Jawwad al Ali - 7abib al Rou7

Thread: Jawwad al Ali - 7abib al Rou7

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  1. nawaf said:

    Default Jawwad al Ali - 7abib al Rou7

    can someone translate this to englishh plz?

  2. oumy077's Avatar

    oumy077 said:


    here is my try

    وينك حبـيب الـروح غايب عليه
    Where are you lover of my love (or my soul mate love) you are absent
    غـيـبـة دلـع ولا شايـل عليه
    absent because you are spoiled or you're angry at me
    قلبك واعرفه زين مو طبعه يثقل
    This is your heart and i know it well becoming dark it's not his attitude
    عودني طول الوقت يسئل عليه
    He (it) inure me to ask about me all the time

    احس صـوتك عيد لازار سمعي
    I feel your voice is a festivity and it didn't visit my hearing
    ولا قـلتـلي ويـنـك كـنهـا هـديه
    You said where are you (didn't ask about me) such as a gift
    لانك هو روحي وفي الحب نبعي
    Because you are the air of my soul the geyser of my love
    ياقـلب مـا بلقى في الكـون زيـه
    A heart that i will never find an identical like him

    أنسى معك اهلي و ناسي و ربعي
    With you I forget my family, my people my friends
    واعيش في همسك ناسي اللآسيه
    And I live in your whisper forgeting the others
    ياما سقيتك حب من فـيـض كاسي
    How many times i irrigate you love from the flood of my glass
    اسقـيـني لــو مـــره شـربـه هـنـيه
    Irrigate me even for one time I will raise it peacefully

    قلبك ولو زعلان لايصير قاسي
    Even if your heart was upset please don't become tough
    وطيفي لو زارك في البـال حـيه
    And if my spectrum visits you in your mind please greet him
    يمكن يحن قلبك يأغلى ناسي
    Your heart could be craved my percious
    وتـقـوم وتـتفضل وتـسأل علـيه
    And you will ask about him