Nancy Ajram - Mish habibek ena [*]

Thread: Nancy Ajram - Mish habibek ena [*]

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  1. taliania's Avatar

    taliania said:

    Wink Nancy Ajram - Mish habibek ena [*]

    nancy ajram sang this song on il maestro can someone translate??
    watch here at 4'15=

  2. taliania's Avatar

    taliania said:

    Smile mish habibek ena

    can someone translate the song at 4'15min please??

  3. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    She's singing her brother's song:

    here you go:

    Nabil Ajram - Msh 7abibak Ana

    Torture me

    Melt me

    Love me

    Msh 7abibak ana
    Aren't I your lover?

    Msh gharaamak ana
    Aren't I your love?

    Msh 7ayatak ana
    Aren't I your life?

    Laysh m3azebni
    So why are you torturing me

    B7b el 3azab 7abibi mnak mahma ykoun
    I love suffering from you regardless the extent

    B7bak kazab bas elkezbe bayda tkoun
    I love you as a liar so long as it's a white lie

    Sar m2aasi mwaja3 rassee bas eb ta3jebni
    You've become so cruel and you're giving me a headache, but I like you

    Elak kelak 3ala ba3dak albi enfata7
    Only for you my heart had opened

    El denye kela ghalat 3andi bas enta sa7
    To me, the entire world is wrong, but you are right

    Eza mnak z3el albi wala enjara7
    If my heart should be hurt by you

    Msh ra7 yetghayar 7obak wa7ed bel meye
    It won't change one percent of how I feel about you

    7abibak ana
    I am your lover

    Gharaamak ana
    I am your love

    7ayatak ana
    I am your life

    W enta m3azebni
    And you're torturing me

    3ala albak ana mnak ma feyi fel
    I'm right behind you, I'm part of you, I cannot leave

    Eza merta7 b 3azabi w hamee stofel
    If you're at ease with my torture and worries then stay

    Ra7 e3teber eno ana 3andi tofl
    I will consider it as if I have a child

    Mahma ye3zebni 7obo maktoub 3alaya
    Regardless of how much they make me suffer, their love is destined to me

    (The last two lines basically mean that he will consider her as his own child.. that he will love her as any parent should love a child, unconditionally)
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  4. taliania's Avatar

    taliania said:


  5. red_rose's Avatar

    red_rose said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Daydream View Post
    She's singing her brother's song:

    here you go:

    Nabil Ajram - Msh 7abibak Ana

    Torture me

    Melt me

    Love me

    Msh 7abibak ana
    Aren't I your lover?

    Msh gharaamak ana
    Aren't I your love?

    Msh 7ayatak ana
    Aren't I your life?

    where it says mosh....

    how can u tell that it is a question and not just negation. so for example where it says msh 7abibak ana - how can u tell that he is not saying i am not ur lover. is it just the tone that shows that it a question? pls tell me i would love to learn
  6. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    For a statement it would be "ana msh 7abibak" I am not your love/lover, but because it starts with msh it is question form
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥