Darkwoods My Betrothed – Letras de Red Sky Over The Land Of Fells
One endless cold star
Here I stand... following
Thy dark spirit... thy faint light
A path across my dreams
Take me far... into the unknown fly
Over a desert... a snowfield
...and dancing woods
I storm the nocturnal sky
In the fiery chariots I ride...
My dreams are like thy rays...
I see them sink into the sands of time
...and fade...
My spirit is like thine...
Shows only its nightside
Always strong and faithful
...and never fails...
These snowy woods, this frozen land
Here I stand... waiting
For thee to come... to show thy face
Over this land
Once heathen... once proud
In the icestorms
Of the cold northern winter
In the snowy hills and dark woods
My heart is forged
And that ice will never melt...
Añadido por Guest
Lo más escuchado de Darkwoods My Betrothed
- Hymn Of The Darkwoods
- Come Fimbulvetr
- Red Sky Over The Land Of Fells
- Nightowl
- Burn, Witches, Burn
- The Preacher Came To Town
- Witch Hunters
- My Eyes Are Frozen
- Without Ceremony And Bell Toll
- King's Gray Shadow
- When Ancient Spirits Battled
- Inside The Circle Of Stones
- From The Snowy Hillsides They Came
- The Diabolical Eve Of The Nocturnal Holocaust
- Autumn Roars Thunder