Dah / about love, this is my love

    sallemto alby 7atta abl ma akallemo / I surrendered my heart to her even before I spoke to her
    7abiby dah / this is my love
    maho kan fe baly w fe khayaly barsemo / she was in my fantasies and I drew her in my imagination
    7abiby dah / this is my love

    nary narein, nary men gamalo / I'm on fire because of her beauty
    nary narein, alby eih garalo? / I'm on fire, what happened to my heart?

    ah men khododo w soto w 3odo w de7keteo / oh my from her cheeks and voice and body and laugh
    7abiby dah / this is my love
    arrabt menno 3eshe2t naro w re2eto / I got close to her, I loved her fire and delicacy
    7abiby dah / this is my love


    حبيبي ده

    ناري نارين

    ناري نارين، ناري من جماله
    ناري نارين، قلبي ايه جراله؟

    من نظرة خدني في لحظة
    دوبنا احنا سوا، حبيبي ده
    أجمل كلام بعيونه
    قاله عن الهوا، حبيبي ده

    حبيته و أعمل ايه؟
    ناري من اللي أنا فيه
    ناري نارين

    ناري نارين، ناري من جماله
    ناري نارين، قلبي ايه جراله؟

    آه من خدوده و صوته و عوده و ضحكته
    حبيبي ده
    قربت منه عشقت ناره و رقته
    حبيبي ده

    ناري نارين

    ناري نارين، ناري من جماله
    ناري نارين، قلبي ايه جراله؟

    سلمته قلبي حتى قبل ما أكلمه
    حبيبي ده
    ما هو كان في بالي و في خيالي بارسمه
    حبيبي ده

    ناري نارين

    ناري نارين، ناري من جماله
    ناري نارين، قلبي ايه جراله؟

    حبيبي ده

    من نظرة خدني في لحظة
    دوبنا احنا سوا، حبيبي ده
    أجمل كلام بعيونه
    قاله عن الهوا، حبيبي ده

    سلمته قلبي حتى قبل ما أكلمه
    حبيبي ده
    ما هو كان في بالي و في خيالي بارسمه
    حبيبي ده

    ناري نارين، ناري من جماله
    ناري نارين، قلبي ايه جراله؟

    آه من خدوده و صوته و عوده و ضحكته
    حبيبي ده
    قربت منه عشقت ناره و رقته
    حبيبي ده
    Last edited by RoCk-StAr; 03-19-2007 at 06:39 AM.
    خليك معايا يا حبيبي مهما كان
    خليك معايا يا حلم عمري اللي في خيالي من زمان
  9. sania's Avatar

    sania said:

    Default traduction

    Bashar Al Sarhan - Collection - Kalam El Ein

    Kalam el ein beyehki aan el oshaea
    Daleeli aala el ashwaea
    wenta habeebi daleelak fain
    Kalam el ein beyoosef haneen w gharam
    Kalam w ma baado kalam
    Agmal meaani ma bain habeebain

    Enta teooli aalaik - x2
    Sahran bafakar feek
    Khaleek fakerni
    Enta shaqalt el bal
    Eseal walaw bi soal
    Elail fey boaadak tal
    Allah yesabarni

    Ya rooh el rooh
    Bahebak w mahma baool
    Hatefdhal habeeb aala tool
    Mahma etnadeeni oyoun w oyoun

    Ya rooh el rooh
    Bahebak taala khalas
    Taala ya seed el nas
    Khaleek maaya fain ma bakoon

    Aasheak ya omri naseeb
    Ya baaeed w meni areeb
    Wel shooa ya aghla habeeb maktoob aalaya
    Eseal negoom elail
    Aan albi daea el wail
    Waamel fey albek meel
    W ohdhon einaya

    W ohdhon einaya

    Kalam el ein beyehki aan el oshaea
    Daleeli aala el ashwaea
    wenta habeebi daleelak fain
    Kalam el ein beyoosef haneen w gharam
    Kalam w ma baado kalam
    Agmal meaani ma bain habeebain

    Wenta habeebi daleelak fain

    merci de mettre ceci en francai
  10. Sergios's Avatar

    Sergios said:


    Rockstar and those who loves rock - go to this link http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/ly...tml#post265670
    This is russian rock song. Bet you'll like it
    Ich heiße Sergey
    J'habite Mariupol'
    ٲﻣﻮﺮﻔﻲ ﻣﺤﺑﻮﺩﮥ
    Αυτά έχει η ζωή
  11. Sergios's Avatar

    Sergios said:


    Hellooooo Angelus, habibi
    I need you to tell me your feelings about this songs http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/ly...nd-others.html
    Ich heiße Sergey
    J'habite Mariupol'
    ٲﻣﻮﺮﻔﻲ ﻣﺤﺑﻮﺩﮥ
    Αυτά έχει η ζωή
  12. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Hani Shaker - Law Shaghalouny ♪

    Law Shaghalony
    If They Got Me Thinking

    Wallah law shaghaloni / I swear, if they got me thinking
    da falbi waayouni wla gheiro habib / in my heart and eyes there isn't another love
    Da howa hayati wi helmi leilati / she is my life and my life long dream
    Da kouli hkayati da howa el nasib... / she is all my tales and she's my destiny...

    Aaoyouno el gamila khadoni / her beautiful eyes took me
    fi leila sa'ouni el gharam / and in a night they soaked me with love
    Saharni bkalamou we re'et / she made me sleepless with her words and the delicacy
    salamou haramni el manam / of her greeting deprived me from sleep

    Wallah law shaghaloni / I swear, if they got me thinking
    da falbi waayouni wla gheiro habib / in my heart and eyes there isn't another love
    Da howa hayati wi helmi leilati / she is my life and my life long dream
    Da kouli hkayati da howa el nasib... / she is all my tales and she's my destiny...

    Sihert el layali fi boaadak / I was sleepless in your awayness
    ya ghali banadi aaleh / my precious calling you
    Wastana ashoufak w'elmess / and I wait to see you and touch
    koufofak wa bouss faaenak / your palms and kiss your eyes

    Wallah law shaghaloni / I swear, if they got me thinking
    da falbi waayouni wla gheiro habib / in my heart and eyes there isn't another love
    Da howa hayati wi helmi leilati / she is my life and my life long dream
    Da kouli hkayati da howa el nasib... / she is all my tales and she's my destiny...

    Habibi ya helmi aaomri / my love, my life long dream
    ana aaomri koulou leik / my whole life is yours
    Wlaw tetloub aayouni / and even if you ask for my eyes
    ma teghlash yowm aaleik / they will be yours

    Bahibak bahibak bahibak / I love you, I love you, I love you

    Wallah law shaghaloni / I swear, if they got me thinking
    da falbi waayouni wla gheiro habib / in my heart and eyes there isn't another love


    لو شغلوني

    و الله لو شغلوني
    ده في قلبي و عيوني ولا غيره حبيب
    ده هوه حياتي و حلمي ليلاتي
    ده كل حكاياتي، ده هو النصيب

    عيونه الجميلة خدوني
    في ليلة سقوني الغرام
    سهرني بكلامه و رقة
    سلامه حرمني المنام

    و الله لو شغلوني
    ده في قلبي و عيوني ولا غيره حبيب
    ده هوه حياتي و حلمي ليلاتي
    ده كل حكاياتي، ده هو النصيب

    سهرت الليالي في بعدك
    يا غالي بانادي عليك
    و استنى اشوفك و ألمس
    كفوفك و أبوس في عينيك

    و الله لو شغلوني
    ده في قلبي و عيوني ولا غيره حبيب
    ده هوه حياتي و حلمي ليلاتي
    ده كل حكاياتي، ده هو النصيب

    حبيبي يا حلم عمري
    أنا عمري كله ليك
    ولو تطلب عيوني
    ما تغلاش عليك

    بحبك، بحبك، بحبك

    و الله لو شغلوني
    ده في قلبي و عيوني ولا غيره حبيب

    Désolé, je ne peux pas la traduire en français maintenant.
    خليك معايا يا حبيبي مهما كان
    خليك معايا يا حلم عمري اللي في خيالي من زمان
  13. psetto727's Avatar

    psetto727 said:

    Default Thank you

    i just wanted to say thank you sooo much to angelus and rock star for the translations! i appreciate sooo much! im actually from iraq so i dont understand the other dialects as well but thank u guys so much i appreciate it soo much...im in love with arabic music! thanks again!
  14. psetto727's Avatar

    psetto727 said:


    hey i know u have a lot of translations to do but i was wondering if asala nasri's walla ma tahady could be translated if its not too much! shokran
  15. daan73's Avatar

    daan73 said:

    Wink Hiii miha

    Quote Originally Posted by miha View Post
    Hi RoCk StAr

    i see u have a lot of requests

    when u have time: Tamer Hosny - Habibi Wenta Baaed, Yuri Mrakadi - Ansak

    Shokran jazeelan
    if you want the translation of habibi wenta baaed look at page 13
    lenoosh has allready transate it for me, it's my fav.song ever !!!!!!!
  16. miha's Avatar

    miha said:


    Hi daan73, yes i know that the song is at page 13, but i whant the lyric in arabic too
  17. RoCk-StAr's Avatar

    RoCk-StAr said:

    Default ♪ Nawal El-Zougby - Yama 2alo ♪

    Yama 2alo
    They've Said A Lot

    yama 2alo, may2olo / they've said a lot, well, let them say
    7abbeina keda, w haweena keda / we've loved like that, and liked like that
    w maleena ed-donya gharam fe gharam / and we filled the world with love
    hay3eedo w yzeedo / they'll repeat and increase
    dah elly ana 7assah / that's what I feel
    welly ana 3ayshah / and what I live
    fel-7ob ya nas wala fel-a7lam / in the love, oh people, it's mre than a dream

    arrab men alby elly 3ashanak / come close to my heart that for you
    yama ghanna w ghanna / has sung a lot
    w bye7lam be lo2ak ya 7abiby / and is dreaming about meeting you my love
    w lessa beyetmanna / and is still waiting

    ro7y ana, 3omry ana / o my soul, o my life
    ana dayba fe 7obbak w hawak / I've melted in your love
    danta ana, ah ya ana / you are me, oh me
    ana mennak w hawaya hawak / I'm from you and my love is yours

    3ala nary, ya 7abiby / oh my fire, my love
    bastanna keda, w fe alby keda / I wait like that, and in my heart like that
    ashwa2 temla ed-donya be 7alha / longings that could fill the whole world
    hatgeeny tela2eeny / you'll come to me and you'll find that
    esh-shou2 daweb feya w 3azzeb / the longing has melted me and tortured me
    wel-7eera betefdal 3ala 7alha / and the confusion stays as it is

    yama 2alo, may2olo / they've said a lot, well, let them say
    7abbeina keda, w haweena keda / we've loved like that, and liked like that
    w maleena ed-donya gharam fe gharam / and we filled the world with love
    hay3eedo w yzeedo / they'll repeat and increase
    dah elly ana 7assah / that's what I feel
    welly ana 3ayshah / and what I live
    fel-7ob ya nas wala fel-a7lam / in the love, oh people, it's mre than a dream


    ياما قالوا

    ياما قالوا، ما يقولوا
    حبينا كده، و هوينا كده
    و ملينا الدنيا غرام في غرام
    هيعيدوا، و يزيدوا
    ده اللي أنا حساه
    و اللى أنا عايشاه
    في الحب يا ناس ولا في الأحلام

    قرب من قلبي اللي عشانك
    ياما غنا و غنا
    و بيحلم بلقاك يا حبيبي
    و لسه بيستنا

    روحي أنا، عمري أنا
    أنا دايبة في حبك و هواك
    ده انت أنا، آه يا أنا
    أنا منك و هوايا هواك

    على ناري يا حبيبي
    باستنى كده، و في قلبي كده
    أشواق تملى الدنيا بحالها
    هتجيني تلاقيني
    الشوق دوب فيا و عذب
    و الحيرة بتفضل على حالها

    ياما قالوا، ما يقولوا
    حبينا كده، و هوينا كده
    و ملينا الدنيا غرام في غرام
    هيعيدوا، و يزيدوا
    ده اللي أنا حساه
    و اللى أنا عايشاه
    في الحب يا ناس ولا في الأحلام
    خليك معايا يا حبيبي مهما كان
    خليك معايا يا حلم عمري اللي في خيالي من زمان
  18. daan73's Avatar

    daan73 said:

    Default miha is this what you want??????

    habeby winta ba3eed
    moshta2 le lamsit eed
    min gher wala hamsa
    ghamad we mid edek
    owil mafakar feek
    hat his bil lamsa

    bit2ool le wahdak ahh
    o ba2ool le wahdy ahh
    o btitsima3 wahda
    tibky 3enaya 3alek
    tibky 3enaya 3alek
    heya domoo3 wahda
    3arfak o hasis beek
    o bashoof 3enek be 3enek
    o ka2eny ben hodnak
    o sa3at 3oyoony kteer
    tibky 3alek min gher
    hozny wala hoznak

    low kol yerooh fe makan
    lena habeby makan
    dayman beyegm3na
    la zaman wala insan
    wala khof wala nisyan
    wala mot hayemn3na
    bit2ool le wahdak ah
    o ba2ool le wahdy ah
    tibky 3enaya 3alek
    tibky 3alaya 3enek
    heya domoo3 wahda

    wenak o weny o owalto
    mah ma ba3ednaa n3ood
    owil ma nitmana
    ne3ady ay hdood
    ana rihy tef hawalek
    we telmiso be 3enek
    we tehiso fe sho3orak
  19. miha's Avatar

    miha said:


    yes daan73

  20. PaulGeorge's Avatar

    PaulGeorge said:


    Quote Originally Posted by RoCk-StAr View Post
    I'll get to all the translations in a bit.
    Oh, RoCk StAr, there's NO hurry, really, just take your time, and enjoy your work...

    About Umm Kulthum's song, what can I say, I can see its complex and beautiful melodical line, as I've study music... Now I know that I WANT TO STUDY MUSICOLOGY , especially oriental / arabic... and be in the future TARAB !!!