حرمتني نومة الليل
7ramtny nomat el lail
You took away the night's sleep
الله يحرمك النوم
Allah y7rmak el noam
May God take away sleep (from you)
بعد ما بالقلب حيل
Ba3ad ma bel galob 7ail
The heart doesn't have any power (or energy) left
يحمل حيرة و هموم
y7mel 7eera w hmom
to carry doubt and burdens
صعب حبك يا مدلول
sa3ob 7obak ya madlol
your love is hard, oh spoilt*
خايف زعلك يطول
5aif za3lak y6ol
I'm afraid your sadness (or your anger from me) will be long
تعود العشرة يا يا يوم
t3ood el 3eshra ya ya youm**
May intimacy (between us) come back, oh one day
السهر عذبني و شلون
el sahar 3athabny, we shlon
staying awake at night has tortured me, and how!
منهو يصبر العيون
menho ysaber el 3youn
who will make the eyes patient
هم مثلي يحبون
hom methly y7bon
they're like me in love
تعبوا من عد النجوم
t3bao men 3ad el njoom
they're tired of counting the stars
تعود العشرة يا يا يوم
t3ood el 3eshra ya ya youm**
May intimacy (between us) come back, oh one day
تركتني وحدي سهران
traktney wa7dy sahran
you left me alone awake
وعذابي صار عنوان
w 3thaby sar 3enwan
and my torture has become (my) address
علي تزيد الاحزان
3aly tzeed el a7zan
the sadness is becoming more (on me)
و اني فرحي محروم
w any fr7y ma7room
and my happiness is taken away from me
تعود العشرة يا يا يوم
t3ood el 3eshra ya ya youm**
May intimacy (between us) come back, oh one day
*calling his lover a spoilt person
** ya youm could mean him calling his mother and complaing to her, it's not clear which one fits more, they're both correct, but the one above in the lyrics seems more right.
hope this is helpful, if you need more help with understanding anything, do tell me
The hours of pain have yielded good,
Which prosperous days refused;
As herbs, though scentless when entire,
Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.