Sam: Eshghe man lyrics anyone?

Thread: Sam: Eshghe man lyrics anyone?

Tags: eshghe man sam to bia
  1. ahangeto said:

    Cool Sam: Eshghe man lyrics anyone?

    hey there guys,

    I am dying over this song! Constantly playing it over and over!

    wondering if someone has the lyrics or could translate/pinglish them for me

  2. Hanisa's Avatar

    Hanisa said:


    Sam-My Love

    'ie rooz az in rooza '
    One of these days
    'del man shod fana'
    My heart ruined
    'ashegh shod , asheghe '
    'ie dele bivafa'
    Failed in love
    Failed in love of disloyal heart
    'raft o ashkamo did'
    'khastegihamo did'
    Went and saw my tears
    And saw my suffering
    'az mane sade del '
    'amma kash miporsid'
    But I wished asked me

    'ie rooz az in rooza'
    One of these days
    'ghalbe to pa be pa'
    'ba khodam mibaram '
    I take your heart with myself
    'be shahre ghesse ha'
    To fairyland
    'oonja ke too shab hash '
    'setare roshane'
    Where stars are bright in its night
    'delhaie ashegh az '
    'doori nemishkane'
    And the lover heart won't break because of distance

    'eshghe man , agar bargerdi pisham'
    My love , If you come back to me
    'midoonam,ba to hamishe ashegh mimoonam'
    I know I'll be lover with you forever
    'to bia,agar nabashi pisham mimiram'
    Come back , If you won't I'll die
    'to ro to arezoo ham mibinam'
    I see you in my dreams
    'agar mibini az hame migzaram'
    If you see that I forget all the people
    'hanoozam naze chem hato mikharam'
    I still love you
    'agar roozi biai be shahre delam'
    If you come to city of my heart one day
    'deleto bazam midooni mibaram'
    I'll make you in love with myself

    'agar roozi az in rooza biai'
    If you come back one of these days
    'eshgham , delam , ba kasi rah biai'
    My love , My heart ,If you put up with me
    'bedoon ke to dame cheshm haie to'
    'ta ahkar donia miai'
    Know that I come with you until the end of the world
    'tanham nazar toie in fasele'
    Don't leave me alone in this distance
    'mano ba in hame khatere'
    Don't leave me alone with this memories
    'bebin asir doniat shodam'
    Look , I captive in your world
    'pas nazar eshghe moon az iad bere'
    So don't permit that our love , be forgot

    'eshghe man , agar bargerdi pisham'
    My love , If you come back to me
    'midoonam,ba to hamishe ashegh mimoonam'
    I know I'll be lover with you forever
    'to bia,agar nabashi pisham mimiram'
    Come back , If you won't I'll die
    'to ro to arezoo ham mibinam'
    I see you in my dreams
    'agar mibini az hame migzaram'
    If you see that I forget all the people
    'hanoozam naze chem hato mikharam'
    I still love you
    'agar roozi biai be shahre delam'
    If you come to city of my heart one day
    'deleto bazam midooni mibaram'
    I'll make you in love with myself