Hey, would be great if somebody could give me the lyrics and translation
And I'd like to have the translation of Al Ro3at Wal Nar as well...I was asking about this before as well, unfortunately nobody could help me
Hey, would be great if somebody could give me the lyrics and translation
And I'd like to have the translation of Al Ro3at Wal Nar as well...I was asking about this before as well, unfortunately nobody could help me
with my pleasure ,i will do it for you soon ...
here is the translation of this great song :
اطفال بغداد الحزينة يسألون
atfalo baghdad al 7azinati yas2alon
The children of the sad Baghdad asking
عن اي ذنب يقتلون
3an aiy thanbin yoqtalon
For which guilt they have been killed?
يترنحون على شظايا الجوع
yataranna7ona 3ala shathayal jou3i
They are faltering on the shrapnel of hunger
يقتسمون خبز الموت ثم يودعون
yaqtasimona khobzal maowti thomma yowadi3on
They are dividing the bread of death then they are leaving
الله اكبر من دمار الحرب يا بغداد والزمن البغيض الظالم
allaho akbar min damaril 7arbi ya baghdad wal zaman al bagheth al thalimi
God is the greatest .. oh from the destruction of the war and the damned time ,oh Baghdad
الله اكبر من سماسرة الحروب على الشعوب وكل تجار الدم
allaho akbar min samasiratil 7roubi 3alal sh3oubi wa kol tojar al dami
God is the greatest ..oh from the commission of wars on the people ,oh from all merchants of blood
بغداد لا لا تتألمي
baghdad la la tata2alami
Oh Baghdad don’t be in pain
بغداد انتي انتي في دمي
baghdad anti anti fi dami
Baghdad ,you are in my blood
بغداد بغداد بغداد
Baghdad ,Baghdad ,Baghdad
عار على زمن الحضارة اي عار
3aron 3ala zamanil 7atharati aiyo 3ar
It’s a shame for the civilization time ,what a shame
هل صار ترويع الشعوب وسام عز وافتخار
hal sara tarwe3ol sho3obi wisama 3izzin waftikhar
Did the scaring of people become the medal of glory and pomposity?
هل صار قتل الابرياء وسام مجد وانتصار
hal sara qatlol abriya2i wisama majdin wa intisar
Did killing of innocents become medal of honor and victory?
يا قبلة العشاق يا جرحي المرير
ya qiblatal 3oshaqi ya jar7i al marir
You are the buss of lovers ,oh from my deep wound
القي جراحك فوق صدري عانقي قلبي الصغير
ilqi jira7aki fawqa sadri 3aniqi qalbil saghir
Throw your pain above my chest ,hug my small heart
عمر الحضارة لن يعيش بدون قلب او ضمير
3omr al 7atharati lan ya3esha bdoni qalbin aw thamir
The civilization never can live without heart or conscience
and here is al-rou3at wal-nar ... its very nice and powerful and hard lyrics ... i did my best
Kazim al-saher - Al-rou3at wal-nar
طعمُ الفراتِ مُرٌّ من حيثما تدفقت مياهُهُ وحيثما يمر
Ta3mol forati mor min 7aithoma tadafaqat miyahoho wa 7aithoma yamor
The taste of firat is bitter from wherever it’s water flowed
والوطن المجروح من جراحه يُساق نحو قبر
Wal watanol majrou7o min jira7ihi yosaqo na7wa qabr
And the wounded country is irrigated toward tomb (death)
وللعراق دمعه وشمعه وليس سراً أن للعراق سِر
Wa lil 3iraqi dam3oho wa sham3oho wa laisa sirran ana lil 3iraqi sir
Iraq has her tear and her candle ,and its not secret that iraq has secret
تمزَّقت أشلاءه ومائه نهرٌ يشق نهر
Tamazzaqat ashla2oho wa ma2oho nahron yashoqo nahr
Her carnage had been torn ,and her water ,river flawing river
أعربٌ نحن؟ وفى عراقنا للموت نصل غدر
A3rabon na7no wa fi 3iraqina lil maowti naslo ghadr
Are we arabs? and in our iraq theres a disloyalty point
أعربٌ نحن؟ ومن عراقنا الأنباء لا تسر
A3rabon na7no wa min 3iraqina al anba2o la tasor
Are we arabs? And in our iraq the news is not gratifying
والحرب فى قانونها كرٌّ يليه فر
Wal 7arbo fi qanoniha karron yalihi far
And the war in her law is attack followed by another attack
والغدر فى قانونِهِ أن يستحيل نصر
Wal ghadro fi qanonihi an yasta7eela nasr
And the disloyalty in his law is to make the victory to be impossible
وبين أقطاب الرحى الدمار يستمر
Wa baina aqtabil ra7a al damaro yastamir
Between the poles of quern the destruction will continue
والمشهد الأسود كم يقطعه صبحاً آذان فجر
Wal mashhadol aswado kam yaqta3oho sob7an athano fajr
And the black scene would be interrupted by the morning (call to prayer)
يا أيها الطامع فى عراقنا هلاَّ وجدت عُذر؟
Ya aiyohal tami3o fi 3iraqina halla wajadta 3othr
Oh you, greedy for our iraq ,did you find an excuse for that?
يا أيها الواله فى دمائنا إن الصدور كُثر
Ya aiyohal waliho fi dima2ina inal sdora kothr
Oh you ,who distracted for our blood ,the chests are a lot (it means we have a lot of people)
يا أيها الجاهل ما أسمائنا إن الجباه سُمر
Ya aiyohal jahilo ma asma2ona in al jibaha somr
Oh you ,ignorant ,whats our names! our forehead is brown
حاك الجراد فى عراقنا للناس ثوب فقر
7akal jarado fi 3iraqina lil nasi thaowba faqr
The locust tailored for our people a poverty clothes
بلا دليلٍ هاجموا وللشعوب صبر
Bila dalil hajamo wa lil sh3oubi sabr
Without evidence they attacked ,and the nations have patience
وللقوى لو طغى نهايةٌ وللظلام عمر
Wa lil qaowi law tagha nihaia wa lil thalami 3omr
And theres an end for the tyrant force ,and theres a limited age for the darkness .....(means: the darkness and disloyalty never continue forever)
قد علَّم التاريخ من يقرأه أن لا يدوم قهر
Qad 3allama al tarikho man yaqra2oho an la yadoma qahr
The history taught who is reading it ,that the sadness will never subsist
وعلَّم التاريخ من يكتبه أن الحروف حُمر
Wa 3allama al tarikha man yaktobho anal 7oroufa 7omr
And the history taught who is writing it ,that the letters are red
عراقُ يا منارة المجد الذى استقر
3iraq ya manaratal majdi allathi istaqar
Iraq ,you are the beacon of glory which settled
نحتاج فى تاريخنا يوماً كيومِ بدر
Na7tajo fi tarikhina yaowman ka yaowmi badr
We need in our history for a day like (badr)’s day
(badr is the name of the first war in islam)
يعلم الجاثم فوق صدرنا أن العراق حر
Yo3alimol jathima faowqa sadrina anal 3iraqa 7or
The perching over our chest knows that Iraq is free
Last edited by ams298; 10-31-2008 at 07:47 AM.
Thank you so much, Dear
I guess soon I will have another request...
By the way...who has written the lyrics for those two songs?
you are welcome jihan
(baghdad la tata2alami) written by : Farouq jweda فاروق جويدة
(al-rou3at wal-nar) written by : Mohammed bn rashid al maktom الشيخ / محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم
Thank you so much...yeah, I thought it was one of the Maktoums who wrote al-rou3at wal-nar...thanks for the information
And who is Farouq Jweda ?