Elissa - Awakher El Sheta

Thread: Elissa - Awakher El Sheta

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  1. Sheta2's Avatar

    Sheta2 said:

    Smile Elissa - Awakher El Sheta

    Please could someone translate this song for me in English?
    Thanks so much.


    konna fe awakher el sheta abl elli fat

    zay el youmeen dol 3eshna ma3 ba3d 7kayat

    ana kont lamma a7eb atwanes ma3ah

    ana kont bakhod ba3di w ar7lo men sokat

    konna fe awakher el sheta abl elli fat

    zay el youmeen dol 3eshna ma3 ba3d 7kayat

    ana kont lamma a7eb atwanes ma3ah

    ana kont bakhod ba3di w ar7lo men sokat

    w el nas fe 3ez el bard yegou yesteghabou

    w ana kont bagri w aghbbi nafsi awam fe albou

    w le 7ad ma leila yelayel bab2a ganbou

    3ala sahwa leh el donya b3d ma 3ashemetnaا

    we 3ayeshetna shwaya reg3t mawetetna

    w el donya ya alby men yomiha 3awedetna

    lama btedy 7agat awam takhod 7agat

    west el shaware3 nas ktira mrawa7in

    w el nas ya alby homma homma howa fein

    w ana mashya batlafet w bas2al kol youm

    beye3mel eh delw2ti w bye7lam be meen

    w el nas fe 3ez el bard yegou yesteghabou

    w ana kont bagri w aghbbi nafsi awam fe albou

    w le 7ad ma leila yelayel bab2a ganbou
  2. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    beatiful songs!!i love Elissa is the princess of romance
    happy to do iti for you
    konna fe awakher el sheta abl elli fat
    we were in the ending of the winter before what hppened
    zay el youmeen dol 3eshna ma3 ba3d 7kayat
    like these two days,we've lived together stories
    ana kont lamma a7eb atwanes ma3ah
    i was-when i wanted to- spending great time with him
    ana kont bakhod ba3di w ar7lo men sokat
    i was taking myself and going to him silently
    konna fe awakher el sheta abl elli fat
    we were in the ending of the winter before what hppened
    zay el youmeen dol 3eshna ma3 ba3d 7kayat
    like these two days,we've lived together stories
    ana kont lamma a7eb atwanes ma3ah
    i was-when i wanted to- spending great time with him
    ana kont bakhod ba3di w ar7lo men sokat
    i was taking myself and going to him silently

    w el nas fe 3ez el bard yegou yesteghabou
    in the cold people were coming to hang around
    w ana kont bagri w aghbbi nafsi awam fe albou
    while i was running and hiding myself quickly in his heart
    w le 7ad ma leila yelayel bab2a ganbou
    and i'm being next to him till the night comes
    3ala sahwa leh el donya b3d ma 3ashemetna
    because of one mistake,why did the life-after the greed
    we 3ayeshetna shwaya reg3t mawetetna
    and after making us live a bit ,killed us again?
    w el donya ya alby men yomiha 3awedetna
    oh my life!since that day life made us get used to the fact that
    lama btedy 7agat awam takhod 7agat
    when it gives things she takes other thing automatically
    west el shaware3 nas ktira mrawa7in
    in the streets ,many people were going home
    w el nas ya alby homma homma howa fein
    and people -oh my heart- are the same ,where is he?
    w ana mashya batlafet w bas2al kol youm
    and while i was walking, looking back and asking everyday
    beye3mel eh delw2ti w bye7lam be meen
    what is he doing now and he's dreaming about him
    w el nas fe 3ez el bard yegou yesteghabou
    in the cold people were coming to hang around
    w ana kont bagri w aghbbi nafsi awam fe albou
    while i was running and hiding myself quickly in his heart
    w le 7ad ma leila yelayel bab2a ganbou
    and i'm being next to him till the night comes
  3. Sheta2's Avatar

    Sheta2 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by larosa View Post
    beatiful songs!!i love Elissa is the princess of romance
    happy to do iti for you

    oooo My Allah!
    ya La Rosa ya 7abibtiiiiiiiiiiiiii enti entiiiiiiiiii so fast, thanks so much for all ur effort and helping to me, you are really great person!
    and this song killing me, really great one,
    a7la La Rosa thankssssss with all my heart
    Allah ma3ek albi

  4. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    teslami 3al kalam el helou
    you're always welcome remember that ok?come back again
    all elissa's songs are great
  5. Sheta2's Avatar

    Sheta2 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by larosa View Post
    teslami 3al kalam el helou
    you're always welcome remember that ok?come back again
    all elissa's songs are great
    you2bourni ana dakhila ma atyabaaaaaaa
    albi ana ma ba3ref arabic, I just learned some words
    but i guess i understood ur words thanks enti klek zo2
    elissa's song more great than after u wrote translation to me
  6. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    it's ok honey you'll learn through translation ,mashallah you did a great job come again if you want recomondation ask me i know all elissa's songs
  7. Canlı said:


    Hello guys,

    Sorry, im newbie here and i was looking for quick translation to that song to send to a friend instead of translating it myself, so i found this
    Thanks for the effort, but i just changed some things not differ much from the meaning
    So here it is

    konna fe awakher el sheta abl elli fat
    we were at the last days of the winter before last winter
    Zay el youmeen dol 3eshna ma3a ba3d hekayat
    like these days,we were living stories with each other.
    ana kont lamma aheb atwanes ma3ah
    i was-when i wanted to spend lovely time with him
    ana kont bakhod ba3di w arhlo men sokat
    i was silently just picking myself alltogether and go to him

    w el nas fe 3ez el bard yergro yesteghabou
    And people in those cold days run to hide
    w ana kont bagri w aghbbi nafsi awam fe albou
    And i was running and hiding myself quickly in his heart
    w le had ma leila yelayel bab2a ganbou
    and till night fall down i be beside him

    3ala sahwa leh el donya ba3d ma 3ashemetna
    and suddenly why ' life' after promising us
    we 3ayeshetna shwaya reg3t mawetetna
    and making us live a bit , then came back and killed us ?
    w el donya ya alby men yomiha 3awedetna
    oh hear, and since that day life made us used to that...
    lama btedy hagat awam takhod hagat
    when it gives things it takes other thing in return.

    west el shaware3 nas ktira mrawahin
    in the streets ,many people were going back home
    w el nas ya alby homma homma we howa fein
    Oh heart, people still are the same , but where is he?
    w ana mashya batlafet w bas'al kol youm
    and im walking looking around, asking everyday
    beyepmel eh delwa'ti w byehlam be meen
    what is he doing now and whom he is dreaming about ?
  8. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    you're welcome dear canli
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me