Khaleel Muhammad – Why Children Won’t Pray Lyrics
Verse 1:
When they are babies’ kids love to pray.
So full of Love, they’ll pray all day.
But as they get older the world crushes in,
filling their hearts and young minds with sin.
Now look at your children
why won’t they pray?
We have to show them Islam is the way.
The devil he promised to lead us stray.
Now do you see why children won’t pray?
Verse 2:
‘Do as I say, don’t do as I do’
- doesn’t work [spoken].
Can’t you see your children always follow what you do?
Why are you surprised how they turn out if you hardly took the time,
to teach, to guide, to truly love and inspire awareness of Allah.
Verse 3:
Society and its changing fashions, over time, taints their innocent hearts.
The void that you have left is quickly filled
with painful compromise leading their hearts and minds
Away from the straight path on which they were born, on which they were born.
It’s sometimes hard to face the truth.
When children go astray the guilty ones
are you and I.
If we reflect on the times we let our children down,
we’d cry an ocean of tears and plead astagfur’Allah.
Verse 4:
You only have to spend a little time to let your children know how special they truly are.
It’s never to late, there’s always time to teach, to guide, to truly love and inspire awareness of Allah.
Please do it today
Chorus 2:
Now look at your children
that’s why they won’t pray.
Take time to show them Islam is the way.
Lead by good example and they won’t go astray.
Now do you see
how children will pray?
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