pinglish and english translation please
pinglish and english translation please
Daftare bimani (meaningless book)
Lyrics: Hafez (parts of sonnet 466 )
In khergheh ke man daaram ---------------------------- this cloak which I own
Dar rahne sharaabe olaa --------------------------------- better be a pledge(mortgage) of wine
Vin daftare ba ma’ni -------------------------------------- this meaningless book
Gharghe meye nab olaa ---------------------------------- better be floated in pure wine
Man haalate zaahed raa ---------------------------------- the mood of the ascetic
baa khalgh nakhaaham goft ----------------------------- I will not declare to the people
In ghesseh agar gooyam --------------------------------- if I told this tale
baa chang o robaab olaa --------------------------------- better to the Harp and the Robab
Last edited by afsaneh; 11-21-2014 at 06:32 AM.
"If music be the food of love; play on."
great thank you so much!