Abdel Majeed Abdellah - Etdella3 Ya Kaedhum [*]

Thread: Abdel Majeed Abdellah - Etdella3 Ya Kaedhum [*]

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  1. ShAkY's Avatar

    ShAkY said:

    Default Abdel Majeed Abdellah - Etdella3 Ya Kaedhum [*]

    Salamz dear friendz,

    Can any1 post lyrics and translation of this song of Abdel Majeed - Etdella3 Ya Kaedhum...??? Pleeez
  2. ShAkY's Avatar

    ShAkY said:


    Please dear all help me....

    Can anybody post "etdella3" lyrics & translation Please...
    dear members I hope you will help me in this. Thanx.
    Last edited by lollipop; 08-03-2008 at 06:24 AM. Reason: Merged: too many bumps
  3. soulef's Avatar

    soulef said:


    ok here you go,i'm sorry you have to ask more than once,i've looked all over for it

    edala3 ya kayedhom//coquet O shemer
    edala3 ya kayedhom//coquet O shemer
    khalihom yeshoofoonak//let them see you
    khalihom yeshoofoonak//let them see you
    3allehom osool al hesn//teach them the rules of beauty
    3allehom osool al hesn//teach them the rules of beauty
    3atehom darsi ba3yoonak//give them a lesson with your eyes
    3atehom darsi ba3yoonak//give them a lesson with your eyes

    3alemhom bi nadhratak we shloon ejamal ykoon//teach them with your looks and how beauty is supposed to be
    3alemhom bi nadhratak we shloon ejamal ykoon//teach them with your looks and how beauty is supposed to be
    edh'hak yalla warrihom a7la dhe7ka we a7la 3yoon//come on laugh and show them the most beautiful laughter and eyes
    edh'hak yalla warrihom a7la dhe7ka we a7la 3yoon//come on laugh and show them the most beautiful laughter and eyes

    ghayyer hesnak el majnoon etla3 kel la7dh bshi//change your mad look bring something new every time
    ghayyer hesnak el majnoon etla3 kel la7dh bshi//change your mad look bring something new every time
    7aram enta tfaje'hom 3adhebhom shway shway//it's a pity that you surprise them,torture them little by little
  4. ShAkY's Avatar

    ShAkY said:


    Thanx a lot bro, and sorry for posting double threads actually I though subject is not enough to understand ppl what I want exactly. I will never repeat this again... Thanx once again.
  5. soulef's Avatar

    soulef said:


    bro??nobody told me that i look like a boy
    you're welcome
    Last edited by soulef; 08-04-2008 at 05:01 AM.
  6. AnaAyeesh said:


    Quote Originally Posted by soulef View Post
    bro??nobody told me that i look like a boy
    you're welcome
  7. ShAkY's Avatar

    ShAkY said:


    Again I apologise,
    I donno, Y always mistakes and me stay 2gether... ???
    anyhow, hopefully I will fnd soon the reason behind. hihihi.,.,.
  8. soulef's Avatar

    soulef said:


    u don't need to apologize,i was kidding you know
    i hope so too
  9. zlh's Avatar

    zlh said:



    could someone please write the arabic lyrics of this song please?

    thanks a lot..