Dreamer (1/15/13)

Thread: Dreamer (1/15/13)

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  1. Kerri Faye Yates's Avatar

    Kerri Faye Yates said:

    Default Dreamer (1/15/13)

    Im a dreamer, believer,

    Sometimes a deceiver.

    I like to live, live to love,

    Love to fight for what's right in my eyes.

    I'm right, I'm wrong, I'm all over the place,

    I'm a runner, a looker, some call me a keeper,

    I do what I want, Im who I want to be.

    Constantly changing, evolving, growing,

    Anything to make sure my world is not slowing.

    You know what you want, you've seen more than I,

    You're open with feelings, you don't try to hide.

    You're a dreamer, a believer,

    Sometimes a deceiver.

    You like to live, live to love,

    Love to fight for what's right in your eyes.

    You're here, you're not, you're there then you're gone,

    You're the chaser and the shot, some call you a loner.

    You do what feels right, you're who you want to be.

    Always imagining, trusting, discovering,

    Never giving in though everyone is hovering.

    We both love conversation, of the intelligent kind,

    We're open with each other, and that makes it all right.

    We are dreamers, believers,

    Sometimes we're deceivers.

    We like to live, live to love,

    Love to fight for what's right in our eyes.
    ~Kerri Faye
  2. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Nobody replied to this.........shame,shame,shame!First off I like it;it sings right off the page,which is my standard for success.Let me give my 2cents.....4th line:"love to fight for what's right"The extra words aren't necessary and they throw the beat off.My second suggestion (after re-reading it)isn't as important,but I'll tell you just in case you choose to use it.The 8th line,"To make sure my world's not slowing"I think the word "anything" slows it down.If it's not absolutely necessary,I'd lose it.If you're in love with it,keep it.I'm justing going on, strictly the rhythm of the lines and how they "sang" to me.I always lose words that don't need to be there.Just my suggestions;you can take them or leave them.I wouldn't take the time to say this to most writers;I only give advice to the people I respect,and you have mine.I'm not a "know it all" I'm merely giving you my 2 cents.This is a great tune that if strummed with the right vigor (think Steven Stills' guitar break on "Sweet Judy Blue Eyes")it could be a staple for some band.I don't say this too often,but since this is my first reply in weeks,I thought I'd give you my best effort!