lail ya lail el sheta
الليل ذكرني بهواج
al layl thakarny bhawach
nght reminded me of your love
بس اني ماناسي
bs anee ma nasy
but I didn't forget it
بعيوني رسمج بقى من دون كل ناسي اه ياليل الشتا
b3youny rasmech boqa men don kol nasy ah ya layl el sheta
in my eyes, there's your image, it's there of all people, oh the night of winter
ليل ياليل الشتا جيتج ابرد الشتا مشتاك
lail ya lail el sheta jaitak abrad el sheta meshtag
oh the night of winter I'm coming to you full of longing
لحظة اشوفج
la7that ashofech
to the moment I'll see you in
وادري ما اشوفج ردت يرتاح الكلب
w adry ma shofech redt yerta7 el galob
and I know that I won't see you, I just wanted the heart to rest
وادري ماتسمح ظروج
w adry ma tesma7 throfech
and I know that your circumstances keep you
مطرت الدنيا وبقيت غير حبج اني ماشكين من البعد
motrat el denya w boqayt gair 7obech anee ma shkeet, men el bo3ad
it's raining, yet I remained in my place, and other than your love I haven't complained of anything else, from separation
ياروحي ياروحي خوفي
ya rou7i ya rou7i khofy
oh my soul I'm afraid
تخيلت ايدي بديج عشت لحظة من الحلم
tkhayalet edde beedech 3esht la7tha men el 7elm
I imagined my hand in yours, I lived a moment of a dream
ثاري ايدي بالهوى وايدج انتي من وهم
thary edde bel hawa w eedech enti men waham
it turned out that my hand's in the air and yours is an illusion
جيتج وجم داء بية
jaitch w cham daa beya
I'm coming to you with a lot of wounds
كلت بس اوصل اطيب
gelt bs osal ateen
I said that when I reach (you) I'll be healed
كلت بس اشتم هواج يسكن بگلبي اللهيب
gelt bs ashtam hawach yeskon bgalby el laheeb
I said that once I smell your love, the flames in my heart will calm
The hours of pain have yielded good,
Which prosperous days refused;
As herbs, though scentless when entire,
Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.