Identify: Nancy Ajram?

Thread: Identify: Nancy Ajram?

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  1. Yrishka's Avatar

    Yrishka said:

    Default Identify: Nancy Ajram?

    Hi everybody,

    I need help with a song. I'm looking for the title/singer as well as the lyrics.

    This is a song that starts with a drum intro, then into faster paced instrumental music. It slows down in the end and a lady starts singing. A dear friend has told me it is Nancy Ajram singing, but I cannot find this song anywhere!

    From the lyrics, when she starts singing I can only make out "Ana bas ala el nogoom....", rhyming it with "koulli youm" in the second sentence.
    About halfway through the song, the music slows down again and she sings "kifaya,...... kifaaaya...... kifaaaaaya.... kifaya...." about 5 times "kifaya"

    This is all I have, but it's so beautiful and a must-find for me

    Please help! I'd be very very thankful!!
    Alf shokr everybody and happy holidays!
  2. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    check this out *it could be what you're looking for* :
    not sure though
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.