TRP - Na tin vroume oi 2 mas

Thread: TRP - Na tin vroume oi 2 mas

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  1. asasas said:

    Thumbs up TRP - Na tin vroume oi 2 mas

    Last edited by asasas; 11-27-2011 at 12:40 PM.
  2. asasas said:


  3. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    μου αρέσεις τόσο δεν βρίσκω χρόνο
    να σου ζητήσω να βγούμε οι δυο μας
    και θέλω τόσο να σ' αγκαλιάζω
    να σου μιλήσω να την βρούμε οι δυο μας

    i like you so much, i find no time
    to ask you to go out together
    and i want so much to hug you
    to talk to you to have some fun together

    δε μπορώ να σου το εξηγήσω τι ακριβώς αισθάνομαι για σένα
    σου λέω τα 'χω μαζί σου εντελώς χαμένα
    έπαθα πλάκα απ' την πρώτη στιγμή που σε είδα μωρό μου και ψάχνω αφορμή
    να σε κερδίζω και να σε αποκτήσω το βραδυ αυτό θα σε ποτίζω

    i can't explain what i really feel for you
    i'm telling you i'm totally lost around you
    i fell for you from the 1st moment i saw you baby and i look for an ocasion
    to win you and get you, tonight I will get you drunk.

    μου αρέσεις τόσο δεν βρίσκω χρόνο
    να σου ζητήσω να βγούμε οι δυο μας
    και θέλω τόσο να σ' αγκαλιάζω
    να σου μιλήσω να την βρούμε οι δυο μας

    μου αρέσει να το γλεντάω τα βράδια να ξενυχτάω
    μου αρέσει να το γλεντάω και καλά να περνάω
    μου αρέσει να το γλεντάω μου αρέσει να ξενυχτάω
    και τα βράδια μαζί σου να τα περνάω

    i like to party to stay awake all night
    i like to party and have a good time
    i like to party i like to stay awake all night
    and to spend the nights with you

    μαζί σου έχω πάθει σου λέω ζημιά
    είσαι ένα τρελό καυτούς σέξι μωρό

    i'm telling you i've got it bad for you
    you are a crazy hot sexi baby

    Last edited by kmmy; 11-28-2011 at 05:34 AM.
  4. safe1 said:


    "το βραδυ αυτό θα σε ποτίσω"

    Well the verb "ποτίζω" normally refers to plants and it means to "water" a plant or "irrigate" (if we speak about large agricultural areas).

    But in Greek we use it as a metaphor sometimes to express other meanings as well...

    I think that is what happens with the lyrics in question.
    He probably means that he wants to make that girl drink a lot and get her drunk eventually.
    So in my opinion that phrase should be:

    το βραδυ αυτό θα σε ποτίσω / tonight I will get you drunk.

    Edit: And of course, Camelia obviously knows the verb "ποτίζω" and its translation, but the sentence didn't make any sense to her...It wouldn't make any sense to me either if I 'd translate it literally.

    And a funny one:

    We have a saying here using that metaphor... Refers to a person who drinks a lot (not necessarily alcohol...Could be a ton of orange juice as well ). It's like this:

    Καλύτερα να τον/την ταίζεις, παρά να τον/την "ποτίζεις"
    It's better (costs less) to feed him/her than "water" him/her

    Edit 2: "Να τη βρούμε οι 2 μας" = slang expression.

    Can have any of the following meanings:

    to have a good time together
    to have an affair together
    to have sex together
    to have some fun together
    ....(and anything else that doesn't come in my mind right now...)
    Last edited by safe1; 11-27-2011 at 01:19 PM.
    The most charming creatures on this earth. The only women who can show what they feel and, they do feel.
    Stunning just meet them.
  5. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    thank you for all your help sotiris! tbh i've never heard of ποτίσω before but i was thinking of some connection with potiri
  6. safe1 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by kmmy View Post
    thank you for all your help sotiris! tbh i've never heard of ποτίσω before but i was thinking of some connection with potiri
    Well.. I'm glad that you didn't do any connection with...... "So Tiri"
    The most charming creatures on this earth. The only women who can show what they feel and, they do feel.
    Stunning just meet them.
  7. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    no..... but when u say so tiri i have to go on with : feta me psomi s agapw poli tanana !! ahahahhahaha
  8. safe1 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by kmmy View Post
    no..... but when u say so tiri i have to go on with : feta me psomi s agapw poli tanana !! ahahahhahaha
    sure but....enlighten the people here

    (Amethystos will curse me for this one )

    reminds me of the lyrics "Vroxh ta asteria"
    The most charming creatures on this earth. The only women who can show what they feel and, they do feel.
    Stunning just meet them.
  9. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    and if the thread was opened with a greek version of a well known song.....


    i couldn't help it !! hahaha so tiri!!!
  10. safe1 said:


    Can you please translate this one for me??

    P.S. don't you dare!
    The most charming creatures on this earth. The only women who can show what they feel and, they do feel.
    Stunning just meet them.
  11. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    sta roumanika ?
  12. safe1 said:


    ...yeap, better sta I can understand nothing No need to...
    The most charming creatures on this earth. The only women who can show what they feel and, they do feel.
    Stunning just meet them.
  13. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    ok.... as u wish.. i really wanted to..... but if you refused... =)))))))))
  14. safe1 said:


    no, no, I meant "no need for me to understand the lyrics" so a translation in Romanian should be fine for me

    On the other hand...I'm not sure if Romanian speaking people would be very excited with the lyrics though

    But you can give it a try
    The most charming creatures on this earth. The only women who can show what they feel and, they do feel.
    Stunning just meet them.