BJ Sam – Letras de Oluwalonsola

♪ Oluwalonsola ♪ by BJ Sam

Don’t let anyone deceive you
Nor influence you to do evil
Cause if Devil promise to bless you
He will kill you before the breakthrough
His blessings never stand the test of time
He only came to steal and take away
But if you patiently wait your time
You will eat the good of the land
God said ask and yee shall be given
Seek and yee shall find
Beloved we receive not
Just because we ask not

Oluwa lon sola oh 3x
Na Jehovah dey bless oh

Beloved see before my sunrise
I was discourage and despise
But I patiently stick to advice
Energize to try knowing how time flies
Now God has taken me to a nice paradise
Don’t entice by evil device
Cause they will soon demand for sacrifice
Are you prepared to pay the price?
Guys don’t be surprise that I’m so wise
Cause my eyes has seem different slice
Now I know the truth and lies
No one can trick me to play dice

Oluwa lon sola oh 3x
Na Jehovah dey bless oh

Ai ni suru eda
Lo n mu eda sise ibi
Ai ni suru eda
Lo n mo eda kuiku ojiji

Oluwa lon sola oh 3x
Na Jehovah dey bless oh

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