Nicolae Guta & Florin Salam & Printesa de Aur - Ce suflet

Thread: Nicolae Guta & Florin Salam & Printesa de Aur - Ce suflet

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  1. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:

    Talking Nicolae Guta & Florin Salam & Printesa de Aur - Ce suflet

    can someone translait this song into english with romanian text also , thank you
  2. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    I got the lyrics. And tried to translate it, but you might want another check over, especially since I completely didn't get one line...

    Trebuie să renunţ la tine
    I have to let go of you
    Cu toate k mi-este greu
    With everything that is hard for me
    Dar poate că aşa-i mai bine ohh...
    But maybe it’s better this way
    Am să-mi văd de drumul meu
    I’m going to see myself from my path

    Te-am simţit , te-ai schimbat cu adevărat
    I felt you, you honestly changed
    Ce suflet ai, să mă laşi
    What a soul you have, to leave me
    Cu lacrimi pe obraji
    With tears on my cheeks
    Ce ţi-am făcut, mă laşi plângând
    What have I done to you, you leave me crying

    Trist şi supărat
    Sad and angry
    Ofetez mereu de focul tău
    (I have no idea what this means... sorry )
    Şi-mi este greu
    And it’s hard for me

    Ce greu îmi este să renunţ
    How hard it is for me to let go
    Dar îmi este de-ajuns
    But it is enough for me
    Am să fac eu primul pas
    I’m going to take the first step
    Viaţa mea, iubirea mea, sufeltul meu, inima mea
    My life, my love, my soul, my heart
    Chiar de mi-e greu să te las
    It’s just so hard to let you go
    Last edited by JunjouLover; 06-06-2009 at 02:11 PM. Reason: Diacritics
  3. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    "Ce suflet"
    What a Soul

    Trebuie sa renunt la tine
    I should give up on you
    Cu toate ca mi-este greu
    With all that's hard for me
    Dar poate ca asa-i mai bine
    But maybe it's better that way
    Am sa-mi vad de drumul meu
    I'll see myself on my road*

    Te-am simtit , te-ai schimbat cu adevart
    I felt you, you honestly changed
    Ce suflet ai, cui ma lasi
    What a soul you have, which you leave me
    Cu lacrimi pe obraji
    With tears on cheeks
    Ce te-am facut, ma lasi plangand
    What have I done to you, you leave me crying
    Trist si suparat
    Sad & angry
    Oftez mereu de focul tau
    I always sob (because of) your fire
    Si-mi este greu
    & it's hard for me

    Ce greu imi este sa renunt
    It's so hard for me to give up
    Dar imi este de ajuns
    But I've had enough
    Am sa fac eu primul pas
    I'll take the first step
    Viata mea, iubirea mea, sufeltul meu, inima mea
    My life, my love, my soul, my heart
    Chiar de mi-e greu sa te las
    Even if it's hard for me to let you go

    *Not sure about this phrase
    Nu ştiu de ce lupt aşa pentru tine.
    Ti it l'avìe tut ma adess 't as nen gnente.
    Exchange the sunshine for brown eyes & dark skies, replace this dull life with you.
  4. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Oops, didn't see yours Jun, but I'm glad that our translations are so similar!
    Nu ştiu de ce lupt aşa pentru tine.
    Ti it l'avìe tut ma adess 't as nen gnente.
    Exchange the sunshine for brown eyes & dark skies, replace this dull life with you.
  5. Crisa said:


    Am sa-mi vad de drumul meu
    I will follow my own way

    It means that he will continue his life
  6. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:


    thank u
  7. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    @moldoveanu No problem!

    @DeBaires, yeah I think that I made a few errors that you helped me fix

    @Crisa Thanks for the correction!
  8. Crisa said:


    JunjouLover you're welcome!