i cannot find the lyrics for this song but it would be highly appreciated if someone can find them and translate this song for me! shokrannn! allah maakoum!
i cannot find the lyrics for this song but it would be highly appreciated if someone can find them and translate this song for me! shokrannn! allah maakoum!
here is it friend it's kinda old it brought me nostalgia
ليه كلّ ميعاد ما بينّا بتغيّر في الكلام
lih kolle me3ad ma benna netghayyar fel kalam
why do you change the speech in every meeting(everytime we meet)
انا عايزه الردّ حالاً يا القرب يا الخصام
ana 3ayza erradi halan yal 2orbi yal khisam
i want the answer now ,either we be close or we argue
ياما طوّلت بالي وسهرت كتير ليالي
yamma tawwalti bali we sehert ktir layali
i've been always patient and i've been always sleepless at night
صعب عليّا انشغالي و الشكوى و الملام
sa3b 3alayya enshighali we shakwa wel malam
me, being busy is so hard for me ,so is the complaining and the blaming
على شان ما انا حبيتك و في قلبي انا خبّيتك
3ala shan ana habbitak we fi albi ana khabitak
because i've loved you and i've hidden you in my heart
بتغيب و تلوّع قلبي و تقول انّي نسيتك
betghib we tlawwa3 albi we t9ool eni nseetak
you go and you upset my heart and say that i've forgoten you
لو تسال يوم قلبك ح يقول انيّ بحبّك
law tes'al youm albak 7ay2ool eni bahebbak
if you ask your heat one day,it will say that i love you
و ح ييجي اليوم يا عمري و تكفّر عن ذنبك
we hayeegi el youm ya 3omri we tkaffar 3an zanbak
and the day when you correct your mistake will come
haha yes i know this is a verryyy old song!! thank you hun!! i hope all is well with you!