From her album Yama 2alo
7abibty Man Takoon
{I LOVE this song, anyone know if there is a video if her singing it live???}
From her album Eyneik Kaddabin
Bi' Eynak
From her album Tool Omry
From her album Yama 2alo
7abibty Man Takoon
{I LOVE this song, anyone know if there is a video if her singing it live???}
From her album Eyneik Kaddabin
Bi' Eynak
From her album Tool Omry
Last edited by mailyn; 06-25-2008 at 03:23 PM.
Hassib Naffsak
Why do you come back to me? I've had enough from you!!
I don't wanna see you , get out of my sight!
Refrain: NEVER- would we get back together
NEVER- you can forget all about me
You can't never trust again...someone who once betrayed you
Why? Do I beleive the heart which abandoned and lost me for good
So now you come to me with a tearful eye; you're wasting your time!
I WAS your soul , passion, and nights...
I WAS ready to leave everything and come to you...
... see what you did!
Who? Whatever your saying , you think you're kidding whom?
For the one who abandon once can do it once again! Who?!
I WAS your soul , passion, and nights...
I WAS ready to leave everything and come to you...
... see what you did!
Habibaty Man Takoon video
Missing : Habibity Man Takoon Translation.
Yama Alo: Yama 2aalo May2oolo
7abeena Keda
We Haweena Keda
We Maleena El Donia
Gharam Fe Gharam
Hay3eedo We Yezeedo
Dal Ana 7asaa
Welly Ana 3ayshaa
Fl Hob Ya Nas
Wala Fl A7lam
Arab Mn Alby Elly 3ashanak
Yama Ghana We Ghana
We By7lm Be Lo2ak Ya Habeeby
We Lessa Bytmanaa
Roo7y Ana 3omry Ana
Ana Dayba Fe Hobak We Hawak
Danta Ana Ahh Ya Ana
Ana Mnak We Hoaya Hawak
3ala Nary Ya Habeeby
Bastana Keda
We Fe Alby Keda
Ashwa Temla El Donia Be7lha
We Tegeeny Tel2eeny
El Shoo2 Daweb
Fia We song
We 7ala Betfdal 3ala 7alha
Yama 2aalo May2oolo
7abeena Keda
We Haweena Keda
We Maleena El Donia
Gharam Fe Gharam
Hay3eedo We Yezeedo
Dal Ana 7asaa
Welly Ana 3ayshaa
Fl Hob Ya Nas
Wala Fl A7lam
Arabic Text:
ياما قالوا ما يقولوا
حبينا كده
وهوينا كده
و ملينا الدنيا
غرام في غرام
ما يعيدوا آه و يزيدوا
ده اللي انا حاساه
و اللي انا عيشاه
في الحب يا ناس
ولافي الاحلام
قرب من قلبي اللي عشانك
ياما غنى و غنى
و بيحلم بلقاك يا حبيبي
و لسه بيتمنى
روحي انا عمري انا
انا دايبة في حبك و هواك
ده انت انا اه يا انا
انا منك وهوايا هواك
على ناري آه يا حبيبي
بستنى كده
و في قلبي كده
أشواق تملى الدنيا بحالها
ما تجيني آه تلاقيني
الشوق دوب
فيا و عذب
و الحيرة بتفظل على حالها
ياما قالوا ما يقولوا
حبينا كده
وهوينا كده
و ملينا الدنيا
غرام في غرام
ما يعيدوا آه و يزيدوا
ده اللي انا حاساه
و اللي انا عيشاه
في الحب يا ناس
ولافي الاحلام
They've always said, let them say
How we loved or fell in love with each other
And shared our love everywhere
They're gonna repeat it and more
These are my feelings and what I'm passing through
This love is better than any dream
Get closer to my heart who has always sung for you
Who dreams of meeting you and still wishes you
My soul, my life, you filled me with your love
We're only one... I'm from you, my love is yours
I have no patience, my love
To wait this way, and my heart is filled
My feelings would fill the whole world
Come to me, meet me
I'm suffering from missing you
Andmy confusion stays the same
I just found it in the www.
majdn - Thanks for the lyrics and thank you for that wonderful video! She is just SO amazing! Now if anyone could give me the translation. Hehehe.
Tahira I'm a bit confused, are those the lyrics for 7abibty Man Takoon? Those are the ones that I wanted from her Yama Alo album
Here you go - this took me a long time lol
الرفاق حائرون يفكرون يتسالون
My Friends are wondering, thinking, asking
في جنون حبيبتي انا من تكون
Crazy about who my lover could be
يفكرون يتسالون يتهامسون يتخيلون اسماء
Thinking, asking, whispering, imagining of names.
اشياءويضيع كل هدا هباء
They are imagining pointless things
لا تخافي واهدئي واهدئي
Don't worry, be calm, be calm.
يا صغيرتي لا تخافي واهدئي واهدئي يا صغيرتي
My baby, don't worry, stay clam, stay calm.
لا تبالي انني اه انني
Don't think about it. I....
يا حبيبتي اه اخفي هواك عن العيون فكيف مني يعرفون
My darling, I hide my love from your eyes. How are they going to know from me
حبيبتي حبيبتي انا من تكون من تكون
Who's my lover ? who is it?
حبيبتي حبيبتي حبيبتي
My love, My love, My love
صغيرتي انا لم اقل شيئا لم اقل
My baby, I didn't say
وابدا ابدا لن اقول
I will never mention it
حرصي عليك وحرص نفسي على الحياة لكي تقوم
I want to protect you, and protect my life
لا تحتاري نظراتهم اليك لا تفزعك
Don't let their looks confuse you, don't be scared ...from their whispers
همساتهم عليك فانتي في اعماق داتي سر اسرار حياتي
if you hear them whisper about you, Your secret is deep in my soul.
فدعيهم يا حياتي فدعيهم يا حياتي دعيهم يفكرون يتسالون يتخيلوا
Let them..Let them think, question, and imagine.
لا تخافي واهدئي واهدئي يا صغيرتي
Don't worry, be calm, be calm, My baby.
يا صغيرتي لا تخافي واهدئي واهدئي يا صغيرتي
My baby, don't worry, stay clam, stay calm.
لا تبالي انني اه انني
Don't think about it. I....
يا حبيبتي اه اخفي هواك عن العيون فكيف مني يعرفون
My darling, I hide my love from your eyes. How are they going to know from me
حبيبتي حبيبتي انا من تكون من تكون
Who's my lover ? who is it?
حبيبتي حبيبتي حبيبتي
My love, My love, my love
لا تخافي واهدئي واهدئي يا صغيرتي
Don't worry, be calm, be calm. my baby.
لا تبالي انني اه انني
Don't think about it. I....
يا حبيبتي اه اخفي هواك عن العيون فكيف مني يعرفون
My darling, I hide my love from your eyes. How are they going to know from me
حبيبتي حبيبتي انا من تكون من تكون
Who's my lover ? who is it?
حبيبتي حبيبتي حبيبتي
My love, my love, my love.
[Note: This is not Nawal song, it's Abdel El Haleem, this song is directed to a girl]
OMG thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I have to look for the original song to hear him sing it. Thanks for all your help on this! I really really appreciate it.
You Welcome !
Do you want me to write the arabic lyrics in "romanian" font ?
Last edited by majdn; 06-25-2008 at 04:35 PM.
oh that would be awesome if you could! I didn't want to keep bothering but I'd love that! That way I can try to sing it.
Hi Marylin, I whould not watch TV and work on the computer at the same time.... so mistakes happen;
here are the lyrics you were looking for, but I found only the arabic fonts. But I am sure, Majdn or someone else will help you and give you translation and latin fonts:
Habeebti Min Tekoun: الرفاق حائرون يفكرون يتسالون
في جنون حبيبتي انا من تكون
يفكرون يتسالون يتهامسون يتخيلون اسماء
اشياءويضيع كل هدا هباء
لا تخافي واهدئي واهدئي
يا صغيرتي لا تخافي واهدئي واهدئي يا صغيرتي
لا تبالي انني اه انني
يا حبيبتي اه اخفي هواك عن العيون فكيف مني يعرفون
حبيبتي حبيبتي انا من تكون من تكون
حبيبتي حبيبتي حبيبتي
صغيرتي انا لم اقل شيئا لم اقل
وابدا ابدا لن اقول
حرصي عليك وحرص نفسي على الحياة لكي تقوم
لا تحتاري نظراتهم اليك لا تفزعك
همساتهم عليك فانتي في اعماق داتي سر اسرار حياتي
فدعيهم يا حياتي فدعيهم يا حياتي دعيهم يفكرون يتسالون يتخيلوا
لا تخافي واهدئي واهدئي يا صغيرتي
لا تخافي واهدئي واهدئي يا صغيرتي
لا تبالي انني اه انني
يا حبيبتي اه اخفي هواك عن العيون فكيف مني يعرفون
حبيبتي حبيبتي انا من تكون من تكون
حبيبتي حبيبتي حبيبتي
HAve a nice day, Tahira
thanks Tahira! Yeah that happens to me too.