Ashdi – Thirteen Schmirteen lyrics

I used to be a lil' feller.
Down yonder on the feild.
I wished I was a farmer,
So i could cut hay all day long.

The grass was never short,
Always tall and brown.
I ate chocolate covered ants,
While I listened to Jingle Bell Rock.

I remember when Tasha would visit,
She's grown a foot or two.
I don't think I'm that different,
I just wear suspenders with my PJs.

If you lived in the grassland biome,
You'd understand it too.
It's not too complex,
I promise you, I don't lie.

Next summer's only a year away,
Let's hope our farming skills dont woosh out the door.
It's only 12 more months.
Till then, we won't speak again.

Submitted by Guest