Get it back

Thread: Get it back

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  1. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:

    Default Get it back

    Started writing this and then remembered a song by Muse....

    Pusher playin his favorite tricks
    Thinks he's got us on the fix
    Righteous lies are his disguise
    Dissension lynchin is his prize
    Build it up then tear you down
    Before you know it you're underground.

    They piled up so much on the plate
    It's started sinking from the weight
    They think the herd don't see or care
    So now it's scary as hell out there
    Red is blue and green is mean
    Feed the monster or come clean.

    Pay it out so they got more clout
    Cause you don't know what they're all about
    Got you kissin all up their mission
    But one more match will light the fission
    Get it back or your future is history
    And you bought right into your misery.

    Don't tell me you can't see the score
    So what the hell are you waiting for
    Or are you one of those that rolled
    And sold your soul out for the dole
    Take it back get your mind on track
    Or you'll drop right through the crack.

    State of mind is truth gone blind
    But not the lady-justice kind
    Money's evil but they got their share
    See it or not they just don't care
    They'll walk it back then wag the dog
    If you complain "Well it's the Law."

    The ones before, "It's all their fault"
    Thinking "We just won't get caught"
    Add it up they dumbed you down
    But get your feet back on the ground
    Don't tell me you don't see the score
    So what the hell are you waiting for.
    Last edited by Teshka; 11-08-2013 at 05:35 PM.
    Music is what feelings sound like
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  2. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:


    Just realized the mistake......I meant to post this in Poetry not Lyrics :-/
    Music is what feelings sound like
    Listen to the Love
  3. MoonRide*r*'s Avatar

    MoonRide*r* said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Teshka View Post
    I meant to post this in Poetry not Lyrics :-/
    Well I told you you shoulda rapped it so it probably belongs here anyway.
    There is no glamour in sudden death, and nobody ever wins a war.
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  4. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    hahahaa! Lol, nice to see the two of you here.
    I have to admit this one causes me to frown the brows.
    It may be because I may not be familiar with the exact point it is trying to touch.
    I have read it various times.
    What I see is a warning: be on guard watever you think or do.
    We lately have gone through such worldwide scandals which touch both USA and many other countries.
    Does it refer to it?
    Ah- I wish I knew, Tess!
    I'm gonna let this sink in for a while and see what I make of it, baby!
  5. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:


    You have the right idea, I wrote it with primarily the USA in mind and specifically the healthcare debacle (you have to read the conservative columns to get most of that, altho even CNN and 2 or 3 others are covering more honestly now) and the shutdown, the flat out stubbornness of the emperial court to concede that negotiation and compromise are the American way (and then even as they refused to compromise on budget etc, their glorious website crashed and still is not nearly fixed), plus about 4-5 years of accummulations of frustration and seeing what's been going on.....and where it's all headed....I won't say more but just put this together with my recent comments in Moon's Philosophies thread.....then add your own personal thoughts and observations and i think you'll have the most important things figured out
    Music is what feelings sound like
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  6. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:


    Some of it also refers to the community-activism philosophies and tactics of the late Saul Alinsky. Now do you want to guess which two very prominent American politicians are long-time students of Mr. Alinsky? If you know about that then maybe you can grasp another piece or 2 of the puzzle
    Music is what feelings sound like
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