Hello my friends, would you mind help me with the arabic phonic and english translation of this song?? ... thank you in advance
Hello my friends, would you mind help me with the arabic phonic and english translation of this song?? ... thank you in advance
the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
لك قلبي، لك عمري، لك روحي وحياتي.... حبيبتي
Laki qalbi, laki 3omri, lki rou7i wa 7iati.... 7beebaty
My heart is for you, my lifetime, my soul and even my life (my living or I live for you).. Darling
خذيني.. واسجنيني وشديني وفكيني وضميني لك
5othini... wa osjoneeni wa shoddini wa fokkinini wa domminin... laki
Take me, capture me, tightly tie me, then set me free, keep me close to you
حبيبتي...عيوني لك
7abeebaty... 3ioni laki
My darling, My eyes are for you (I'd give you my eyes, if you'd ask for them)
رموشي لك
Rmoushi lki
Even my eye lashes
صوابي وجنوني
Swabi wa jonooni
My sensibility and even my insanity
كلي لك
Kolli laki
I'm all yours
إن كنت حربا شكليني سيوفا
In konti 7rban shakkileeni syofa
If you were a war then form me as swords
أو كنت شعرا شكليني حروفاAw konti shi3ran shakkileeni 7oroofa
And if you were a poet, make me the letters
حبيبتي تعالي واشبعيني حبا واحضنيني
7beebaty t3ali wa eshbi3eeni 7obban wa o7doneeni
My darling, come to me and satify me with love and hug me
تعالي واملئيني دفئا وقبليني
T3ali wa emla2eeni dif2an wa qabbileeni
Come and fill me with warmth and kiss me
ان غبت يوما ابعثيلي سلاما
In 3'ibti yawman ibteeli slama
If you stayes away from me, send me salute
واكتبيلي دوما أحلى كلاما
Wa ektobeeli dawman a7la klama
And always write me the prettiest words
لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
Ya Oriee.. ya malaak... shoukran kteer!!
the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
Teslami, Kollik zo2
Ahlan wa sahlan b2ay wa2it
لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God