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Oh, I love this song, i dunno why! Can someone make sure i understand it correctly though?
Iti mai amintesti iubirea mea
Do you remember, my love
Cand ne am intalnit cu dragostea
When we came across love
Pasari albe n zbor se leganau
White birds in flight where swinging (?)
Zmeie de carton se ridicau
Cardboard kites were rising up
sa vad* ce nu vedeam
I tried to se what I didn't see
sa stiu* ce nu stiam
I tried to know what I didn't know
Nu mi ai spus nimic si in cerdac
You didn't tell me anything and in the balcony
Floarea florilor tu nu mi ai dat
You didn't give me the "flower of all flowers" (?)
Intr o zi mi ai daruit
One day you gave me (as a gift)
An orange
Eram doi copii si aveam
We were two kids and we had
An orange
Lumea toata ne parea
The whole worlds seemed to us
An orange
Soarele era si el
Even the sun was
An orange
Anii au trecut iubirea mea
Years have passed my love
Au trecut la brat cu dragostea
They've passed along with love
Drumurile lor le-am strabatut
We crossed their paths
Zmeii de carton au disparut,
The cardboard kites disappeared
Dar te rog sa crezi nu pot uita,
But please believe I can't forget
Cel mai drag suras din viata mea,
The most dear smile of my life
Steaua stelelor nu-mi vei fura,
The star of stars won't still you away from me
Floarea florilor tu nu mi-ai da.
You wouldn't give me the flower of flowers