Unconventional song ID?

Thread: Unconventional song ID?

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  1. Yrishka's Avatar

    Yrishka said:

    Wink Unconventional song ID?

    Dear everyone,

    I was watching and loving the video of this bellydancer. I just LOVE her music! Does anybody know which song this is? It says in and under the video it's called "El Wada'a" (or "El Wadaah"), but I am desperately looking and not finding the song, it's artist or which cd it is on so I can try and get hold of the album.

    I wanted to post and ask about it here. If I find it, I'd also love the lyrics translated and written down, but first I'm on a mission which is finding the song! I'm going nuts and the title alone is not bringing me any further.

    Shukran kitir for all for helping out,

    oh, and here's the link ofcourse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om9iCSdKT50

    Later on in the video starts the singing. Thanks for taking the trouble to look!
  2. arabianofelix's Avatar

    arabianofelix said:


    unconventional yes. seems to be a live recording by unknown singer. even the song makes no sense...wouldn't call it a song either...
  3. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Dear did it occur to you to ask the women (who coincedentlly happens to be the belly dancer) who uploaded the video? Ask her for the name of the song?

    And dont be suprised if she tells you its وش وش
  4. LLLS said:


    Excuse me, but what made you to love this "song"? I know that personal preferences are not very good subject to discuss, but I really don't get it
    Also did you visited her site? http://www.lotusniraja.com/
    Last edited by LLLS; 04-14-2010 at 06:22 AM.
  5. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    Hi, this music reminds me definitly on IBRAHIM ABU HASSAN

    She is american belly dancer and I am not sure if his records are also sold in the US. He is from Jordania, but lives in Germany and aranges music for belly dancers.

    I couldnīt find the song on the CDs I have.

    If you should ever find out, please let me know.

    Happa hips
  6. arabianofelix's Avatar

    arabianofelix said:


    I second that, contact the website and ask for track/CD name