Fayruz - Greek - Arabic Hymn

Thread: Fayruz - Greek - Arabic Hymn

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  1. Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

    Marcus Aurelius said:

    Default Fayruz - Greek - Arabic Hymn

    Hi, I am posting this in the Greek forum as well. My understanding of Greek is not very good at all, but I have a dictionary and I can read it fine (I understand a little of it, Christos aneste ek nekron...). Just the lyrics or the lyrics and the translation would be fine. I am better in Arabic, though not fluent at all. Shukran 3laykum.

  2. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    المسيح قام من بين الاموات
    al-masee7o qam min bayin el amwat
    Jesus woke up from between the deads
    ووطأ الموت بالموت
    w wati2a al-mout bil mout
    And tread death with death
    ووهب الحياة للذين في القبور
    wa wahabe al-7iata liltheen fi el-qoboor
    And gave life to whom in the graves

    المسيح قام من بين الاموات
    al-masee7o qam min bayin el amwat
    Jesus woke up from between the deads
    ووطأ الموت بالموت
    w wati2a al-mout bil mout
    And tread death with death
    ووهب الحياة للذين في القبور
    wa wahabe al-7iata liltheen fi el-qoboor
    And gave life to whom in
    هذا هو اليوم الذي صنعه الرب فلنفرح ولنتهلل به
    hatha howa el youmo al-lathi sana3aho Arrabo falnafra7 wal natahallal biihi
    This is the day God made it let’s cheer and jubilate
    المسيح قام من بين الاموات
    al-masee7o qam min bayin el amwat
    Jesus woke up from between the deads
    ووطأ الموت بالموت
    w wati2a al-mout bil mout
    And tread death with death
    ووهب الحياة للذين في القبور
    wa wahabe al-7iata liltheen fi el-qoboor
    And gave life to whom in

    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God