♪ Various - Kan Shayel Alwano ♪
he was carrying his crayons, he was going to his school
dreaming of his horse, his toys and his plane
and when the the treatchery was shot, it killed even his innocence
the pure blood was spilt on his notebook
all of us say our land
our land.. our blood.. our mother
and even if millions of us died
Jerusalim will return to us
a father with his fear reached with his arms
protecting with his own life his child
and when the child's small body twitched
and became in god's hands
the virgin mary cried and screamed
she said "oh my child"
the bitter, treachy unjustic lived
justics has fallen and dissappeared
all of us say our land
our land.. our blood.. our mother
and even if millions of us died
Jerusalim will return to us
he was a Palestinian child, that's his house
and that's all what he got
that's his history and his forefathers'
and that's his land and sky
here are Gerges and Moahamed, his friends
and the religion is only for god
then the tyrant came and stole their dreams
all there hopes were gone
all of us say our land
our land.. our blood.. our mother
and even if millions of us died
Jerusalim will return to us
peace with peace and war with war
that's what god and the religion said
and how come a fire is burning our hearts
and we're just keeping quite
O arabs unite and enough
read Saladdin
he has never let go of his rights
and that was the stronget weapon
all of us say our land
our land.. our blood.. our mother
and even if millions of us died
Jerusalim will return to us
Sabra and Shatila and the victims of Al-Aqsa
a thousand seiges
and children prematurely grown up
have sworn to take revenge
the bitter grudge of the bleading heart
is turning into stones
and little birds are fighting an army
without even having weapons
all of us say our land
our land.. our blood.. our mother
and even if millions of us died
Jerusalim will return to us
if a tyrant once came and threw you out
of your house
and planted on your land hatred
and with your blood spikes
the fire of his unjustic and your wounds
must turn into doom
and you must teach your children
that the revolution is a fight
all of us say our land
our land.. our blood.. our mother
and even if millions of us died
Jerusalim will return to us
when we reach out for the others
and the answer is fires
then our weapon must be in our hands
so that justice would be served
the whole world listnes to our voice
that comes out of the sorrows
whoever dies, another one comes out
and death to the murderer
all of us say our land
our land.. our blood.. our mother
and even if millions of us died
Jerusalim will return to us
in order to plant the earth,
Mohamed, and die
tomorrow its rights return to it
damn any silence
your voice when you're dying is high
tomorrw it will turn your torturor
and your enemies into ghosts
all of us say our land
our land.. our blood.. our mother
and even if millions of us died
Jerusalim will return to us
Jerusalim will return to us
خليك معايا يا حبيبي مهما كان
خليك معايا يا حلم عمري اللي في خيالي من زمان