i want u help me for the song
Law 2ader _ Amr Diab
i want translation the song plzzzzz
i want u help me for the song
Law 2ader _ Amr Diab
i want translation the song plzzzzz
لو قادر - عمرو دياب
law 2ader - amro diab
If u can
لو قادر بص في عيني وقولي عملتلك ايه
مش فاكر مرة خلفت بوعد وعدتك بيه
والله ماشفتش مني غيرالحنية عليك
if u can look at my eyes and tell me what i`ve done to u
i don't remember that i have ever revoke in a promise i made
i swear god that u haven't seen from me anything but compassion
علمتك معني الحب وأجمل شوق وغرام
وماعلمتكش القسوة دي مش محتاجة علام
أصل أنت أكيد م الأول كدة والقسوة دي فيك
i teach u the love meaning and the prettiest passion and longing
i didn't teach u to be rude this doesn't need explanation
you are like this from the past and this severity is inside u
أنا سيبك تمشى تعيش وتقابل ناس تانيين
نا فيهم قسوة قلبك زيك مش باينييين
كفر عن ذنبك من اللى عملته سنييين
i`ll let you go to live and meet other people
whom have the heart severity like you are not appears
expiate for the mistakes u made all these years
منهم نتعلم ببلاش كان ماضى ولازم يتعااش
واللى عليا عملته ما عاااش ومكفااااش
we learn from those for free
it was past
& must be lived
and i`ve done what i have to
but didn't live it
and it wasn't enough