Saad As-Soghayar - Il 3aynab [*]

Thread: Saad As-Soghayar - Il 3aynab [*]

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  1. tariksultan said:

    Default Saad As-Soghayar - Il 3aynab [*]

    Does anyone know the lyrics to il aynab by Saad il Sughir. I know it isn't the most poetic song, but its fun to dance to and I'm choreographing a number to it.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. mesho's Avatar

    mesho said:


    yaeh i know this song

    i haaaaaaaaate it

    but if you like i'll translate it for you

    but his song had no meaning

    just give me time

    and Tomorrow you'll find it here

    see ya
  3. mesho's Avatar

    mesho said:



    فكهاني وبحب الفاكهه وبموت بالموز والمنجا
    i'm aperson love Fruit and i love Banana and Mango

    بصراحه على الفاكهه بغير وببيع وبشتري بضمير
    Honesty I feel jealous abut the Fruit and i Buy and sell without Cheat

    هو ايه؟
    what is it ?

    العنب العنب العنب العنب العنب العنب
    Grapes Grapes Grapes Grapes Grapes

    احمر واصفر احمر واصفر احمر واصفر
    red yallow red yallow red yallow

    هو ايه؟
    what is it ?

    احمر وزي اللوز واطعم يا ناس من الموز
    red like Almonds and more Tasty from the banana

    العنب العنب العنب
    Grapes Grapes Grapes

    واواواوا<< just like wow

    البلح البلح البلح البلح البلح البلح
    El-Balah El-Balah El-Balah << kind of Fruit

    احمر واسمر احمر واسمر
    red Brown red Brown red Brown

    زغلول زغلول زغلول
    Zaghloul Zaghloul Zaghloul << it's name

    هو ايه؟
    what is it ?

    احمر وطعمو خطير صغير يا ناس وكبير
    red and it taste Wonderful small and big

    البلح البلح البلح
    El-Balah El-Balah El-Balah << kind of Fruit


    i told you this song has no meaning

    but it's really good for dance on it

    i hope i could help

    see ya
    Last edited by mesho; 07-26-2008 at 11:36 PM.
  4. tariksultan said:


    Quote Originally Posted by mesho View Post
    yaeh i know this song

    i haaaaaaaaate it

    but if you like i'll translate it for you

    but his song had no meaning

    just give me time

    and Tomorrow you'll find it here

    see ya
    Thanks so much!

    Hey, I never said it made sense. I have a jist of what its about. If you think the lyrics are bad, god help you DON'T see the movie!

    In the context of the movie it makes sense..... sort of. Its about a girl who is the daughter of an old singer from a real baladi neighborhood, but she was separated from her mother and adopted by a rich family. After the mother dies Saad and his buddies go to find her so they can get their hands on the inheritance. They find her and she decides she wants to find her roots. So they teach her about all the characters in the neighborhood. So I guess the fruit seller is one of them. Of course he isn't really singing about fruits if you know what I mean. My only question is why can't anyone make a song that has a good beat and good lyrics???
    I just do what I do with English songs, TUNE OUT THE LYRICS and pretend the voice is another instrument. Anyway, I have to give my students a translation so.....

    Thanks for putting yourself through the torture for my sake!
  5. majdn's Avatar

    majdn said:


    it was translated before but u did a nice job Mesho
    Ya reit albi yekoon 2assi 3shan ye2dar yefoot 7obak, o a3eesh zayak sa3eed nassi o la es2alshi 3ala albak.
  6. vanna9's Avatar

    vanna9 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by mesho View Post

    فكهاني وبحب الفاكهه وبموت بالموز والمنجا
    i'm aperson love Fruit and i love Banana and Mango

    بصراحه على الفاكهه بغير وببيع وبشتري بضمير
    Honesty I feel jealous abut the Fruit and i Buy and sell without Cheat

    هو ايه؟
    what is it ?

    العنب العنب العنب العنب العنب العنب
    Grapes Grapes Grapes Grapes Grapes

    احمر واصفر احمر واصفر احمر واصفر
    red yallow red yallow red yallow

    هو ايه؟
    what is it ?

    احمر وزي اللوز واطعم يا ناس من الموز
    red like Almonds and more Tasty from the banana

    العنب العنب العنب
    Grapes Grapes Grapes

    واواواوا<< just like wow

    البلح البلح البلح البلح البلح البلح
    El-Balah El-Balah El-Balah << kind of Fruit

    احمر واسمر احمر واسمر
    red Brown red Brown red Brown

    زغلول زغلول زغلول
    Zaghloul Zaghloul Zaghloul << it's name

    هو ايه؟
    what is it ?

    احمر وطعمو خطير صغير يا ناس وكبير
    red and it taste Wonderful small and big

    البلح البلح البلح
    El-Balah El-Balah El-Balah << kind of Fruit


    i told you this song has no meaning

    but it's really good for dance on it

    i hope i could help

    see ya

    I found clip from youtube of this song few months ago and I love it
    maybe because I don`t know any arabic word

    but the rhythm is so good and it is funny
  7. mesho's Avatar

    mesho said:



    your welcome

    no Problem at all

    i didn't see the movie but it's look interesting

    there alot of song has a good beat and good lyrics

    try to lesten to al-jasmy song

    or abd al-majed


    i didn't know

  8. gimmelyrics said:


    Hi All

    I'm pretty new to the world of arabic songs and poetry. I see the song el-aynab has been translated here. thanks! But is there anyway, I could get the lyrics of the rest of the song too? esp, the lyrics from a long stanza where the girls and boys are singing together.

    I'm assuming there are various versions of the song, pity I don't know the singer too. All I know that it's a male artist all along and then somewhere towards the last 1 minute of the song, the chorus with men and women plays. For better clarity, I can tell you that the meaning to the lyrics I'm looking for start at 2.31 and end at 2.46. The total song is 3.25 mins long.

    I'd be grateful if it could be translated too.

    Many thanks in advance,