I need to identify a song

Thread: I need to identify a song

Tags: drummer, female, guitar, identify, rifs
  1. kenymator8 said:

    Default I need to identify a song


    I just know that the song begins with 2 or 3 simple rifs on guitar and maybe some drum beats and the singer singing between each sequence of rifs i wanna. Intro including just "i wanna" so i dont know any other lyrics. It is really great song and i cant remember who it sings. Another thing i know is that the band got female drummer i think :-) . Other bands with almost same style are block party or blood red shoes. If you have any questions i will try to answer them. Thx for anything. Just try something. Thanks
    Last edited by kenymator8; 01-04-2012 at 02:13 PM.