Kiss Me Screaming – One Last Revenge Lyrics
And can you feel my breath
The breath that you'll last feel
Are you wondering why and how
You got into this great ordeal?
Have you not yet realized
That it was you who made the mistake
The mistake of crushing me
So now its you're turn
For you're heart to brake.
Stab me in the heart
That’s fine
I’ll impale you
You’ll die
Can’t wait till I hear your last cry
Just wait until tonite..
Revenge is sweet
With no regret
Can’t wait until your last breath
Trying to catch a girp to freedom
It’s to late
What you did to me
You should have learned from
Bleed a little bit more
Till even your eyes feel sore
Angels falling from above
Wondering how this love
Got into such a mess
But they also
Can’t wait until the death
Sorrow built from tears
Whats coming true are you worst fears
Stab me in the heart
That’s fine
I’ll impale you
You’ll die
Can’t wait till I hear your last cry
Just wait until tonite..
In one swift movement
With grace so fine
Don’t you no by now
This world is myne
Crushing it is only half of the disaster
And then there’s you
The one I come after.
Stab me
That’s fine
I’ll impale you
You’ll die
And here comes your last cry.
You waited to long