Totalt Jalva Morker – Letras de Städa Efter Din Egen Skit
Álbum: Det Ofrivilliga Lidandets Maskineri
Städa efter din egen skit / Clean up your own filth
Surt regn och dassigt klimat
Fabriker och industrin förgiftar oss
Du får gärna kalla mig rabiat
Men vill du göra upp kan jag slåss
Städa efter din egen skit
It is so damn easy to complain at environmental taxes when you have your own back covered, and are able to buy your way out of trouble. If you are contributing to the pollution you have to be prepared to pay the price of the environmental conservation costs. We need to find new ways to keep our environment clean. When factories and industries have poisoned our water so bad that it is impossible to drink, then we will see what your money is good for.
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