Rabi3 Al Asmar - A5ed karar[*]

Thread: Rabi3 Al Asmar - A5ed karar[*]

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  1. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:

    Unhappy Rabi3 Al Asmar - A5ed karar[*]

    can somone translate this song into english please ?

    Last edited by larosa; 11-28-2010 at 05:17 AM.
  2. CZAREK2581 said:


    Sorry guys for me English hope you can correct me.

    اخد قرار ادعس على قلبي اللي انكسر
    He took a decision "I step on my heart" who has been broken

    وكفي الطريق مافي خيار غير الاراده ماحدا بيطفي الحريق

    And it,s enough of this way ,there is no alternative apart the will,there is no one who put off the fire

    جرح الكرامه بالهوى عندي علاج و الدوا

    My dengity hurt cos of the love ,I have treatment &medicine

    متشد على جرحي بقى جرحي غميق
    Dont tighten my wound ,it becomes deep
    خليني نحزم هالامر مش مشيانين

    Let me tie up this matter it won't do(it wwont walk away??)
    ونحط نقطة على السطر منك الي

    and we put dot on the line from you to
    ماعاد يعنيلي السبب في اه اوقى من العتب

    It doesnt mean for me , the reason oh I protect(myself) from the reproach.
    مابينمحي حرف انكتب اخد قرار

    Letter can't be erased ,it has been written, took a decision

    اتزكر كلام رح يجيك نهار دمع الم تبكي ندم على زكيراتي

    Focus on speech it will bring you a daytime,pain of tears ,cries ,regret my memories

    اتزكر كلام رغم اللي صار قادر انا لاقي الهنا وكفي حياتي
    Focus on speech despite what could happened , I find happiness and that is enough of my life

    لو جيت راكع منحني حامل على ايديك الدينا

    If you would came, kneel ,bestow me ,carry world in your hands

    مافبي نوى نرجع سوا صار اللي صار

    I dont intend to come back toghether what happened - happened

    جرح الكرامه بالهوى عندي عالجو والدوا متشد على جرحي بقى جرحي غميق

    My degnity hurt cos of the love ,I have treatment and medicine . Dont tighten my wound ,it becomes deep
  3. Gole Yas said:


    sweetz i used your translation.. i just fixed it.. hope you dont mind

    اخد قرار ادعس على قلبي اللي انكسر
    I took a decision to step on my heart who has been broken
    *meaning to grow strong

    وكفي الطريق، مافي خيار، غير الاراده ماحدا بيطفي الحريق
    And to go on my way, there is no other option, other than the will to do something, no one can put off the fire
    *no one can put out the fire in the heart other than having the will to do so yourself

    جرح الكرامه بالهوى عندي علاج و الدوا
    Dignity’s wound by love.. I have its treatment and medicine

    متشد على جرحي بقى جرحي غميق
    Dont strain my wound.. my wound is deep

    خلينى نحزم هالامر مش مشيانين
    Lets tie up this matter, we’re not just walking away
    *tie it up meaning find a solution for it and just close the subject

    ونحط نقطة على السطر منك الي
    And we put a dot on the line.. your not mine
    *putting a dot on the line is an Arabic phrase meaning to say that “This is it!!”

    ماعاد يعنيلي السبب في اه اوقى من العتب
    The reason doesn’t matter to me anymore.. There is a woe more powerful then reproach
    *meaning there are more important things to feel bad for

    مابينمحي حرف انكتب اخد قرار
    A letter that is written cannot be erase.. I made the decision

    اتزكر كلامي رح يجيك نهار دمع الم تبكي ندم على زكيراتي
    Remember my words, the day will come, when you cry tears of pain in remorse about my memories

    اتزكر كلام رغم اللي صار قادر انا لاقي الهنا وكفي حياتي
    Remember my words, despite what happened, I can find happiness and move on with my life

    لو جيت راكع منحني حامل على ايديك الدينا
    If you come to me kneeling, bending down, carrying the world in your hands

    مافي نوى نرجع سوا صار اللي صار
    There is no intention of getting back together, what happened has happened

    جرح الكرامه بالهوى عندي علاج و الدوا
    Dignity’s wound by love.. I have its treatment and medicine

    متشد على جرحي بقى جرحي غميق
    Dont strain my wound.. my wound is deep
  4. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:


    thank u both !
  5. pepitah said:


    Thank you girls