Taxi - Dor si doare (Romanian into English already translated)

Thread: Taxi - Dor si doare (Romanian into English already translated)

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  1. Lacrima said:

    Wink Taxi - Dor si doare (Romanian into English already translated)

    Hello, I have a beautiful song from Taxi, called Mi-e dor si doare (I'm longing and it hurts), which I translated from Romanian into English, and I want to share it with you guys.

    You can listen to the song here:

    Si daca dupa tot ce ti-am spus, n-ai inteles nimic –
    If after everything I’ve told you, you didn’t understand a thing
    De fapt trebuia sa simti, nu sa-ntelegi -
    Actually you had to feel, not to understand
    Daca dupa tot ce-am facut, nu-nsemn nimic pentru tine,
    If after everything I’ve done I don’t mean anything to you
    De ce nu vrei sa ma dezlegi ?
    Why won’t you let go of me?

    Sa plang - nu-ncerc,
    To cry - I don’t try
    Sa-ncerci - nu stii,
    To try - you don’t know how
    Sa stiu - nu vreau,
    To know - I don’t want to
    Sa vrei - nu poti.
    To want - You can’t
    Mi-au secat toate cuvintele
    All my words have drained
    si nu mai stiu nimic,decat ca:
    and I don’t know anything, except that:

    Mi-e dor si doare,
    I’m longing and it hurts,
    Dor si doare ...
    longing and it hurts ...

    Si dac-atata timp a trecut - aproape fara rost -
    And if all this time has passed almost without meaning
    De fapt, totul are rost fara sa stim;
    Actually, everything has its meaning, without us knowing that
    Dac-atatia ochi s-au inchis incet, incet, peste mine,
    If so many eyes have slowly, slowly closed over me
    De ce ne-ajuti sa ne mintim?
    Why are you helping us lying to ourselves?

    Sa plang - nu-ncerc,
    To cry - I don’t try
    Sa-ncerci - nu stii,
    To try - you don’t know how
    Sa stiu - nu vreau,
    To know - I don’t want to
    Sa vrei - nu poti.
    To want - You can’t
    Mi-au secat toate cuvintele
    All my words have drained
    si nu mai stiu nimic,decat ca:
    and I don’t know anything, except that:

    Mi-e dor si doare,
    I’m longing and it hurts,
    Dor si doare ...
    longing and it hurts ...

    Mi-au secat toate cuvintele ...
    All my words have drain …

    Daca stau sa ma gandesc bine,
    If I think about it better,
    Ar mai fi totusi cateva cu care
    There would still be some with which
    O sa-ncerc sa-ti spun
    I’ll try to tell you
    Ce se-ntampla cu mine:
    what’s happening with me:
    Am auzit ca daca te uiti la ceas la fix, inseamna ca te iubeste
    I heard that if you look at the clock at a sharp hour, it means that she loves you
    Si-atunci ma uit la ceas intr-una,
    And then I’m looking at the clock over and over
    Gandindu-ma ca asa
    Thinking that this way
    O sa te-aduc in viata mea... poate ...
    I’d bring you back into my life… maybe…

    Mi-au secat cuvintele ... toate ...
    All my words have drain… all…

    Mi-e dor si doare,
    I’m longing and it hurts,
    Dor sï doare ...
    longing and it hurts ...
  2. Jamie_jamie said:


    superb cantec. Thank you for the lyrics!
  3. Lacrima said:


    you're welcome! glad it was useful to someone!