Qamar, Homayoun Shajarian - Atashe Del

Thread: Qamar, Homayoun Shajarian - Atashe Del

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    afsaneh said:

    Default Qamar, Homayoun Shajarian - Atashe Del

    Atashe Del (Heart’s Flame)
    Song: Morteza NeyDavoud
    Singer: Qamar, Homayoun Shajarian
    Lyrics: Hossein Pezhman Bakhtiari

    Aatashi dar seeneh daaram jaavedaani --------------------------------------- I have a flame within my heart, immortal
    Omre man margist naamash zendegaani ------------------------------------- my life is a death, its name, life

    Rahmati kon kaz ghamat jaan misepaaram ---------------------------------- be compassionate since I am dying of your grief
    Bish az een man taaghate hejraan nadaaram ------------------------------- I cannot withstand this separation anymore

    Kei nahi bar saram pay ey pari az vafaaraadi? ------------------------------- when would you be faithful and come towards me oh my fairy?
    Shod tamaam ashke man bas dar ghamat karde’am zaari --------------- I have run out of tears because I’ve wailed and cried from your grief

    Nogoli zibaa bovad hosn o javaani --------------------------------------------- a fair and fresh blossom is beauty and youth
    Atre aan gol rahmat ast o mehrabaani ---------------------------------------- the aroma of that flower is compassion and cordiality

    Naapasindide bovad del shekastan -------------------------------------------- heartbreaking is inadmissible
    Reshteye olfat o yaari gosastan ------------------------------------------------- unbounding the tie of affection and help

    Kei koni ey pari tarke setamgari ------------------------------------------------ when would you abandon tyranny oh fairy?
    Mifekani nazari aakhar be chashme zhaaleh baaram ------------------- and would finally have a glance on my dewed eyes

    Gar che naaze delbaraan del taazeh daarad ------------------------------- although beloved’s coquetry is heart-refreshing
    Naaz ham dar dele man andaazeh daarad --------------------------------- in my heart coquetry has its confines

    Heif gar tarahomi nemikoni bar hale zaaram ------------------------------ alas you are not taking pity on my deplorable condition
    Joz dami ke bogzarad (ke bogzarad) az chaare kaaram ----------------- except when it is too late for my survival

    Daanamat ke bar saram gozar koni be rahmat ammaa ----------------- I know that you would affectionately pass me by
    Aan zamaan ke barkeshad giyaahe gham sar az mazaaram ----------- the time when from my grave sorrow’s plants would be growing

    Last edited by afsaneh; 07-15-2013 at 07:37 AM.
    "If music be the food of love; play on."