Idenify this song please

Thread: Idenify this song please

Tags: identify it
  1. cranberry23 said:

    Post Idenify this song please

    Can someone please tell me who sings this song and the correct name of the song? I have tried over and over again to find it on the web but failed. It is a ballad from the late 80's or early 90's and I have part of it on casette tape.
    Yes, casette tape! That's how old it is. Many thanks.

    Here is the link on youtube.
  2. jp12345 said:


    What are you looking up? "No Love for My Soul"? Since that turns up nothing the title is probably "No Love" or "My Soul".
  3. cranberry23 said:

    Unhappy Identify this song please

    I searched for all types of combinations on a few different websites. Got nothing.