Lumsk - Troll

Thread: Lumsk - Troll

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  1. Anubisu's Avatar

    Anubisu said:

    Default Lumsk - Troll

    Hi there~ A complete album waiting to be understood =) I would appreciate a lot if anyone can translate at least the song 7, Blæster. English or Spanish would be ok. Good day~

    1. Nøkken

    Nøkken han sitt å spille
    kan du hør fela gå?
    Fra ælva du slåtten høre
    det e' ondskapen som her rår.

    Han lokke dæ kvinnfolk te' sæ
    det e du som hør' en bæst
    Han spælle førr å få dæ
    hør slåtten i fra væst

    Går du dit tonan kjæm fra
    ligg han å lure dær
    han kan å skap sæ om
    være ei ørn som fær

    I fra ælva du slåtten høre
    det e' ondskapen som rår
    det e' du som hør' en bæst
    han spælla førr å få dæ
    hør du slåtten i fra væst?

    2. Dunker

    Det bur eit bergtroll uti Fosen eit sted
    hans namn kjenne ingen, han er nøye med det
    han var så forelska i ei fager møy
    "eg sei ho ikkje namnet mitt, for da kan eg dør"

    Hei - hei huskom - i - hei
    snart tek eg brura i min famn
    hei - hei huskom - i - hei

    Han tok den fagre møya inn i Fosenhula si
    der skull dei bu til saman til evig tid
    men jenta var sørgmodig ho gret og var så lei
    mens Bergetrollet laga i stand bryllaupsfest for dei

    Hei - hei huskom - i - hei
    snart tek eg brura i min famn
    hei - hei huskom - i - hei

    Den kvelden i før bryllaupsfest han var i godt humør
    han drakk og han sang som ein brudgom kan gjør
    i manga dagar hadde jenta prøvd å lokke fram
    sin brudgoms namn men tenk det hjelpte ei med dram

    Hei - hei huskom - i - hei
    snart tek han brura i sin famn
    hei - hei huskom - i - hei

    Som natta gjekk og meir han fekk
    ho såg sin muligheit
    kom kjære ven eg luskar deg du er mi kjærlighet

    Kom legg ditt hovud i mitt fang
    eg for deg syngja vil
    han blei så glad han reiste seg og vart ein smule vill
    Han dansa rundt og rundt og rundt
    og pluteseleg han sang
    ein sang det skulle visa seg han sang for siste gang

    Hei - hei dunkeromdei
    Han fekk ikkje brura i sin famn
    Hei - hei dunkeromdei

    3. Åsgårdsreia

    "Åsgårdsreia e' på ferde'
    eit følge du høyre før du ser
    dei rir på stora, svarte hesta
    piske dei, så skummet fosse ne'r
    å augo lyser vilt i mørkret"

    Hestane styres av stenger som glør
    som ryttera hisse opp kvarandra med
    det klinge i stål og av ville skrik
    lytt - de e' Åsgårdsreia vi kjenne te'

    -eit følge av kvinnfolk og kara

    Dei rir over skog - over fejll og sjø
    Ser dei deg, tar dei sjela di
    sjela di tar dei og kroppen bli som før
    lytt - de e' larmen av hesta som rir

    I hælvet' for snill, og i himmelen for slem
    ei kvilelaus, jævelsk rei som rir
    stålet gnistre' i den svarte natt
    lytt - de e' Åsgårdsreia som driv

    -eit følge av kvinnfolk og kara

    Høyre du dei skjærandes skrika?
    ei kvilelaus jævelsk rei som rir
    det kan bli det siste du høyre
    de e' Åsgårdsreia som tar deg meg

    4. Trolltind

    Vilja du høyra historia
    om Trolltindane i Romsdal?
    det gjekk seg slik at dei vart te'
    da jotnane skulle gifta seg

    -og brurefølgjet seg på ferda

    Giftarmålet skulle stå
    i trollkyrkja som var deira
    ved foten av fjellet Romsdalshorn
    alle jotnane skulle feira

    Nokre av jotnane kom langvegs frå
    og starta tidleg med festen
    ølbollen vandra i ring blant dei
    som gjekk på den brurevei

    -og tida ho blei ikkje lange

    Tida var gløymd og natta blei lang
    dei spøkte og lo og fnisa
    dess meir dei supa og lo og song
    dei nærma seg umerkeleg krisa

    Det tura i lag
    og natt blei til dag
    men med dagslyset kom også sola
    det øyeblikk strålane følgjet traff
    var det ikkje blant oss her på jorda

    Ikkje ein jotne held seg på beina
    følgjet blei som forsteina
    det hjelpte ikkje å verte gal
    dei står der den dag i dag

    5. Allvis

    Eg vil hente heim mi brur i dag
    snart skal vi hyggje oss heime
    eg er av tusseætt
    og er ikkje verdig henne

    Meg eg har så sterk ein vilje
    møya vil eg eige

    Allvis er namnet og under jorda eg bur
    Tor er faren til mi komande brur
    han sa då til meg
    at "denne møya skal aldri
    hentast heim av deg"

    Men eg har så sterk ein vilje
    møya vil eg eige

    Tor han sett eitt krav
    at eg ausar av mitt krav
    av visdom som eg har

    Tor han vil veta alt:
    om himmel og alvar - dvergar og sol
    om jotnar og æse - skyer og skog

    Og eg har så sterk ein vilje
    brura skal eg ha

    Han gir seg ikkje med dette
    om meire han vil vete
    om vindar og vanar - om kneggjer og skø
    om vindstille og lummer luft

    Han masa og masa
    om låg og stavstille - om eld og flammer
    om skadebrenne om skog og djupt hav
    og alt i livet

    Og eg har så sterk ein vilje
    brura skal eg ha

    "Og natta ho gjekk
    og svar han fekk
    og Tor sa:
    mektig har eg sveke deg, haha, dverg
    her skinner sol i salen!"

    6. Perpålsa

    Perpålsa tussen budde i en stein
    i Nordland, i Nordlan
    å han Svensk-Henrik var på flukt på sine bein
    han sprang frå lensmannen i dalen

    Svensk-Henrik sprang, og han sprang
    i Nordland, i Nordland
    Og lensmannen kom likke bak med tvang
    han klare aldri sleppe unna

    Langt borte såg han noko han trudde
    i Nordland, i Nordland
    steinen der han Perpålsa budde
    og pusten frå lensmannen va like bak

    Han kasta seg bak stein han måtte sjå
    i Nordland, i Nordland

    han dundra og banka febrilsk og kraftig på
    han Perpålsa var heldigvis heime

    Døre opna seg litt på gløtt
    i Nordland
    Han Svensk-Henrik smatt inn
    no ska eg sov søtt

    -Det var ein tussestein!

    7. Blæster

    Kong Olav den heilage skuklle byggje spir
    på Domen i Nidaros by
    han greidde det ikkje og lova sola til den
    som fekk spiret til å rage mot sky

    Men trur du at nokon melde seg?

    Berre ei halv mil frå byen
    på Ladehammaren ut
    der budde ein diger jotne
    med namnet som einaste sut

    Skal tru om den jotnen melde seg?

    Han tykte den løne var gjev og gild
    så jobben den ville han ha
    men kongen måtte vere snill
    og namnet hans inni seg ha

    Slik gjekk det at jotnen melde seg

    Og jotnen jobba både dag og natt
    til spiret stod der i glans
    han drøymde om kongens digre skatt
    snart skulle sola bil hans

    Skal tru om den kongen angra seg?

    Ved midnatt rodde han Olav av stad
    til Kjerringberget i båt
    gygra roa barnet ned
    for å stanse den barnegråt

    Kva var det han høyrde Gygra si?
    "æ lova dæ sola - det himmelske gull
    så snart han Blæster e' fri
    for arbeid på spiret te' Domen - i rette tid"

    Skal tru om den kongen angra seg?

    Olav rodde heim av all si makt
    han måtte til Blæster sjå
    forutan ein knapp var spiret lagt
    han var nesten ferdig med det

    Skal tru om den kongen angra seg?

    Kong Olav den heilage ropa ut:
    "Blæster korr flink du e'"
    straks jotnen høyrde namnet sitt
    han døydde og ramla ned

    Skal tru om den kongen fryda seg?

    8. Byttingen

    Byttingen satt der i godstolen sin
    sur og sær ved grua
    gamal og taus og rugga seg
    alle ønskte at han skulle døy
    også nabofrua

    Han var så gamal og taus ein kar
    dei spurde vismannen
    og han gav svar:
    "om byttingen sei dykk kor gamal han e'
    vil han døy - det e' de som skal te"

    Byttingen ville ikkje daude, han ville leva evig

    Byttingen satt der i god stolen sin
    sur og sær ved grua
    vismannen tok seg eit eggeskal
    og lot som han skulle bryggja øl
    og servere det til frua

    Byttingen vakna med eitt så glad
    stirde på ølbrygget rugga og sa:
    "lenge har eg levd og sju gonger sett
    skogen brenna og vekse opp
    Men aldri ølbrygg i ein eggeskaltopp"

    byttingen ville ikkje daude, han ville leva evig

    No var det dags for han og døy, han ville leva evig
  2. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Anubisu
    I would appreciate a lot if anyone can translate at least the song 7, Blæster.
    Olav Haraldsson, eh? I'd start with Heimskringla.

    If none of our Norwegian friends is willing to translate it, I guess I'll give it a try. (Please keep in mind that most of these lyrics require some familiarity with Scandinavian mythology and folklore; otherwise they may sound a bit... odd.).

    P.S. Oh well...

    King Olav the Holy was building a spire
    On the Dome in Nidaros town*
    He couldn't do it and promised the sun to him
    Who could make the spire lift towards the sky

    But do you think someone came forth?

    Just half a mile from the city
    At Ladehammaren**
    There lived a big giant
    With his name as his only weakness

    Wonder if the giant came forth?

    He thought the pay was both fair and nice
    So the job he would have
    But the king had to be kind
    And the name kept to himself

    So it went that the giant came forth

    And the giant he worked both day and night
    'Til the spire stood there shimmering
    He dreamed of the king's great treasure
    Soon the sun would be his

    Wonder if the king regretted?

    By midnight Olav rowed off the city
    To the Mountain of the Old Hag* in a boat
    The giantess was calming down the child
    To stop the crying of children

    What was it he heard the giantess say?
    "I promise you the sun -- the heavenly gold
    As soon as Blæster is free
    From his work on the Dome's spire at the right time"

    Wonder if the king regretted?

    Olav rowed home with all his force
    He had to see Blæster
    All but a button was to be laid on the spire
    He had almost got the job done

    Wonder if the king regretted?

    King Olav the Holy yelled out:
    "Blæster, how clever you are!"
    As soon as the giant heard his name
    He died and rumbled down

    Wonder if the king rejoiced himself?


    *King Olav Haraldsson was buried by Nidelven, the river Nid, after he was killed in the battle of Stiklestad in 1030. Tradition has it that the high Altar of the Cathedral (Nidarosdomen) now stands on the exact spot of this burial site. One year and five days after he died the King was declared a saint, and pilgrims began to flock to Nidaros (today's Trondheim) and the King's grave.

    **Ladehammaren is in Trondheim

    *Kjerringberget is a hill located in Lade, Trondheim.

    Corrections are welcome.
    It's funnier in Enochian
  3. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Next: Nøkken

    A word of explanation: The Nøkk is a male water spirit who played enchanted songs on the violin, luring women and children to drown in lakes or streams. One of his central attributes was thought to be shapeshifting. He could show himself as a man playing the violin in brooks and waterfalls, but also could appear as an animal -- most commonly in the form of a "brook horse".
    In Sweden he's called Bäckahästen ("brook horse"; remember the song "Bäckahästen" by Otyg?), and in Celtic folklore - kelpie. It is said that his intention is to drown his victims after he's lured them to sit on his back.

    There's a famous painting by Theodor Kittelsen called "Nøkken".

    The Nøkk, he sits a-playing
    Can you hear the fiddle go?
    From the river you hear the melody
    It's the evil that here reigns

    He lures womenfolk to him
    It is you that hear him best
    He is playing to catch you
    Hear the melody coming from west

    If you go where the tones come from
    He will be lurking there
    He can change his shape
    Be like an eagle that roams

    From the river you hear the melody
    It is evil that reigns
    It is you that hear him best
    He is playing to catch you
    Can you hear the melody coming from west?
    It's funnier in Enochian
  4. Anubisu's Avatar

    Anubisu said:


    A million thanks for your work and dedication! You have my gratitude =)

    I just love mythology and I would like to know more about every culture and their beliefs, so this is great for my vast curiosity, heh.

    I already knew about Kelpie, but it's a surprise to know about this male violinist who probably shares the same mythological root =)

    Here you can see a nice video this band made for the song Trolltind:

    Thanks again and good day!
    ~Ichi to sen toki boku ga okite iru yume mita shizuka ni naiteta~
  5. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Maybe it's time for Trolltind then.

    Romsdalshorn is a mountain in Møre og Romsdal, Norway.

    Trolltindane peaks are in Møre og Romsdal, Norway -- according to legend, a bridal procession of trolls turned to stone by the morning light.

    Will you hear the story
    Of the Troll Peaks in Romsdal?
    It was so that they were created
    When giants were to get married

    -And the bride's following was on its way

    The marriage was to be held
    In the troll-church that was theirs
    At the base of the mountain Romsdalshorn
    All giants would celebrate

    Some of the giants came from afar
    And started the feast early
    The beer bowl was passed around amongst them
    That were on the marriage way

    -And time went fast

    Time was forgotten and the night was long
    They joked and laughed and giggled
    And the more they drank and laughed and sang
    They approached indiscernible crisis

    They tripped in company
    And night became day
    But with daylight also came sun
    The moment the rays caught the following
    They were not with us here on earth

    No giant stayed on his feet
    The following was as petrified
    It did not help to be mad
    They stand there still today
    It's funnier in Enochian
  6. lja055 said:


    Ok, I'll try my best to translate "Åsgårdsreia"

    Again, this is a part of the norwegian folklore. Åsgårdsreia is supposed to be a noisy company of restless dead souls. They would come riding at nigth, especially around christmast-time. People who had not finished their preparations before christmas could be dragged along in the company of theese mysterious caracters. If someone got caught, the soul of this seeping person (this happened during nigth) could be brought far away.To prevent oneself to get cought on this wild journey, people would paint a tar-cross above their doors, both the doors of people aswell as animals.

    3. Åsgårdsreia

    "Åsgårdsreia e' på ferde'
    Åsgårdsreia is afoot
    eit følge du høyre før du ser
    a company you can hear before you can see it
    dei rir på stora, svarte hesta
    they are riding big, black horses
    piske dei, så skummet fosse ne'r
    whipping them, such that the the foam is pouring down
    å augo lyser vilt i mørkret"
    and their eyes is glowing wildely in the dark

    Hestane styres av stenger som glør
    The horses are guided by rods which are red-hot
    som ryttera hisse opp kvarandra med
    and with which the horsemen are egging eachother on
    det klinge i stål og av ville skrik
    You can hear the chimeing steel and the wild screams
    lytt – de e’ Åsgårdsreia vi kjenne te’
    listen- it’s the Åsgårdsreia we can feel

    -eit følge av kvinnfolk og kara
    - a company of womenfolk and men

    Dei rir over skog - over fejll og sjø
    They are riding across woods- across mountains and sea
    Ser dei deg, tar dei sjela di
    If they see you, they will take your soul
    sjela di tar dei og kroppen bli som før
    your soul the will take, but your body will remain the same
    lytt – de e’ larmen av hesta som rir
    listen- it’s the noise av riding horses

    I hælvet’ for snill, og i himmelen for slem
    To Hell with the good ones, and to heaven with the bad
    ei kvilelaus, jævelsk rei som rir
    a restless, develish mob riding
    stålet gnistre' i den svarte natt
    the steel is sparkling in the black nigth
    lytt - de e' Åsgårdsreia som driv
    ¬listen- it’s the drive of the Åsgårdsreia

    -eit følge av kvinnfolk og kara
    - a company of womenfolk and men

    Høyre du dei skjærandes skrika?
    Can you hear the piercing screams?
    ei kvilelaus jævelsk rei som rir
    a restless, develish mob riding
    det kan bli det siste du høyre
    it migth be the last thing you hear
    de e' Åsgårdsreia som tar deg med
    it’s the Åsgårdsreia who will grab you along
    Last edited by lja055; 08-10-2009 at 12:19 PM.
  7. Anubisu's Avatar

    Anubisu said:


    Thank you both for the new translations & info =D

    Yesterday I found out that a girl in my class also knows about Lumsk.. That's pretty unusual here, at the other side of the world.. I like rare music =)
    ~Ichi to sen toki boku ga okite iru yume mita shizuka ni naiteta~
  8. lja055 said:


    If you like norwegian folkmusic I can recommend a band called "Gåte"...don't know if you have ever about it... They're more of a folkrock band, but their lyrics are similar to Lumsk, with norwegian folklore as it's base.

    Here is a link for Gåte;
  9. Anubisu's Avatar

    Anubisu said:


    Oh, thank you =) I had not heard of them.. I listened a few songs in YouTube and I liked em pretty much (and also the video you linked). I think folk-rock.. oh well, folk-metal, to be more specific, is a wonderful combination.. I love Celtic folk/folk-metal, and now I'm getting into Nordic and loving it as well
    ~Ichi to sen toki boku ga okite iru yume mita shizuka ni naiteta~
  10. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Lja, thanks a bunch for your help.

    Now, where were we? Allvis, right? This song is inspired by Alvíssmál ("Talk of Alvíss") - a poem from the Poetic Edda probably dating to the 11th century at the end of the Viking Age, that relates a conversation between Thor and a Dvergr (dwarf) called Alvíss ("All-Wise").
    Alvíss comes to Thor to claim a maiden, who in his eyes had been promised to him as a bride. Thor, the Thunder God, was her father, and he strongly refuses to hand her over to Alvíss, since he wasn't home when the deal was done. He says Alvíss must answer any question Thor poses. Alvíss has the answer to every single one of Thor's questions, but he is nevertheless outwitted. When the sun finally rises at the end of the poem, Alvíss, being a dwarf, turns to stone as its rays strike him.
    /You can read it here./

    So, the lyrics:

    I will bring home my bride today
    Soon we will enjoy ourselves at home
    I am of dwarf-family
    And not worthy of her

    But my will is strong
    The maid I will own

    All-Wise is my name and underground I live
    Thor is the father of my bride to be
    He said then to me
    "This maid shall never
    Be brought home by you"

    But my will is strong
    The maid I will own

    Thor sets a requisition
    That I share the wealth
    Of knowledge that I've got

    Thor, he wants to know all
    Of heaven and elves, dwarves and sun
    Of giants and aesir*, clouds and forests

    And my will is strong
    The maid I will own

    He will not stop with this
    And more he wants to know:
    Of winds and vanir*, of Neigher* and seas
    Of wind's fall and muggy air

    He nags and nags
    Of smooth and calm sea, of fire and flames
    Of forests burnt to the ground and deep ocean
    And all in life

    And my will is strong
    The maid I will own

    And the night passed
    And answers he got
    And Thor said:
    "Greatly have I deceived you, haha, dwarf
    Now the sun shines here in the hall!"


    *Aesir are one of the two groups of gods, the other being the Vanir*.

    *Neigher is what "the holy ones high" call the wind
    It's funnier in Enochian
  11. Anubisu's Avatar

    Anubisu said:


    I read the poem why does everything turn to stone with the sunlight? xD

    Thank you once again.. you are getting the album done, and that's more than what I hoped!

    Quote Originally Posted by panselinos View Post
    Now, where were we? Allvis, right?
    Dunker was left behind, just for if..
    ~Ichi to sen toki boku ga okite iru yume mita shizuka ni naiteta~
  12. lja055 said:


    2. Dunker

    Det bur eit bergtroll uti Fosen eit sted
    There lives a mountain-troll somewhere out in the waterfall
    hans namn kjenne ingen, han er nøye med det
    no one knows his name, and he makes sure no one ever will
    han var så forelska i ei fager møy
    He was in love whith a fair maiden
    "eg sei ho ikkje namnet mitt, for da kan eg dør"
    ”I’m not going to tell her my name, because then I can die”

    Hei - hei huskom - i - hei
    Hey-hey huskom* - i -hey
    snart tek eg brura i min famn
    Soon I will embrace my bride
    hei - hei huskom - i - hei
    Hey-hey huskom - i -hey

    Han tok den fagre møya inn i Fosenhula si
    He brougth his fair maiden into his cave in the waterfall
    der skull dei bu til saman til evig tid
    There they would live together forever
    men jenta var sørgmodig ho gret og var så lei
    But the girl was sorrowful, she cried and were sad
    mens Bergetrollet laga i stand bryllaupsfest for dei
    while the Mountain-troll organized their wedding

    Hei - hei huskom - i - hei
    Hey-hey huskom* - i -hey
    snart tek eg brura i min famn
    Soon I will embrace my bride
    hei - hei huskom - i - hei
    Hey-hey huskom - i -hey

    Den kvelden i før bryllaupsfest han var i godt humør
    The nigth befor their wedding he was cheerful
    han drakk og han sang som ein brudgom kan gjør
    He was drinking and singing the way a groom can do
    i manga dagar hadde jenta prøvd å lokke fram
    For days the girl had tried to get to know
    sin brudgoms namn men tenk det hjelpte ei med dram
    her groom’s name, but not even a drink would help

    Hei - hei huskom - i - hei
    Hey-hey huskom - i -hey
    snart tek han brura i sin famn
    Soon I will embrace my bride
    hei - hei huskom - i - hei
    Hey-hey huskom - i -hey

    Som natta gjekk og meir han fekk
    During the night he got more (to drink)
    ho såg sin muligheit
    and she saw her opportunity
    kom kjære ven eg luskar deg du er mi kjærlighet
    ”Come dear friend I love** you, you are my love

    Kom legg ditt hovud i mitt fang
    Come put your head in my lap
    eg for deg syngja vil
    I will sing for you
    han blei så glad han reiste seg og vart ein smule vill
    He was so excited, he got up and became a bit crazy
    Han dansa rundt og rundt og rundt
    He danced around, and around, and around
    og pluteseleg han sang
    And suddely he was singing
    ein sang det skulle visa seg han sang for siste gang
    a song, which turned out he would sing for the last time

    Hei - hei dunkeromdei
    Hey- hey Dunker-omdei
    Han fekk ikkje brura i sin famn
    He never got to embrace his bride
    Hei - hei dunkeromdei
    Hey- hey Dunker-omdei

    * I’m not sure what ”huskom” means, but I think the whole sentence is just å phrase used i norwegian folkelore. Other norwegians are welcomed to correct me, or give insigth to what it means.

    ** I have never heard the word ”luskar” in such a relation before. But from the context I think it can mean ”love” or ”want”. Again, feel free to correct me…
  13. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    May I suggest something, although I'm not Norwegian?

    I believe in this instance "luskar" means "to fondle, to stroke". So "Come, dear friend, I'll stroke you, you are my love".

    Yeah, I think you're right about "Hey-hey huskom-i-hey". It doesn't mean anything, it's just a folk motif. There are similar nonsense chants in Celtic songs as well.
    It's funnier in Enochian
  14. lja055 said:


    Thanks panselinos

    Your interpretation of the word "luskar" seems right...
  15. lja055 said:


    I realized that we haven’t translated ”Byttingen”.

    First, once again a lesson in old norwegian folklore
    ”Bytting” in norwegian can be translated to someone or something that has been swapped/exchanged. In old norwegian superstition a ”bytting” is an ugly, disformed, greedy and stupud creature which the creatures from the underworld have put in the cradle in exchange for a newborn human child


    Byttingen satt der i godstolen sin
    Byttingen sat in his favorite chair
    sur og sær ved grua
    grumpy and weird by the fireplace
    gamal og taus og rugga seg
    old and silent and rocking (the chair)
    alle ønskte at han skulle døy
    everyone wanted him to die
    også nabofrua
    the woman nextdoor aswell

    Han var så gamal og taus ein kar
    He was an old and silent fellow
    dei spurde vismannen
    They asked the wise man
    og han gav svar:
    and he gave the answer:
    "om byttingen sei dykk kor gamal han e'
    ”if Byttingen willl tell you how old he is
    vil han døy - det e' de som skal te"
    he will die - that’s what it takes

    Byttingen ville ikkje daude, han ville leva evig
    Byttingen did’t want to die, he wanted to live forever

    Byttingen satt der i god stolen sin
    Byttingen sat in his favorite chair
    sur og sær ved grua
    grumpy and weird by the fireplace
    vismannen tok seg eit eggeskal
    the wise man took an eggshell
    og lot som han skulle bryggja øl
    and he pretended to brew beer in it
    og servere det til frua
    and served it to the woman

    Byttingen vakna med eitt så glad
    Byttingen suddenly woke up happy
    stirde på ølbrygget rugga og sa:
    he stared at the brew, rocked (his chair) and said:
    "lenge har eg levd og sju gonger sett
    ”I’ve lived a long time and seven times I’ve seen
    skogen brenna og vekse opp
    the forest burn down and grow up again
    Men aldri ølbrygg i ein eggeskaltopp"
    But I’ve never seen brew in a top of an eggshell"

    Byttingen ville ikkje daude, han ville leva evig
    Byttingen didn’t want to die, he wanted to live forever

    No var det dags for han og døy, han ville leva evig
    Now it was his time to die, he wanted to live forever
    Last edited by lja055; 08-28-2009 at 11:05 AM.
  16. Anubisu's Avatar

    Anubisu said:


    Yay~ thank you =)

    Now reading the lyrics I have the feeling that it doesn't match with the whole song.. Just a thought. I like it anyway, and you did a good work as always!
    ~Ichi to sen toki boku ga okite iru yume mita shizuka ni naiteta~