Milena Ceranic Dvadesete Gazim

Thread: Milena Ceranic Dvadesete Gazim

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  1. dimitrisdany said:

    Default Milena Ceranic Dvadesete Gazim

    please translate this song. thank you
  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:

    Smile Milena Ćeranić - I'm in my twenties

    Dvadesete gazim
    dobro mi je sasvim
    ja sam to sto jesam
    pitoma i besna

    Zivi sto mozes brze
    leti malo nize
    da ti sreca bude blize

    Kad te pesma digne
    kad te pravi stigne
    to zivot bolji nam ide

    Te hoce i nece, ma
    samo nek' se krece

    Ref. 2x
    Dvadesete gazim
    dobro mi je sasvim
    gde mi noge krenu
    svi se okrenu

    Ja sam to sto jesam
    pitoma i besna
    nisam spremna
    ja na promenu

    Uzmi sto dusa trazi
    sve sto mislis kazi
    ako moras malo slazi

    Idi da te vide
    baci sve pod stikle
    to zivot bolji nam ide

    I'm in my twenties
    I feel good completely
    I am what I am
    tamed and angry

    Live as faster as you can
    fly little lower
    so that happiness can be closer to you

    When song rises you
    when right one arrives
    that is a better life that is coming to us

    Things work, then don't,
    it's good while things roll

    Ref. 2x
    I'm in my twenties
    I feel good completely
    where my legs start walking
    everyone turns around

    I am what I am
    tamed and angry
    I am not ready
    for a change

    Take what soul asks for
    say everything that is on your mind
    lie a little if you have to

    Go so they can see you
    throw everything under your heels
    that is better life that is coming to us