Life still a b i a t c h. By Trilly, Portland, ME

Thread: Life still a b i a t c h. By Trilly, Portland, ME

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  1. Trilly said:

    Default Life still a b i a t c h. By Trilly, Portland, ME

    By Trilly, Portland Maine. Any replies appreciated.

    Currently attempting to concoct a beat for the lyrics:

    1: Life’s a bitc h, it’s hard as hell to get by’
    2: Don’t send my letters with my stamps, Goodwilll ain’tnever been fly
    3: Bill O’reiley said the cash’ll trickle in, Reagan said it’d rain- b itch I live in the Atacama
    4: When n your family ‘starvin,’ Bill, dat the same shi t you’d tetll me as to your own baby’s mama?
    5: You should walk in my worn kicks; can’t pay my gas, rent, insurance, or **** in’ loans from my father
    6: When I see shotguns or high buildings I think “Why even bother?!”
    8: Depressed as f uck, situation’s got me sick in the head, but uninsured, got no cash for meds
    9: ‘Cept the kind you can cop on the street if you want ‘em by them track stars corner posted
    10: Rocks, H, or Roxy, that c unt, she’s toxic. Murdered my cousin and took a hack at my brother.
    11: My cousin’s still alive physically, but mentally, he’s long gone, brain shot
    12: Like Terry Shiavo walkin,’ talkin, but lackin' brainpower, head scrapped, rotted out, seen my aunt cry for hours
    13: Kids, seem to think it’s blue magic at first, but later come to despise it’s power, see it as Smeagol’s ring
    14: Overthrow your mind & declare itself king. Half the state’d have something better to do, if
    15: Some politician tacked on a pair, spit truth & provided some jobs, got to actin', instead bullsh it tin' & yackin'
    16: Folks stealing & dealing, just to feed, economically we’re reeling. No hope for ****, hip-hop hooray
    17: Instead most people kick it, get ****ed up and collect: checks, do drugs & pop 40 tops off & get blasted all day.
    18: Poverty like Sudan with more trees, that’s my diction: Any naysayer's deluded rambling on speaking fiction.
    19: And those lucky enough to have ghettocare & a back prob- them, they pimpin’ that bitc h Roxy for their jobs.
    20: But Roxy’s expensive, more so than iriding that horse. So before you know it, the kid’s are all kickin
    21: Plungers, cotton balls, lighters & spoons out back at night at the capital concourse.
    20: Soon they become prominent equestrians, fams grieve, horse'll f uck ‘em up worse than Chris Reeve
    21: One can see their future continuing, collapsed veins, hep C, AIDS, dead in a dumpster, burred forgotten.
    22: When I found out, one in my family was reeling from that ****, I set out to find the guy who was
    24: Dealing him hot hot hits. From moment one, bad hat, told me to f uck off that day. You could say
    23: He didn’t see things my way, so like Sinatra, I did things my way that day. Came back
    24: and said hi really late that night, now he’s got a pissbag, colostomy, hoveround & can’t speak right.
    25: Though it was fine to deal poison to my fam, and that’s all fine, cause wow, Wilfred Brimley’s
    26: Hooked it up to deliver his diapers, colostomy sacks, & pissbags monthly, on time-f ucker how's the high life now?!
    27: It’s the state of our state, the septic tank of our nation. Vacationland? Shi t, those born here not addicted
    28: Are racing to get the fuc k out and exit,split from this jobless wasteland, aloha, bouncing, like we had an outbreak of ebola
    29: Ironic if it broke out here and half the state caught it, I doubt, no one could afford the hospital bill if they fell ill, impoverished
    30: Doesn't sit well. In America with no insurance, you need medical help, you get pimped out to collection agencies
    31: Whose job it is to buttfuc k the ill for the hospital’s outrageous fees; One time, I cut myself bad
    32: Went to the emergency, with no insurance and they said: “I’d have to pay and they’d have to see my ID
    33: ahead for my addy so they could bill me- in pain, I did what the f uck they wanted, under duress.
    34: Pain killing me, bleeding out like a mess. They fixed me up and sent me home with scripts I tried to fill,
    35: that cost five hundred bucks, couldn’t pay that bill, made me sad. Knowing cold fact, f uckin' soberin'
    36:To know, I was a second class citizen, writhin' in pain with no Vicodin; Lucky I didn’t get an infection for lack of
    .37: Penicillin; thought that pill was hard to swallow till I saw the bill, my jaw hit the floor – I got ill. Tell me
    38: Who’s got the audacity to bill a patient eleven G’s for a bit of their time, where the supplies cost s hit
    39. How does one feel entitled to break a man just for a profit!? There’s not a job on earth I could do,
    40: Not one in hell, that I could work a half an hour, charge that and not get told, to find a bush, hide &
    41: Go fuc k myself outside in the cold. Beholden this experience,sought to flip the script, write my story, sing my song, most of all,
    42: Warn y'all bout crazy sh it gone wrong. Spoke to DSS tryin’ to get on the dole insurance, but currently I can’t- f uck!
    43:Why? My prior year’s income exceeded their cut off by ten bucks. Ten bucks. Above the poverty line.
    44: Foolish to assume with that whole ten bucks, I could pay my hospital bill just fine, & then go out to eat
    45: Maybe a 12lb lobster, & 'case of bubb, get rowdy, & afterwards ask valet to go cop me my platinum Veyron Bugatti.
    46: But on the real yo, I informed the DSS Rep I’d give her ten bucks back, mail the state back a check,
    47: Just so I'd have coverage if I broke my neck, got wrecked, racked up, wouldn't get indebted
    48: She laughed, looked at me like some undeserving leech,& out the room she headed. Next
    49: Spoke to charity financial assistance, asked the hospital for bill forgiveness- got told to go screw by the desk bi tch
    50: After which, I told ‘em I couldn’t pay, sent me to a collection agency, whereupon works the lowest of humanity
    53: Septic tank scumbags, spend their day, dialin’ the phone, trying to track me down, seeing if I’m home
    54: Calling family and friends even came to my house to harass me, my mind was blown!
    55: I told the motherfu cker if he ever came to my home again, to show up to harass me, If I was you
    56: I'd heed my warning, I see you again I'm gonna assume the worst and just for sport pop off
    57: A few rounds at your head, redefine the word postal for the media, edit the fu ckin' Thesaurus,
    58: The coroner's gonna need a shovel and shop vac, to get all the pieces left of ya from my sick mess
    59: Thus, if we happen on a dark street, I hope you got great lungs and can run fast. Because if I catch you,
    47: I’ll off you, your fam, do them,& you last. Guns, knifes, axes, chainsaws, sledgehammers, it don’t matter,
    48: Little to lose, & nothing to put a lien on, I’d feed ya through a wood chipper feet first- splatter.
    49: Fargo, ergo lemme it known I’d do you like Buschemi, lest you call, harass my fam, or ever see me
    50: I'ma engage the killswitch, go to flipside, Hyde, the things I'd do to you would make Satan himself cry.
    51: Sh it'll make you, wish ya forgot me, forgave me, wiped the slate clean with my bill. Ya coulda. Shoulda.
    52: Now, regrettably, the reality was setting in it was a bad idea to have met me, & that I knew your name.
    53: And I could find where you lived, and as an agnostic, I’m an unlikely fuc king guy to forget & forgive
    54: And shi t, my friends and I could give a fu ck about the borders of your restraining order, once that came to light
    54: Crazier then when Magic announced he had AIDS, soon, another rep called to say bill had been paid.
    56: Lucky for him. I wanted to know him that sometime’s life’s a bit ch, still really pissed, boiling with anger
    57: If I mangled you; could you pay your hospital bills, or would I leave you joke broke, hopeless w/ nothing
    58: If again I was pushed I’d gut any scum like him akin to American Pyscho, Bateman, I’d massacre and
    59: Attack,any sick prick looking to make a living inflicting hardship on the impoverished while he got rich.
    60: I’d get creative in inflicting back misery in any way, pay back’s an especially mean bi tch when
    61: I ring your doorbell, f uck up your Gucci & leave your walls Jackson Pollacked w/ grey matter & gooey.
    52: Play with fire, light up the house and molitov the whip, before I dip, & seal the deal for good,
    53: Look around and find my a ss a good stick, & go roast a marshmallow off your luxury minivan’s hood.
    54: Perhaps, those considering a career as corporate collector, key punching monkeys, you walk round in my
    56: shoes in this ****ing country, and if my kicks are taken, there are millions others will lend you so you can feel.
    55: What it's like to be hooked by the balls on your reel. You all need to assess in your souls if it’s ok,
    56: whatever your religion, would Jesus, Buddah or Krishna, Be cool, with you making a living
    57: Acquiring wealth, stacking cheese exploiting inequality, profiting off the impoverished to get the finer things?
    57: I doubt it. They wouldn't be cool, takin' the uninsured & the sick, bleeding their finances dry
    58: To pay your country club membership and make your preffered tee time, high noon Friday,
    59: For you, every day's lovely, never worry bout havin' the cash to gas your Hummer; man, what a bummer
    58: To not be able to afford heating oil every winter and A.C. in the summer. To never think, about how to
    59: feed family on food stamps barely enough to feed a ferret let alone four folks monthly,
    60: "But hey, I'm rich, fu ck their right to happiness, so long my a ss is comfy, and my condo's got a sweet view!"
    60: Fu cker, I too got a right to my happiness in my country, so **** you.I too, have a right to success & security
    61: In Europe, from birth to death, they take taxes and cover their citizen's wellbeing- Free.The way it should be.
    62: Corporations here just want to profit and lay folks off. Chop benefits, trim bottom so the top can gorge
    63: Historically that's why violent revolutions break out, you know? F.Y.I., droppin' knowledge, may be poor
    64:But I'm dangerous, vote liberal down the line. I love showing religious nuts, right wing ignoramuses the door
    65: I do so, because they make failing the people a science, dweebs, like Palin quotin' Ayn Rand, yet can't read.
    65: One weekend in Portland when Palin was speaking, in front of the venue a man was holding a baby,
    66: screaming and waling for mommy, who was begging at the nearby intersection. The guy did ten years
    67: in the Army, a fuc king veteran, had a son in Iraq and another in Afghanistan, no house; no savings,
    68: Just a survival plan & some blankets, surviving, camping out under a railway embankment.
    69: Such a fitting thank you, a fu ck you, for their esteemed service to their country, now eat sh it & die
    70:Sad, I gave the man a twenty. A lotta people living harshly for being in the so-called land of plenty
    71: Was the least could do, allow his fam to eat, live. What that man deserved was infinitely more than I could give.
    72: But we can't afford to they say. Why, have our taxes been quandered, bailing out people working
    73: In places to big to fail, it's gonzo, so they can make their 50k rent on their upper east side condo
    74: Christmas in Vail, staff the Malibu beach house, aloof, that people exist that would kill for just a roof.
    75: For what it cost to gas up their G6 once, they could feed and house a hundred families for a month.
    76: Ironically,: If we legalized the stuff the poor do under the table to make ends meet, and taxed it,
    77: We’d have food, shelter & health care for every person that came and asked for it
    78: We’d have roads with no potholes, kids from every urban project complex
    79: Would get an equal education to those in Saratoga or in East Neck. I think we need to
    80: Reorganize priorities and rise up, so less of the majority’s in poverty & see the forest for
    81: The trees, tell our politicians to stop working for you and do something for me. Get off the pipe,
    82: Stop listening to the right wing hype, because for those that buy in, Nas done told ‘em, “Life’s a Bi tch,
    83: and then you die,” But it don’t have to be a truism. All social ills are easily solvable through altruism.
    Last edited by Trilly; 01-27-2011 at 08:02 AM.
  2. R Dot D said:


    too long but good.