hello can someone please help me translate
the rest of the song her new song -Enta_El_Shams-
thtas the only part i knew entirety :
Ya albi, Ya 7obbi, Ya 3youni, Ya Jnouni
Men bain el 3aalam wel nass inta elli saken ba3youni
Inta el shams ell ma betghib, inta albi we 3aynayeh
[my heart my love my eyes my craziness
from all the world and pepole you are the one who live in my eyes
you are the sun thats not going. you are my heart and my eyes]
Inta el dawa wel 6abib, Inta la7n el ghinniyeh
We ala 7obbak ma biyeghla 7abib ya amar el sahriyeh
We 7obbak 3a jbini maktoub men hala2 lel abadiyeh
3a darbak rashait woroud, ghannali el 6air el shadi
Albi b7obbak maw3oud, 3she2tak 7ad el 3ebadeh
Mahma laili kan ytoul, 7obbak zadi we bezyadeh
7obbak 3andi malou 7doud ya aghla men 3ainayeh
Jamalak amar el manshoud, sawtak ajmal ghinniyeh
Kermalak brou7i ebjoud, bass etdallak 7awalayeh
oh...and it was just me or the website didnt work 3 days???