John Wesley Harding – Letras de Come, Let Us Join Our Friends Above
1 COME, let us join our friends above
That have obtained the prize,
And on the eagle wings of love
To joys celestial rise:
Let all the saints terrestrial sing,
With those to glory gone;
For all the servants of our King,
In earth and heaven, are one.
2 One family we dwell in him,
One church, above, beneath,
Though now divided by the stream,
The narrow stream of death:
One army of the living God,
To his command we bow;
Part of his host have crossed the flood,
And part are crossing now.
3 Ten thousand to their endless home
This solemn moment fly;
And we are to the margin come,
And we expect to die:
His militant embodied host,
With wishful looks we stand,
And long to see that happy coast,
And reach the heavenly land.
4 Our old companions in distress
We haste again to see,
And eager long for our release,
And full felicity:
Even now by faith we join our hands
With those that went before;
And greet the blood-besprinkled bands
On the eternal shore.
5 Our spirits too shall quickly join,
Like theirs with glory crowned,
And shout to see our Captain's sign,
To hear his trumpet sound.
O that we now might grasp our guide!
O that the word were given!
Come, Lord of hosts, the waves divide,
And land us all in heaven!
Lo más escuchado de John Wesley Harding
- Captain Of Israel's Host, And Guide
- How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds
- Great God Of Wonders! All Thy Ways
- Go Labour On; Spend, And Be Spent
- Give Me The Wings Of Faith To Rise
- Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above
- Abide With Me! Fast Falls The Eventide
- Father, I Know That All My Life
- All Things Are Possible To Him
- Rock Of Ages, Cleft For Me,
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid
- Rejoice, The Lord Is King
- Long Have I Seemed To Serve Thee, Lord
- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!