Battle rap tournament.. Grand finals (!!)

Thread: Battle rap tournament.. Grand finals (!!)

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  1. _SBU said:

    Default Battle rap tournament.. Grand finals (!!)

    Props to Zarex for starting a tournament here. I've been enjoying it so far, overall.

    There were some disputes and things got a bit out of hand at points, but there's a lot of mutual respect and dope lyricism in it too so lets focus on that and see this thing through to it's conclusion yeah?
    we're almost there, let's keep momentum.

    Battle drops contain a lot of apparently negative content as standard so everyone please remember what this is all really about and try to balance that out with the proper positivity and respect outside of the battle drops, for all our sakes and for the artform.

    Please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think as the votes stacked up the final is Zarex vs SK'n Deep.
    If that's right, are you both still down for this? [EDITED: see next post.]
    (Molotova deserves extra credit though.. she won her battles but bowed out gracefully due to a silly dispute which wasn't the fault of anyone here.)

    And people, please vote! and vote carefully to respect these rappers. such skill deserves the feedback and encouragement and the votes to see this thing through.
    We all care about more than just our own progress.. even if eliminated we can show the interest to keep this thing going for those who are still in it.. I know that, but let's act on it by voting

    Thanks for reading. lets do this yeah..?
    Last edited by _SBU; 09-24-2011 at 03:35 AM.
  2. _SBU said:


    OH wait Zarex Vs SK'n already happened, and SK'n won, but that was before Molotova bowed out and reinstated Zarex.

    Maybe this is a bold suggestion, but I think for this event to resolve properly the final should be Molotova VS Sk'nDeep, if everyone agrees?
    Those are the two who haven't lost a battle and havent battled each other in this yet.

    Are you willing to come back into this event Mo, as you deserve to, in the proper respectful setting?
    SK'n, are you down for that?
    And Zarex, do you agree with me, or do you think you should battle SK'n again for the final?
    Last edited by _SBU; 09-24-2011 at 03:56 AM.
  3. Molotova's Avatar

    Molotova said:


    I didn't see this post until now, so that explains my late reaction.
    I'm down for it. I think Sk'n will be down for it too ...
    We always wanted to battle each other, eventhough it's going to be hard to battle Sk'n, hahaa.
    What ya say Sk'n ? You and me ?
    1 <3
  4. SK'nDeep's Avatar

    SK'nDeep said:


    When I get back in to town I don't see an issue with that. Molo has always been a challange with anyone who has battled her. It would be an honor.
    The queen vs king. lol. As you all know I have a great deal of respect for her and i'm sure she feels the same way for me. Molo will not hold back and niether will I to spare feelings. no mercy....nothing personal...just a great battle.
    I'm in if it's cool with Z....I agree with SBU.
    Peace Love Empathy

  5. Molotova's Avatar

    Molotova said:


    You're like my brother in rhyme, Sk'n. Also, as u already know, I have a great amount of respect for you. I know we won't hold back in our battle, but I wanna make this thing very clear before I battle you.
    I know we've never met as u live in the USA and I live in friggin' Europe, but still. It feels like I know you for a long time, and I really love the way you put your lyrics together and I absolutely love your style.
    We'll have to battle fast though, because my white xss is leaving to Bulgaria (for 3 weeks, with no internet !) in like 3 days !
    By the way, SBU, I have a lot of respect for you too, I have always loved your rhymes and especially the ones that you are going to use for your album. It means a lot to me that YOU have posted this thing right here.
    I'm loving everyone today ! Hahaa. It's true though, 1 respect, 1 love !
    1 <3
  6. Molotova's Avatar

    Molotova said:


    Oooh, one thing I forgot to mention ! After the Dutch forum, believe it or not, but this feels like coming home !
    1 <3