ok, where the lyrics say "pentru tine am să fug mai albastra", that's an incorrect lyric---it's actually "pentru tine am să fur mare albastra"--i checked with a friend. "for you i will steal a blue sea".
also, "nu rata" should actually read "umbra ta", "your shadow", as in "your shadow is all that remains of you" ("umbra ta iar tot ce in urma ta rămâne").
"nu mai cred ca strâns de mâna ne vom ține" means "i don't still believe that we will hold hands tightly" (literally, "i don't believe that we will have tight hands").
btw, mister Xazos, that last line is "I'll take the UFO (OZN) back and go directly to your sister". and it is not "i'll sing you down the palm tree"; it is "i will sing under the palm tree (with my guitar)" because in Romanian, to say one plays the guitar you say "I sing the guitar".
Last edited by dragonfly93; 02-21-2010 at 04:46 PM.
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