Tamer Hosny - Rayah Balak [*]

Thread: Tamer Hosny - Rayah Balak [*]

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  1. Topmany said:

    Default Tamer Hosny - Rayah Balak [*]

    please... can someone translate this song to english for me? I love it so much but don't even know a word what he is saying! lol.

    ريح بالك و انسى اللى نسيك عيش ليك
    ..مش ده يا قلبي اللى بنتمناه.
    .داري الأشواق لو مهما اشتاق لعنيك
    مش ليك
    ..انسى و لا ترجع يوم لهواه.
    .خليك قد الفرقة ما هيش فارقة معاك..دي سنين ضايعة و لو راحت
    منك مش راجعة لو تعمل ايه
    ..ليه ترجع تتحمل و تكمل حب مالوش اخر من اول
    ..جرح مالوش اخر ليه تتعب ليه.
    .انسى الايام و انساه.
    .انسى يا قلبي اللى جرحني.
    .اديته عمري و ليه و لامرة يا قلبي ريحني.
    .و لا وجع القلب يا قلبي بكرة الايام تعدي
    تضحك و تقول ياااااه.
    .مش معقول انا كنت بعمل كده

    Thank you

    here's the song if you want to hear it:

  2. rialisha06's Avatar

    rialisha06 said:


    Raya7 Balak Tamer Hosny

    Raya7 Balak Wensa Elly Neseek
    3eesh Leek..Lyaleek
    Mesh Da Ya Alby Elly Bentmanaa
    Daary El Ashwaa2 Lao Mahma Eshta2
    L3eneek Mesh Leek
    Ensa Wala Terg3 Youm Le Hawaaa
    Khaleek Ad El For2a Maheesh Far2a
    N3dy Seneen Day3a We Lao Ra7t
    Mnak Mesh Rag3a Lao T3ml Eihhh
    Leeh Terg3 Tet7ml We Tekaml
    Hob Maloosh Akher Ml Awl
    Gar7 Maloosh Akher
    Leeh Tet3b Leeh
    Ensa El Ayam Wensaah
    Ensa Ya ALby Elly Gar7ny
    Edeeto 3omry We Leeh
    Wala Marra Ya Alby Raya7ny
    Ensa El Ayam Wensaah
    Ensa Ya ALby Elly Gar7ny
    Edeeto 3omry We Leeh
    Wala Marra Ya Alby Raya7ny
    Khaleek Ad El For2a Maheesh Far2a
    N3dy Seneen Day3a We Lao Ra7t
    Mnak Mesh Rag3a Lao T3ml Eihhh
    Leeh Terg3 Tet7ml We Tekaml
    Hob Maloosh Akher Ml Awl
    Gar7 Maloosh Akher
    Leeh Tet3b Leeh
    Wala Wag3 El Alb Ya Alby
    Bokra El Ayam T3ady
    Ted7k We T2ool
    Mesh Ma32ool
    Ana Kont Ba3ml Kedaa
    Wala Wag3 El Alb Ya Alby
    Bokra El Ayam T3ady
    Ted7k We T2ool
    Mesh Ma32ool
    Ana Kont Ba3ml Kedaa
    We Raya7 Balak Wensa Elly Neseek
    3eesh Leek..Lyaleek
    Daary El Ashwaa2 Lao Mahma Eshta2
    L3eneek Mesh Leek
    Ensa Wala Terg3 Youm Le Hawaaa
    Khaleek Ad El For2a Maheesh Far2a
    N3dy Seneen Day3a We Lao Ra7t
    Mnak Mesh Rag3a Lao T3ml Eihhh
    Leeh Terg3 Tet7ml We Tekaml
    Hob Maloosh Akher Ml Awl
    Gar7 Maloosh Akher
    Leeh Tet3b Leeh
    Wala Wag3 El Alb Ya Alby
    Bokra El Ayam T3ady
    Ted7k We T2ool
    Yaa Mesh Ma32ool
    Ana Kont Ba3ml Kedaa
    Wala Wag3 El Alb Ya Alby
    Bokra El Ayam T3ady
    Ted7k We T2ool
    Mesh Ma32ool
    Ana Kont Ba3ml Kedaa

    I hope some one translated for u ..if not i will find it but tomorrow ok
  3. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Here you are :

    Raya7 Balak Wensa Elly Neseek <<Relax and forget who has forgotten you
    3eesh Leek..Lyaleek << live for yourself .. your nights
    Mesh Da Ya Alby Elly Bentmanaa << O my heart , that's not what we wish
    Daary El Ashwaa2 Lao Mahma Eshta2 << my house's longing whatever I miss
    L3eneek .. Mesh Leek << Your eyes .. It's not for you
    Ensa Wala Terg3 Youm Le Hawaaa << Forget it , and don't return back to his love
    Khaleek Ad El For2a Maheesh Far2a << let yourself be strong .. it doesn't matter
    N3dy Seneen Day3a We Lao Ra7t << they are years lost , even if they pass
    Mnak Mesh Rag3a Lao T3ml Eihhh << it will never return back whatever you do
    Leeh Terg3 Tet7ml We Tekaml << Why would u return to support and continue
    Hob Maloosh Akher Ml Awl << a love that hasn't an end from a start
    Gar7 Maloosh Akher << Wound that hasn't an end
    Leeh Tet3b Leeh << why would you tire yourself why
    Ensa El Ayam Wensaah << forget the time and forget him
    Ensa Ya ALby Elly Gar7ny << O my heart , forget who hurts my feelings

    (I think The song is about a singer with hurt feelings that he is talking to his heart about his story )

    Edeeto 3omry We Leeh << I gave (offered) him my life (life time) and why
    Wala Marra Ya Alby Raya7ny << and why doesn't he ever well treated me , o my heart ?
    Ensa El Ayam Wensaah << Forget the days and forget him
    Ensa Ya ALby Elly Gar7ny << O my heart , forget the one who hurts my feelings
    Edeeto 3omry We Leeh << I gave him my life and why ?
    Wala Marra Ya Alby Raya7ny < o my heart , why doesn't he ever well treated me ?
    Khaleek Ad El For2a Maheesh Far2a << Just be strong , it's not a big deal
    N3dy Seneen Day3a We Lao Ra7t << that are years lost , and even if they pass
    Mnak Mesh Rag3a Lao T3ml Eihhh << It will never return back to you , what ever you do
    Leeh Terg3 Tet7ml We Tekaml << Why would you return back and continue
    Hob Maloosh Akher Ml Awl << a love that hasn't an end from a start
    Gar7 Maloosh Akher << wound that hasn't an end
    Leeh Tet3b Leeh << why would you tire yourself why
    Wala Wag3 El Alb Ya Alby << Oh my heart , no heart's pain
    Bokra El Ayam T3ady << Don't worry , the days (the time) will pass
    Ted7k We T2ool << You will laugh and say
    Mesh Ma32ool << It's impossible
    Ana Kont Ba3ml Kedaa << That I was doing like that

    Hope I did no mistake .. Any suggestions u're welcome !
  4. rialisha06's Avatar

    rialisha06 said:


    " rest ur mind " Tamer Hosny
    rayah balak

    rest ur mind and forget who forget u
    live for urself .. ur nights
    she is not the person u want ,
    my heart hide ur feelings
    whatever she miss ur eyes
    forget and dont back to her love again
    handle the Separation it is not problem
    there are lost years and if them go
    they will not come again whatever u do
    why u back and compelete this love
    which dont have begaining or final hurt dont have final
    why u tried urself
    why forget the days and forget her forget who hurt me ,
    my heart i gived her my life
    and why she dont make me feel good for one time
    forget the days and forget her forget who hurt me ,
    my heart i gived her my life and
    why she dont make me feel good for one time
    handle the Separation it is not problem
    there are lost years and if them go they will not come again
    whatever u do why u back and compelete this love
    which dont have begaining or final hurt dont have final
    why u tried urself why
    no heart pain again , my heart
    later the days will go u will laugh and say
    impossible i was doing that
    no heart pain again , my heart
    later the days will go u will laugh and say impossible i was doing that
    rest ur mind and
    forget who forget u live for urself ..
    ur nights hide ur feelings whatever she miss ur eyes
    forget and dont back to her love again
    handle the Separation it is not problem
    there are lost years and if them go they will not come again
    whatever u do why u back and compelete this love
    which dont have begaining or final hurt dont have final
    why u tried urself whyno heart pain again ,
    my heartlater the days will go u will laugh and say
    impossible i was doing that no heart pain again ,
    my heart later the days will go u will laugh and say
    impossible i was doing that.

    u have now 2 translations
    Last edited by rialisha06; 12-11-2008 at 08:19 AM.
  5. Topmany said:


    Thank You so much ELEEF!! I'm so greatful! And thanks a lot rialisha for the translation too!

    Thanks again to both of you!
  6. rialisha06's Avatar

    rialisha06 said:


    ur welcome any time
  7. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    You're welcome Dear !