I heard it a while back about 2 times and my computer froze and I ended up forgetting what it was called LOL anyways all I remember is that it's a man and a woman singing and it sounded sweet, I think it was a ballad or something similar. It was a romantic song and when I think about it for some reason the phrase "Veni, Vidi, Vici" pops up in my head, I do remember that either the song or one of the artists had the name sound something similar to that phrase. I know I didn't give much information but this is sadly all I remember I've been trying to identify it for about 2 years with no luck :'(, I remember listening to it on youtube and the guy made like a slideshow and it had like pictures of the beach and like a couple if that helps
EDIT: Nevermind I have FINALLY found it!!! It's called Dragostea by Vama Veche anyways thanks everyone for trying to help me out!