Can someone work over this translation? Especially the first part I'm kinda confused on. Thank you :3
Lacrimi se desprind
Tears part
Usor in urma ta
Easily behind you
Stele cad pustiind
Stars fall destroying
Cerul din umbra ta
The sky from your shadow
De te-as urma
If I were to follow you
As sti ca este in zadar
I'd know that it'd be in vain
As strange iluzii iar si iar
I'd cling to the illusions again and again
Si stiu ca iubirea mea n-ar mai conta
And I know that my love wouldn't matter any more
Intre noi doi un zid a ramas
A wall has remained between us
Ne-am departat usor pas cu pas
We said good bye step by step
Un alt inceput si o noua zi
Another start and a new day
Sunt sigur ca vor veni
I'm sure they will come
Chipul tau s-a topit
You're face melted away
Usor in mintea mea
Easily in my mind
Noaptea m-a invelit
The night enveloped me
Numa-n lumina ta,caldura ta
Just in your light, your warmth
Si gheata imi strange inima
And the fog grips my heart
Mi-e frig si nu pot respira
I'm scared and I can't breath
Am obosit sa astept iubirea ta
I tired of waiting for your love
Intre noi doi un zid a ramas
A wall has remained between us
Ne-am departat usor pas cu pas
We said good bye step by step
Un alt inceput si o noua zi
Another start and a new day
Sunt sigur ca vor veni
I'm sure they will come