(NOTE: I'm typing this in the school room of a mental ward, so... ha ha, LOL. Oh! And if you're against homosexuality, I suggest you don't read it. Otherwise, you're cool to just browse and review, I'm also feeling a bit iffy with the name... maybe someone could think up a name for me. If you could, that'd be great. Anyways I should stop typing. Thanks!)

Feeling harder as the days go by,
Having to stick so close to an alibi,
So many pills…
What am I taking?
This one, little red pill had me shaking,
Rushed down to emergency,
Ambulance lights blinking,
Back up at the ward,
And now I’m thinking,
Or is it just voices in my head,
Is it just my mental illness?
Bottle – pill-less,
Admission after admission,
But it adds another edition,
Another chapter to the book of my life,
No picket fence,
No wife,
No blood related kids,
Such a diverse life,
But for now... I’m stuck here,
Whatever they tell, I adhere.

I believe you are my healer,
You’re all I need,
I believe you are my healer,
You’re all I need,

Forget sexuality,
We are all just like a seed,
We burst open and are given life,
We reach out towards the light,
We grow up,
And then bloom,
And our hormones go ‘boom’,
But that doesn’t matter,
I want you to love you,
Like, sincerely love you,
Love yourself,
All your worries – bottom shelved,
What you want in life – top shelved,
And don’t ever retreat and curl into a shell,
If you’re going to curl, curl into a ball,
So you can bounce back off of that brick wall,
I want you to love YOU,
Nothing is impossible for me,
So nothing is impossible for you.